Star Wars Fanon

For many Arkanian who have become great Masters, they slowly came to realize that the perfection of life lies not in science alone, but in understanding of the Force and compassion alongside more concrete observations.
—Jedi Knight Horen Hote, writing about Arkanians in the Jedi Order.

Arkanians were a race of Humans from the terrestrial world of Arkania in the Colonies region of the galaxy. Colonized during the settling of the Slice by a group of scientists and doctors shunned from the Core due to their extreme views, the Arkanians sought to be free of the regulations of the early Republic and delve into the greater mysteries of genetic manipulation. While dealing with the Galactic Republic, the Arkanian government largely interacted with large galactic governments through mining contracts. Rich in diamond mines, the planet was granted provisional status in the Republic, though the Arkanians did not wish to have too great of a Republic on the world so that they might conduct their experiments in peace. Indeed, when the Sith Empire came to power, the Arkanians were quick to draft mining contracts with them, allowing their world to be drawn under Imperial control. Under the Sith, Arkanian experiments were encouraged and the fates of entire species were altered forever. Despite supporting the Sith, some Arkanians with a strong sense of righteousness or justice actively allied themselves with the Jedi Order. Parents of Forceful children would secret their children offworld to the Ossus to avoid their child being raised in the Sith tradition.

Biology and appearance[]

A race of Humanity, Arkanians were a sentient species that belonged to the simians, a subgroup of the primate order of mammals. Arkanians were bipedal beings with a bilateral symmetry, having a front and a back end, as well as an upside and downside. Their body comprised a head, neck, torso, and four limbs. The upper limbs, called arms, ended in hands which had four, claw-tipped fingers each. Arkanian fingers had multiple points of articulation, and one of them was an opposable thumb that allowed for fine manipulation; their fifth digit was eliminated using genetic manipulation. The lower limbs, called legs, ended in feet with four toes. Finally, they had one head perched atop a torso that contained the brain and had a face consisting of two eyes, a nose, two ears, and a mouth full of teeth much as baseline Humans. The eyes of Arkanians eyes were a solid white and could see into the infrared spectrum. Extremely sensitive to sources of extreme heat or light, Arkanians traveling offowlrd were forced to wear blinders on planets with hotter, younger suns. Arkanians had only a light covering of body hair, most of which was concentrated on the head and, in the case of adult males, face. Arkanians were warm-blooded animals, meaning they maintained a constant body temperature independent of the environment using the energy from their food. Arkanians were omnivorous, subsisting on both animal tissue and plant-based foods.

Arkanians had two sexes: male and female, with the latter being distinguished by their pronounced breasts, overall smaller stature and lesser quantity of body hair. Members of the Arkanian race could interbreed naturally with many other near-Human races. It was also not unusual for an Arkanian to enhance themselves with internal and/or external cybernetics. It was also standard practice for Arkanians to undergo genetic manipulation of their own bodies, enhancing themselves so as to be better than "lesser" species. Despite overall physiological uniformity, Arkanians varied greatly in appearance, and no two Arkanians looked exactly alike. One of the diversity factors was height. Arkanians averaged 1.8 meters in height, although males were usually taller and heavier than females. Arkanian hair was grown, cut, and styled for aesthetic or ritualistic reasons— females generally wore their hair up in styled chignon updos while young men kept theirs close cropped and older men wore theirs long and straight. The facial hair grown by adult males was similarly grown over the course of a lifetime and kept neat and close-cropped. Their hair color was a stark white color when pure of blood, though those who bred with Humans or other species could gain more pigmentation. A lack of gradiation of skin tone was also seen among Arkanians; all purebloods had a pale, light skin color.

Arkanians were sexually-reproduced animals, requiring the mating of an opposite sex couple to produce offspring. While developing in their mother's womb, the child gave her a distinctive "baby bump" accompanied by a significant weight gain. Being mammals, the Arkanian females gave birth to live young, either one or several at a time. The delivery itself normally took place after nine months of pregnancy when a woman would take up residence within a local medcenter where professional doctors would attend her every need. It was a painful process that could take as much as ten hours; if not attended to in a medcenter, women could die during childbirth. During their first months of existence, Arkanian babies were usually fed with milk from their mother's breasts. The period during which a young Arkanian developed from a child into an adult was known as adolescence. According to the legal code of Arkania the legal transition from childhood to adulthood was only attained after eighteen standard years of life. Arkanians had an average lifespan of 85 standard years. Those who were keenly attuned to the Force could live up to 200. At any rate, individuals past the age of 103 were considered to have reached an age worthy of veneration. Natural signs of ageing in Arkanians included the fall of the hair, the loss of teeth, appearance of deep lines, wrinkles and dark blemishes on the skin. Old Arkanians would experience a decline in many cognitive processes, frequently losing track of time, misidentifying people or places and, in extreme cases, momentarily forgetting about their own identity or state.

