Arius Valdayn's Taskforce, also known as Taskforce Phantom and Taskforce Zero, was an Imperial and later Alliance and Ethereal fleet. The fleet was officially nameless due to its clandestine nature, which also included general radio-silence and extensive usage of stealth armor and cloaking devices, occasionally even going to the lengths of temporarily changing its encrypted codename.
The unit's composition changed over time, however by the time of the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Defender, then known as the Phantom, becoming its flagship, it also included at least four Praetor II-class Star Battlecruisers, including the Void Dragon, two Allegiance-class battlecruisers, six Tector-class Star Destroyers, a dozen Imperial II-class Star Destroyers, eight Imperial I-class Star Destroyers, two-dozen Victory II-class Star Destroyers, sixteen Victory I-clas Star Destroyers, four Procursator-class Star Destroyers, six Secutor-class Star Destroyers, ten Interdictor-class Star Destroyers, numerous screening and picket vessels and thousands of TIE-series starfighters of various models.
The fleet was led and used by admiral Arius Valdayn, who founded it on the principal of a fleet of cloaked warships having been, in his own words, "underestimated by most Imperial officers". He also founded several other military units for similar reasons, such as creating the Sabertroopers to supply deficiencies in the Grand Army of the Republic and, later, the Stormtrooper Corps, the Darksaber Fleet, also known as the Nineteenth Fleet, to create a naval counterpart to the Nineteenth Army, also known as Darksaber Command, and along with his future wife, admiral Elena Rakusin, the Chrome Shield Fleet and Ivory Fang Fleet in Chrome Shield and Ivory Fang Commands, respectively.