The Arma were a mysterious and Force-using species from their homeworld of Spina, a planet at the edges of the galaxy and the Unknown Regions. The Arma were the last and ultimate stage in the Armadura's evolutionary process. As an Armadura would become an Arma, their latent Force power would become unleashed and would gain the Force level equivalent to a Jedi Master or a Sith Lord. Due to their high level abilities, they drew the attention of an ambitious ex-Jedi named as Pein. Led by Pein, the Arma were used by him as his army and they would fight for the glory and expansion of his kingdom which led to the Arma War, better known as the War of Pein.
Something I have never seen before. See his growths; they grew from his skeletal system. His mask or helmet, or whatever it is, is attached directly on his face almost as if it was stuck on there.
—Kisuk Kolar
As Arma, they gained a completely Near-Human body. Due to their red and pink skin, many people believed them to be almost Zeltron. Because they appeared to be so Near-Human, they were believed to be a Near-Human species but this was not the case. Their most distinctive physical trait was their skeletal growths that were located somewhere on their bodies. They normally took the shape of spikes that grew directly from their skeletal system. They also carried remnants of their Armadura shell on their bodies normally located on their arms, hands, shoulders, and even their backs and faces. Despite their appearance, the shells were not armor and could not be removed since the shell fragments bounded themselves with the skeletal system as they became Arma.
The feature that stood out to many were the mask fragments they carried on their faces. These mask fragments were the remnants of their shell-like faces when they were Armadura and they varied in their location on their faces and shape. Some mask fragments took the appearance of rows of teeth, a lower jaw, or perhaps even half a mask on their faces. Unlike their shell fragments, these masks did not bind together with their skull and were removable. It was quite difficult to remove it though since it was stuck together with the skin and in removing the mask, the Arma would feel extreme pain, weakness, and would probably fall unconscious. Also, it is unknown why but by removing the Arma's mask, a majority of their power decreased and their honor was removed.
Like Humans, Arma bled red and a majority of their organs were similar except for the fact that Arma had an entirely different skeletal, muscle, and circulatory system. Arma had a high level of Force energy due to the number of midi-chlorians they carried. Arma had such a high midi-chlorian count that when they evolved from Armadura or were born, they naturally had the Force power of a low level Sith Lord.
An Arma's DNA was strange in comparison to other species. Certain chemicals in their DNA had the capability to adapt to a foreign chemical in which it had to bond with it and their DNA carried few gaps where other certain chemicals could fill easily. This meant that Arma could mate with similarly-built species and produce fertile offspring as hybrids. Thus, Arma hybrids with Humans, Near-Humans, or non-humans with similarly built bodies as Humans' (Twi'lek, Zabrak, Elomin, etc.) ancestry was possible. The problem with this unique DNA structure was that it prevented mating between Arma and Armadura, meaning the only possibility for offspring was with another Arma or with a different sentient species.
Achieving an Arma body[]
There were only two ways to become an Arma. The first was to be born as an Arma as the offspring of two Arma parents. The other is to evolve and rip off the Armadura shell that bound their bodies.
Born an Arma[]
The possibility of an Arma being born as an Arma were slim due to the low numbers of Arma in the galaxy. Only 0.01% of Armadura ever become Arma and once that occurred it was difficult for that Arma to find a mate. If two Arma were to create offspring, the offspring would contain twice the number of midi-chlorians as the parents thus gaining more Force energy. The offspring would be at the Grand Master or Dark Lord of the Sith level of Force energy. But the offspring would need to learn to harness and control that power.
Natural transformation[]
When an Armadura gained enough intelligence, gained sentient status thus ignoring its beastly instincts, and learned how to transform, the Armadura had the possibility to become an Arma. To transform, Force energy is needed but an Armadura's shell suppressed the Armadura's Force energy so if the Armadura gained sentience, it knew what it had to do. The Armadura would forcefully and painfully rip off pieces of its shell using its bare hands. This released some of its hidden Force power and the Armadura would ignorantly expel as much as possible out of its body. The Force energy manifested itself around the Armadura and forged a shell-like cocoon in which the Armadura would live in during its transformation. The Armadura enters a hibernation trance that lasts about six months. In that time period, the Armadura will transform.