Society and culture[]

The Arkanian people were a cold and calculating breed of Humans that developed in the isolated tundra of Arkania. Believing themselves to be the pinnacle of Human evolution, the Arkanian ego was as recognized as their advanced bioengineering skills. Arrogant pragmatists, Arkanians were generally seen as an immoral group, caring little about how others might use their products or if the beings they created lived or died. Despite this stereotype and the truth that it held, a percentage of Arkanians across the galaxy believed that true perfection would come not just from physiological and technological dominance, but also through moral perfection.


The government of Arkania was a corporate meritocracy that had ruled the planet since its colonization in the ancient days near the birth of the Galactic Republic. Known as the Arkanian Dominion, the government consisted of the leadership boards of corporate entities such as the Adasca BioMechanical Corporation, Kaezeb Operations, and other big businesses run by influential Arkanian founding families. Over the millennia, corporations grew and collapsed, with new companies joining the Dominion's Board of Executives and given a place at the table where decisions were made. Working behind the scenes, away from the public eye, the Dominion oversaw the passed laws to regulate its workforce and strengthen assets in the name of Arkanian prosperity and longevity. A supporter of the Galactic Republic, the Dominion constantly balanced the Arkanian obsession with genetic perfection with the strict laws of the Republic.


A space age society, the Arkanians were masters of genetic technology and bioengineering. Having developed cutting-edge techniques that built off of the accessible knowledge of the Core Worlds around the birth of the Galactic Republic, the Arkanians continued to delve into the study of sentient eugenics and enhancement beyond the oversight of the Galactic senate. For generations, the scientific community of Arkania worked not only on living beings, creating entire species and indentured sub-species, but also biological weapons and medicines. The local language on Arkanian was developed in ancient times as a scientific shorthand designed to keep their discoveries private and hidden from Republic ethics inspectors.


On Arkania, the society was governed through a rigid caste system which guided individuals in their day to day lives. Venerating those of pure blood and denigrating the weak and flawed as imperfect bastards, it was impossible to move from one level of the caste to the other. Arkanians conducted their days in a regimented fashion, seeking both physical and mental perfection through an intense regime of martial arts and academics.

Religion and the Force[]

Because of the regimented nature of their society and the discrediting of all things that fell outside the scope of reason, the Arkanians had no tolerance for hokey religions or superstition. Arkanians viewed the Force as a super tool and viewed it as a boon to their species' quest for perfection. Seeking to investigate and experiment with the Force, Arkanian Forcefuls were highly regarded in society and seen as paragons of biological success.



The planet Arkania was a temperate world located within the Perave system deep in the Colonies region of the galaxy. Locked in a millennia-long ice age, much of the world was covered in vast, icy tundra. Howling winds buffeted the surface in a neverend torrent, making surface life impossible in most regions. Arkanian population centers in these windblown areas have been carved deep underground in grand networks of tunnels known for their architectural merit. Drawing up heat from the planet's core, Arkanians had long since developed a filtration system for the air, forcing it through a network of caverns to purify it of toxic fumes. Above ground structures were built into mountainsides to receive visitors and dignitaries. These structures were all sealed from the harsh surface environment and provided common areas and markets where offworlders could mingle with native Arkanians. Vast diamond mines wound their way through the surface, concentrated around the poles and responsible for much of the world's great wealth. The Offshoots, or Arkanians bred in the clandestine laboratories deep underground, were sent to these mines to toil away in the dark for much of their short lives.


Early mining operations[]

The frozen world Arkania was discovered by scouts from the Galactic Republic as they paved hyperlanes from Alsakan deeper into the unknown. While initially deemed inhospitable and of little strategic or economic use, a group of scientists embarked on a mission to colonize the forlorn world in order to escape the scrutiny of the Republic and to conduct their experiments in isolation. Establishing scientific research facilities deep within the tundra, the colonists swiftly discovered a planetary crust rich in diamonds. After a preliminary survey of the planet, the scientists quickly realized that the diamond stores of the planet were massive and seemingly endless. Keeping the discovery hushed until the scientists could find investors and corporate allies to back their claim to the planet, the initial colonists were able to secure the planet against treasure-seekers and those seeking to exploit the planet's resources. Installing corporate and political allies on an executive control panel, the colonists founded the Colonial Government of Arkania and began their own mining operations on the world to bankroll their clandestine studies into dubious genetic experimentation. Opening mining contracts with the Republic, the galactic government focused on overseeing and regulating the mining of the diamond-rich planet while the medical facilities went unnoticed and the experimentation went unregulated. With an initial population of only about one hundred colonists, mining operations were primarily based out of the Kaezeb Mining Operations Orbital Spaceport and the Perave System Starport.

