Star Wars Fanon

Arwen Xalrich (Are-win Zal-rick) was a Miraluka Jedi who led Theta Squad during the Clone Wars. She survived Order 66 and was able to give birth to a daughter in 5 BBY.


Clone Wars[]

Battle of Geonosis[]

In 22 BBY, Arwen and her master were one of the many Jedi to take part in the Battle of Geonosis, the beginning of the Clone Wars. However, her master was killed by blaster fire, leaving Arwen to fend for herself. She quickly teamed up with the closest Clone trooper squad, which included CT-8492. The squad leader of the troops was killed in battle as well.

Battle of Concord Dawn[]

Mo Lar's capture[]

Theta Squad was sent to the Mandalorian planet of Concord Dawn. There, they battled against the Confederacy of Independent Systems for control of the planet. In their first skirmish, Theta Squad battled the Skakoan commander Mo Lar. Mo Lar's forces were almost able to force Theta Squad to retreat, when CT-8492 and Arwen arrived. With a Jedi on their side, Theta Squad was able to defeat Mo Lar's forces and capture him. After the battle, Grimes, or CT-8492, and Arwen were reassigned to Theta Squad.

The Dark Times[]


Arwen during the "dark times".

In 19 BBY, Palpatine would execute Order 66, which called for the execution of all Jedi. Somehow, Arwen was able to escape. She would make refuge on the planet Cerea. Where she would meet another Miraluka. The two would give birth to Aurea Hali in 5 BBY.


Non-canon appearances[]
