Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Arzar Esmut was an Elecrian ruler of the Elecrian Kingdom who established the Elecrian Empire and started a crusade against the planets that would later form the Senb'An'Tiin Confederacy.


Arzar Esmut was one of the participants of the conspiracy against the King of Elecria, Ezgel Wersozvo, who was killed during the revolution on Elecria circa 3,995 BBY. As a result, Arzar would take his place, desiring to achieve the power even greater than all of his predecessors. After being a King for several decades, he would soon proclaim himself as the Emperor of Elecria.

Elecria was a second home to the Elecrians. They colonized it after the ecological destruction of their native world of Elecris. Since that time, they believed that the Elecrian state was given a gift from Gods - life and fortune for the death of the motherland.

Such a belief became a wonderful tool in the hands of the new King. Arzar used it to create an army in order to expand the territories of his Empire.

He promised to be the one who would eventually bring true fortune and glory to the peoples of Elecria, which would become then the most powerful and the richest planet. Nobody expected him to make an agreement with the Sith Empire though, and the Sith were used as another instrument in achieving his goals. Moreover, he allowed the Sith have their own military base on Elecria.

Arzar was envious of other planets and nations, which represented beautiful worlds with prosperous cities, and he decided to invade them, or destroy in case of a serious confrontation. The first operation was conducted on Vur'Lua, where several hundred colonists were wiped out both by the Elecrians and the Sith troopers.

The newly-proclaimed Emperor ordered the construction of a military base on Shiib, which was later known as Feedey Station among the many refugees of the Jedi Civil War, and was transformed into Fiderkha spaceport. As for Uthel, Arzar sent a group of the so-called diplomats, who, in reality, were his spies and assassins. However, this part of the plan ended in a fiasco, when the Uthelians started their own revolution against the Elecria. They even sent a group of their people to infiltrate the Elecrian Palace and to capture the Emperor.

However, during this attack, the Emperor, seeing that he was losing his power and allies, committed a suicide. He was found dead, lying on the floor with a bottle of poisonous juice in his hand. After his death, Elecria would become one of the first three members of the Senb'An'Tiin Confederacy.

In 21 BBY, Elecrian revolutionaries, which was a group that idolized Arzar Esmut, were given a chance to take revenge on Anarmar and Uthel for the failure of the past, or so they were told by ZID-17 and Count Dooku.


  • Star Wars: Keeper's Chronicles
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story VII