Experimenting on neighboring species as well as some of the miners and colonists of Arkania, the scientists began to alter the genetic make-up of their patients in an attempt to develop a supreme race. Because the colonists lived almost exclusively indoors and worked underground, the first major change that developed in the Arkanian people was the genetically-engineered ability to see in low-light environments. Eventually Arkanian eyes were altered to see into the infra-red spectrum and, with further changes, left their pupils and irises completely white. Additionally, due to their life indoors, Arkanian hair lost all color and completely white hair became a signature component of their appearance. As time passed, Arkanians began work on creating client species to serve the Arkanian hierarchy, something that initially went unnoticed by the Republic. As rumors began to circulate around the Colonies about extremely reclusive scientists and that these geneticists were not above experimentation on sentients, the Arkanians formed a more powerful government apparatus known as the Dominion. A corporate meritocracy, the Dominion was heavily influenced by corporate entities such as the Adasca BioMechanical Corporation, Kaezeb Operations, and other big businesses run by influential Arkanian families. While the Republic was engulfed in the Alsakan Conflicts, Arkania took advantage of the disarray in the galaxy to experiment on the Xexto species. After centuries of study and medical tests, the Quermian species emerged from the laboratories and were placed back into their natural environment.

Galactic attention[]

Once word of their experiments on the Xexto reached the Galactic Senate, the Dominion put an end to many of the clandestine experiments in fear of legal or military retaliation from the Republic. Despite the closing of several main facilities, some scientists close to the Dominion were permitted to continuing experimenting on the Arkanian miners. These experiments resulted in the creation of several Arkanian offshoot races. Marked by snow-white skin and eyes with visible pupils, these offshoots were designed to work as laborers and were sent into the mines while the pure-blood Arkanians took up rule of the planet as an aristocratic class. The major city of Adascopolis took shape around the corporate offices of the Adasca BioMechanical Corporation and the seat of House Adasca developed into a palatial residence. As the Arkanian Dominion built its headquarters in Adascopolis thanks to the generous contributions of Dominion leader Alo Adasca, and began to drastically expand the world's population. Growing swiftly into the high thousands, more and more cities developed to house the corporate citizens which served in the financial, medical, administrative, and research arms of society; Offshoots meanwhile struggled to irk out an existence at the mining facilities on the fringe of society.

In 3,989 BrS, Jedi Master Arca Jeth arrived on Arkania with a group of Padawans sent to study the gems of Arkania and test their viability as lightsaber crystals. Additionally, Jeth hoped to investigate allegations of further genetics testing on sentients and pressure the Dominion to end its mistreatment of the Offshoots. Within a few weeks, the Jedi team had established a small training facility in the depths of the mountainous wastes far from any major cities. An hour outside of a small spaceport, the academy hosted as many as twenty students at a time who spent their time running through lightsaber cadences, studying the movements of the Arkanian dragons and mimicking their agility and grace in combat and in duels. When Jeth fell during the Great Sith War that ushered in a period of great unrest across the galaxy, the academy fell into disrepair and was abandoned and later looted by treasure hunters and scavengers. Despite being an Offshoot and a hermit, Jeth was memorialized by the Dominion and touted as an example of pure-blooded perfection. A generation after the end of the war Adascorp leader and head of the Dominion, Lord Arkoh Adasca, died during a over-zealous plot to gain great fame and notoriety by studying exogorths in Deep Space. Unknown to the Dominion at the time, a controlling interest in Adascorp had been bought by the Draay Trust, a financial institution run by the Draay family of Jedi Masters. With Arkania's government in the hands of a family of Human offworlders, the Dominion swiftly moved to find a way to ouster Draay but were quickly free of the Jedi family when they met their deaths a mere months after Lord Adasca. With Draay dead, the Dominion quickly ousted Adascorp from the Dominion leadership and placed it on a temporary suspension until it could be brought back under Arkanian control.

Sith stronghold[]

When the Sith Empire reemerged into the galaxy in 3,646 BrS, the Dominion signed a trade deal with Dromund Kaas to allow Imperial operations on the planet. Encouraging the Arkanians to explore their genetic experiments once more, the Empire established a massive library to rival the store houses of the Republic and the Jedi deep within the wastes of the planet's tundra. Enveloped within the iron-clad grip of the Empire, Arkania became home to Veeshas Tuwan, a site which drew Sith Lords from across the Empire. Growing in size swiftly, the stronghold spanned many kilometers of underground passages and labyrinthine stacks. Even after the fall of the Empire, Veeshas Tuwan survived due to the utter secrecy of its location. Over the centuries the library continued continued to grow in secret as surviving Sith scientists and lore keepers were aided by droids and Arkanians in furthering the study of the dark side. By the time of the New Sith Wars, Veeshas Tuwan had become so cavernous that even the wisest Sith could not find what they were looking for in its stacks. After millennia of secrecy, the great library was discovered by the Jedi during the end of the war. Led by Lord Hoth, the Order's Army of Light laid siege to Arkania and breached the great doors of Veeshas Tuwan. Striking down the Sith Lords and allies that populated the ancient library, most of the facility was put to the torch, with only the most ancient holocrons and artifacts were preserved for analysis and destruction by Jedi Shadows dispatched by the Council of First Knowledge.

The Arkanian Revolution[]

As the Republic grew stronger in the centuries after the Ruusan Reformations and the destruction of Veeshas Tuwan, the Arkanian Dominion also grew in power on Arkania and experimentation expanded almost unfettered. Developing a reputation as a species made up entirely of mad scientists, Arkanian society was greatly threatened by the discovery of the experiments being conducted on the neighboring Yaka species. The culmination of the social outrage plaguing Arkania came to fruition in 15 BrS when a group of scientists known as the Renegades attempted a coup against the Dominion in what came to be known as the Arkanian Revolution. Receiving funding from the Hutt Council in secret, the Renegades began designing cybernetic warriors called Assimilators to wage war against the Dominion and put an end to the lawlessness of the scientific engine on the planet. To put down the coup, the Dominion's scientists unleashed the fearsome and terrible Accelerated Transgenic Heuristic Abhorers. These Abhorers were created from the DNA of Yaka, rakghouls, Amorphiian androids, dianoga, and other horrors the Dominion had within their labs and designed them to lust for death and consume their enemies. As civil war threatened to engulf the planet, the Dominion was forced to call upon the Jedi Order for assistance in ending it. As the Jedi fought to end the conflict, aided by the strange droid-Jedi known as the Iron Knights, Jedi Mace Windu slew the Renegades' leader, Gorm the Dissolver and brought the conflict to an end. With the Renegades rounded up and executed, the Dominion destroyed their Abhorers with the exception of the original creation: Zeta Magnus. Escaping his captors, Magnus ate his creators and fled into the western wastes of the galaxy, beyond the hyperspace anomalies which separated the western plane of the galaxy from the rest of civilization and erected the Kingdom of Dark Worlds.

Return of the Jedi[]

With the rebellion put down and the civil war ended, life on Arkania returned to normal and the diamond mines continued to flourish. Staunch and vocal supporters of the Galactic Constitution, Arkania's Senators strongly opposed the ideals of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Separatist Crisis within the Galactic Senate. Having begun to develop a large economy based off of cloning technologies, Arkania had established many large therapeutic cloning centers which specialized in generating replacement organs for those individuals suffering major afflictions. Therefore, when the Republic unveiled a massive clone army developed on Kamino to defend against the Confederacy, the Arkanian Dominion was disgusted with the Supreme Chancellor and contemplated withdrawing to Arkania. For more altruistic reasons, respected Jedi Knight Serifa Altunen forswore her oath to the Order and returned to her homeworld in an effort to keep Arkania neutral in the war. Promoting neutrality within the halls of Arkopolis' government buildings, Altunen eventually convinced the Dominion to withdraw from the Republic and not support either galactic government.

Arkanian Jedi[]

Following the notoriety of Sephi-Arkanian hybrid Jedi Master Arca Jeth, the Arkanian Dominion strove to produce Jedi of equal stature as a symbol of their race's superior nature. Devoting all Force-sensitive Arkanians to Jedi training, the Dominion learned early on that Forceful Arkanians were rare. Despite producing few numbers, the Arkanian inclination towards the sciences and study of the natural world made them worthy students of Jedi knowledge, and many diplomats, geneticists, and warriors rose from the small selection of trainees.

Name Birth Death School Specialization Master Apprentices
Altunen, Serifa 25 BrS Year 112 Consular Diplomat Tarven, Sia Morastus, Kya; Lockheart, Dureena; Kyle, Dorian
Trained in the diplomatic arts by Master Tarven, Serifa Altunen traveled the Mid Rim with her mentor meeting with Senators and officials and negotiating agreements and treaties on behalf of the Republic. Elevated to the rank of Knight, Altunen continued her study of diplomacy and often worked alongside fellow Jedi Sar Labooda, whom had been raised in the same Initiate clan at the Temple. When negotiations between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems broke down and the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, Altunen dutifully took on the role of General as she led troops in the Grand Army of the Republic. Quickly though, Altunen became disenchanted with the war and the Republic and withdrew to her homeworld where she urged the Arkanian Dominion to declare neutrality in the war and close Arkania's borders. When the High Council heard of this, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker were dispatched to persuade her to return to the Order and the war. Rendezvousing with Altunen on a watery tundra plain, the Arkanian removed her Jedi robe and officially resigned from the Order, citing that she served the Force, and that she believed that the Jedi no longer did. With the conversation over, Altunen departed the company of her fellow Jedi and returned to her people. Returning to the capital of Arkopolis, Altunen titled herself as the Watchman of Arkania and provided counsel to the Dominion until the close of the war. With the restructuring of the Jedi High Council, emissaries from Coruscant arrived to reopen negotiations with Altunen and bring her back into the fold of the Order. Recognizing that the Order was changing and that her ideals were shared by the new High Council, Altunen rejoined the Order as a Master and was stationed on Coruscant as an attache to the Council of Reconciliation. In Year 25, Altunen took on the rank of Chief Diplomat and leader of the Council on Coruscant. Taking up residence with the Tranquility Spire's suite of rooms given over to the Chief Diplomat, Altunen maintained a large staff of Knights and Masters who specialized in political affairs. Presiding over the Council as the High Council planned the Hutt Offensive, Altunen filled out the Council accordingly, with Masters specializing in Hutt culture and dealing with former slave worlds. Resigning from the Council in Year 62 to reconnect with the Force and allow a new perspective to guide the Council. Retiring to Tython, Altunen took up residence at Stav Kesh where she conditioned her body to stave off the effects of old age. Becoming a fierce martial artist of even greater skill then in her younger years, Altunen gave several guest lectures and instruction classes at the academy until her death.
Ardmore, Darryn 110 BrS 15 BrS Consular Lore Keeper Groeg, Hopp Bastra
Raised at the Coruscant Temple, Darryn Ardmore's training under Master Hopp Groeg garnered immediate attention by news media on Coruscant when the pair appeared together at the Senate Plaza. Due to the implications of Quermians having been created by the Arkanians, gossip columns began to question the Order's judgment in the pairing. Ardmore felt so strongly about the case he defied the High Council and spoke with reporters, denouncing them for bringing millennia old grievances up in a private matter. Under Groeg's tutelage, Ardmore began to cultivate his scientific mind and became a typically example of Arkanian Jedi: part scientist, part scholar, and part eccentric. After constructing a green-bladed lightsaber on Ilum, Ardmore passed through his Trials and was knighted by the High Council. An outspoken critic of science-deniers and the media's tendency to skew the truth in regards to fair reporting on the scientific community, Ardmore often spoke at conferences and medical lectures and joined the chorus of scientists that were tired of being misrepresented in the media as crackpots or mad. Working from the laboratories at the Coruscant Temple as he continued to study the Force and its different manifestations in the living world, Ardmore was named a Master and was allowed to teach classes at the Temple to older Initiates. In 59 BrS Ardmore received a new posting to the academy on Almas where he was asked to take up a leadership role and help develop a basic science program for the academy as the Master of Wisdom. Spending great amounts of time at the fledgling research facility on the outskirts of Forard, Masters Ardmore and Zuk Inkari worked with scientists from around the galaxy to parse out the secrets of the strange kaluthin grasses which covered the planet, all the while involving students in their research. Ardmore was popular on the convention circuit that cycled through the Cularin system; attending galas and showcases to lecture about the advancements the scientists of the system had made in the field. A favorite of interviewers, Ardmore was frequently asked to appear on the HoloNet's most popular science-oriented web-series, Wild and Weird Worlds of the Rim and spoke frequently of the oddities and mysteries of the Cularin system.
Bain, Flavius 3,945 BrS 3,917 BrS Guardian Armorer Puln, Darkus N/A
Born during the Republic's Restoration Era, Flavius Bain's parents expected greatness from their son and therefore sent him to the Coruscant Temple for what they believed to be premiere Jedi training. Rising through the ranks of the academy there, Bain was selected for training in the ways of the Guardian by the well-respected Temple Armorer Darkus Puln. When Puln joined the Jedi High Council, Bain felt a great sense of pride and strove to be the best Jedi that he could be by spending great amounts of time around Puln's colleagues and attending gatherings, festivals, and conferences held at the Temple and the Senate Assembly building. Spending much of his time on Coruscant arming Jedi who traveled to the capital world for assignment on missions, Bain preferred to allow droids to make repairs to damaged equipment, or to scrap certain materials and replacing them using the Temple's credit line. While Bain viewed himself as a supreme Jedi, many of his peers saw him as an entitled and arrogant fool. Despite his serious pitfalls, Master Puln pushed him through the Trials of Knighthood and promoted him to Knight during the last years of the Mandalorian Wars. While many of his fellow Jedi defected to serve under Revan and Malak during the war, Bain remained steadfast to his duty at the Coruscant Temple and believed that fighting on the front lines on far-flung worlds to be the misadventure of insolent Jedi renegades. When the Jedi Civil War threatened to decimate both the Republic and the Order, Bain was spared the horrors of war due to his posting at the Temple as assistant armorer. When the war ultimately ended with Malak's death and Revan's return to the Order, Bain joined the handful of survivors on Katarr for a convocation of Jedi minds. As the gathering of Jedi discussed ways in which to route out the surviving Sith, the Dark Lord Darth Nihilus swept across the planet and devoured the souls of all life on the world. Along with his former master and much of the Order, Bain fell victim to Nihilus and was consumed by the darkness.
Ding, Hanna 1 GrS 128 GrS Guardian Soresu Defender Prower, Sol Padawans
A haughty young woman, typical of her people's pure-blooded aristocrats, Hanna Ding was selected for training by Master Sol Prower. Training as a duelist, Ding found her lightsaber style ill-suited to fighting the droid armies in the Clone Wars and returned to the Coruscant Temple for more defensive training. Asked to participate in the Apprentice Tournament of 16 GrS to fill out the lists, Ding was disarmed by Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy who grabbed her practice lightsaber's blade and placed Ding in a strange hold. Furious with Enwandung-Esterhazy's unconventional technique, Master Prower reminded Ding that one's opponent was not always governed by rules or guided by a moral code. Taking this defeat to heart, Ding survived the war and continued to develop her skill as the Order resettled Ossus. Embarking on her Great Journey on the planet Tython, Ding was knighted in 23 GrS and went out into the galaxy seeking an academy to attach herself to as a Ranger. Eventually finding herself at home on Socorro, Ding took up residence at the academy where she served the system as one of the resident Rangers. After years of further service and training, Ding was elevated to the rank of Master and began teaching at the academy and training the next generation of Rangers for the system.
Ella, Wev 0 BrS 142 GrS Seeker Beast Master Madoon, Dare Padawans
Trained by the fabled Master Dare Madoon, Wev Ella was a Padawan during the Clone Wars and fought against the Confederacy as a Commander of clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Traveling to Ossus after the war, Master Madoon worked Ella's skill with animal control and encouraged his student to seek out Ossus' native beasts and exert his control over their mind. Forming strong bonds with packs of wargle beasts that roamed the plains of the northern continent, Ella sought a greater challenge on Tython. During his Great Journey, Ella created a great pack of a variety of beasts and together roamed the great continents of the Jedi fortress world. Knighted at Padawan Kesh, Ella continued his journey in the ways of the Force by seeking out the legendary beasts of Dxun. Taming the monstrosities of the Onderonian moon, Ella was deemed a Beast Master and recognized by the entire Order as a Jedi Master. A strong proponent for continued research into the nature of Tython and the alchemy that brought about many of the world's beasts, Ella was granted a seat on the Council of First Knowledge and traveled to Ossus to fill a five year term on the Council. After his term ended, Ella took a teaching position at the Temple on Felucia. Working with the native Felucians, Ella was revered by the native shamans who praised his skills as a Beast Master.
Jeth, Arca 4,091 BrS 3,962 BrS Guardian Warleader Arnjak, Travecao Doneeta, Tott; Draay, Barrison; Draay, Krynda; Qel-Droma, Ulic; Qel-Droma, Cay; Sunrider, Nomi; Haazen, Lorn
The son of a Sephi noble and an Arkanian aristocrat, Arca Jeth was discovered by the Watchman of the Sumitra sector, Jedi Master Travecao Arnjak at the age of 15 standard years old and brought to his academy on Lellish. Studying the ways of the Force under Arnjak's direction, Jeth was intrigued by ancient Jedi scrolls and documents, perusing holocrons and datatapes ceaselessly. One of his earliest successes was his vanquishing of the Nelori Marauders whose quest of terror and piracy spanned throughout the Hyabb-Twith Corridor. Leading two dozen Jedi Knights against the Marauders, Jeth employed battle meditation to invigorate his allies against the Marauders and simultaneously demoralize his opponents. Revered as an expert swordsman and a skilled tactician, Jeth served for decades as a warrior of the light, negotiating treaties, hammering out trade deals, and putting down rebellion. After training several students, Jeth was recognized as a Jedi Master in 4,031 BrS and began to travel the galaxy collecting and recruiting more apprentices. Traveling to his mother's homeworld of Arkania, Jeth founded an academy where he would take on classes as big as twenty students at one time. In 3,995 BrS, Jeth was part of the Jedi and Republic task force that was sent to the Hapes Cluster to eliminate the threat of the Lorell Raiders, pirates who had preyed on Republic shipping lanes for decades. Proving himself again when he ended the Great Droid Revolution on Coruscant through a demonstration of mechu macture, Jeth harassed the slavery operations of the space-city Ereesus shortly afterward, and liberated the Twi'lek Doneeta family, whose young son Tott was identified as strong in the Force and taken as Jeth's apprentice. The Jedi Master returned to his praxeum on Arkania, where he trained Doneeta alongside many others, including brothers Cay and Ulic Qel-Droma, the latter of whom Jeth regarded as his most gifted student. During this time, Jedi was appointed as the Watchman of the Onderon system and the Arkanian began to investigate the influences of the dark city on the ancient world. Jeth would later dispatch Doneeta and the brothers Qel-Droma to settle a civil dispute on the planet Onderon between the citizens of the capital city of Iziz, and the exiled Beast Riders of the planet's wilderness. His charges failed utterly in their mission and, as the final battle of the Beast Wars erupted, Jeth arrived on Onderon to defeat the Sith armies of Queen Amanoa, and with whom was also banished the power of the dark side from Iziz. He and his students remained on the Inner Rim world for the next two years, during which time Amanoa's widower, the sorcerer-King Ommin, staged an uprising in the name of his Sith forefather, Freedon Nadd. Jeth was captured and tortured by the king and the spirit of Nadd, but was ultimately rescued by a team of Jedi Knights, led by Ulic Qel-Droma, and the prodigious young Nomi Da'Boda. Although the dark side was permanently driven from Onderon through the efforts of the Jedi, the oppression of the Sith survived in the form of the Krath cult of the Empress Teta system. Master Jeth assumed responsibility of the besieged Tetan worlds, and sent Qel-Droma and Sunrider to join the Republic Navy in battle against the Sith. Their forces were soundly defeated by the sorcery of the Krath, however, and the Jedi Council organized a mass-gathering on the planet Deneba in response, to discuss the growing dark side threat. Jeth was present for the Jedi conclave and advocated for swift and decisive action against the new Sith, but spoke sternly against the infiltration mission proposed by Ulic Qel-Droma. It was during the convocation's recess that an army of Krath war droids beset the Jedi, and Master Jeth joined his fellows in battle against them. However, he suffered a fatal posterior blaster wound, and became one with the Force in the arms of his greatest student.
Magrody, Nasdra 76 BrS 76 GrS EduCorps Researcher Acolyte Academy Padawans
Born on Arkania, Nasdra Magrody was not detected by the Jedi Order and therefore lived his life without much knowledge of the Force. Becoming an educator and a scientist of some renown, Magrody founded the Magrody Institute of Programmable Intelligence and was involved with the study of hypermatter. In Year 14, Magrody was part of a panel of experts on the HoloNet News program A Galaxy Divided. The topic was the nature of General Grievous's secret weapon, the Malevolence. Initially, Magrody tried to downplay the threat, claiming the media were sensationalizing the events, and noting that they were minor in the larger scale of the conflict itself. As a teacher at the Magrody Institute, Magrody had several pupils including notable minds such as Bevel Lemelisk, Stinna Draesinge Sha and Ohran Keldor. When the Jedi Order opened its doors to older Forceful students after the Clone Wars, Magrody was approached by scouts who implored him to tap into his Force skills and add his considerable knowledge to the Order's databanks. Traveling to Ossus after many meetings with Jedi Masters, Magrody entered the Acolyte Academy and began to awaken the latent Force-sensitivity within himself. While far too old to become a Jedi Knight, Magrody worked with Master Kor Narweld to craft a course of study that would accentuate his existing skill set while augmenting his Force-sensitivity. Emerging from the Academy after five years of study, Magrody was named a Jedi of the EduCorps and set to working with Jedi scholars on investigating hypermatter and the Force. Serving as an adjunct at the Magrody Institute, Magrody continued his studies and teaching on Ossus for several years before traveling to Anil Kesh where live tests were able to be performed in new facilities designed by the Arkanian and a team of other scientists.
Retwin, Anhel 44 BrS 147 GrS Consular Diplomat Dala, Aayla Padawans
Son of a Arkanian Offshoot, the Dominion attempted to hide Anhel Retwin from Jedi scouts but failed to keep him from the Order. Training under the Jedi Aayla Dala, a noted pilot and an ambassador to Chandrilia. Studying the ways of diplomacy, Retwin became a staunch opponent of the anti-alien stigmas of the Core Worlds and worked to eradicate structural racism in the Republic. When the Clone Wars erupted between the largely alien corporations of the Confederacy, Retwin feared that the backlash would be severe against non-Human residents of Coruscant. Indeed, many groups faced a surge of harassment and hate crimes became the new normal on the galactic capital. Working with city officials throughout the city-planet, Retwin took to the streets and town halls to end the stigma and assist in protecting those who could not find protection within the law. Following the war, Retwin remained on Coruscant to assist in the transition from wartime to peacetime and became a highly-outspoken advocate for the refugee movement. Within the decades after the war, Retwin served a five year term on the Council of Reconciliation as the Diplomat to the Confederacy. Maintaining offices in the Coruscant Temple, Retwin worked to maintain healthy relations between the Order and the Confederacy and continued to advocate for non-Human support in both the Republic and the Confederacy.
Apinea, Piodas 3,728 BrS 3,638 BrS Warrior Weapon Master Masters Tok, Corin
Initiated at the late age of fourteen standard years, Piodas Apinea was accepted into the Order because of his advanced skill in the Force, even for someone untrained. A disciplined martial artist, Apinea was skilled in hand-to-hand combat and a ferocious duelist, pushing even Jedi Masters to their limits while still a Padawan. Knighted by the Jedi High Council, Apinea took on students that needed discipline that only marital skills could grant, tempering their fire into the weapon of the Jedi Order. Recognized as a Master after some years of service, Apinea served in the Mid Rim during the Great Galactic War, guiding young Jedi along their path to become great warriors as the Sith assaulted the galaxy. Targeted by the Dark Council, Apinea was killed by a Sith Lord who had partnered with a bounty hunter to bring down the esteemed Jedi.
Athantras, Urma 32 BrS 44 GrS Consular Diplomat Masters Padawans
A student of the Force, Urma Athantras was well versed in political science and the art of diplomacy. A sophisticated and strong individual, Athantras was a Knight during the Clone Wars, and learned the aggressive form of negotiations which took place in the midst of battle and conflict. Able-bodied and capable of fighting herself out of a bad situation, Athantras maintained the Jedi calm expected of a ranking Knight and could persuade many opponents from attacking. Soft-spoken and stoic, Athantras was instrumental in the settling of a dispute between Pantoran and Talz villagers and a gang of pirates that was harassing Orto Plutonia. Alongside Jedi Muj Velai and Tione Zrar, Athantras helped to establish a cooperation between the villagers and the pirates, forming a mutually beneficial arrangement of protection. When the Order relocated to Ossus after the war, Athantras remained behind at the Coruscant Temple, serving in the the Jedi embassy to the Galactic Senate. Ascending to the rank of Master sometime after the war's end, Athantras died in the Hutt Offensive, defending civilians against the Shadow Collective.
Monite, Cul'utaan 425 BrS 378 BrS Consular Diplomat Masters Padawans
A faithful Jedi Knight with a high regard for the prosperity of all living things, Cul'utaan Monite was a trained diplomat who revered law and order. Serving the Jedi Order on the Outer Rim, Monite took on assignments that allowed him to interact with the most powerful political leaders on the fringes of the galaxy. Working to bring worlds into the Republic or reign in loose cannons, Monite walked the halls of palaces and senatorial buildings for decades as a respected Knight. During a terrorist attack on the President of Bid'jerma, Monite lost his life defending the planetary leader and preventing the outbreak of a world war. His body was returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant where he was recognized for his heroism and service to the Republic.
Cote, Adiara 922 BrS Death Consular Diplomat Masters Padawans
A celebrated diplomat across the Inner and Mid Rim, Adiara Cote was a humble Jedi and a devotee of the Jedi Code. While Cote had negotiated several treaties over her career, Cote was remembered for her involvement in the enactment of the Pact of Almera. Reconciling the disputes between the people of Thyrsus and the Echani, the Pact recognized the independence of Thyrsus from the Echani Command. Cote's great friendship with Councilor Feyat Pal of the Echani Command allowed for her to successfully negotiated the separation of Thyrsus from the control of the Echani government. Much to the regret of the Council of Reconciliation, Cote was killed in a terrible accident, when the starship she was aboard miscalculated its hyperjump and passed through a star, vaporizing Cote instantly.
Name Birth Death Class Specialization Masters Padawans

Arkanian Sith[]

Sith title Sigea Magnus Birth Death Exiles Special titles Master Apprentices
Sith title Name Birth Death Allegiance Special titles Master Apprentices