Hesitation is death to a Jedi's purpose. When we know the Force's will for us, we need to act with decisiveness and purpose, no matter what it costs us. The triumph of the light is worth any price; it took me a long time to take that lesson fully to heart, but I'm catching up quickly.
—Argus Z'dar
Argus Z'dar was a male Boltrunian Jedi Master who served as Jedi Battlemaster during the New Sith Wars. In 1,387 BBY, he left the Jedi Order to assume leadership of the Crusaders, where he developed a reputation for both daring and greater ruthlessness than his predecessor, Karr Shadeez.
The Battlemaster[]
Z'dar specialized as a Jedi Guardian and spent decades serving on the front lines against the Sith; during his youth, he was a friend and comrade of Karr Shadeez, and saved the life of a young Eviar Seldec. He was the victor of numerous lightsaber duels and, despite his mastery of Form V, learned to incorporate techniques from all styles.
At some point prior to 1,391 BBY, the Jedi High Council, respecting Z'dar's lightsaber skills, appointed him first a lightsaber instructor at the Jedi Temple, and later a Battlemaster. Z'dar was not happy with the appointment, feeling he belonged on the front lines as long as he was capable of fighting. Nonetheless, he was a successful instructor, and though constantly demanding the best of his students and difficult to impress, he produced numerous students who were regarded by their peers as atypically skillful swordsbeings, including Tirien Kal-Di, Mali Darakhan, and Narasi Rican. By 1,389 BBY, Tirien felt comfortable enough with Z'dar to share his concerns about taking Narasi as his Padawan, as the Jedi Council had commanded.
Z'dar grew increasingly concerned with the actions—and inactions—of the Jedi Council. He was distraught when his old friend Karr was killed by Darth Alecto, but even more vexed when the Council refused to allow him to join Elata Cazars, Tirien Kal-Di, and several others in the Battle of Taanab. Thereafter, he became more vocal in his criticisms of the Council and its tactical failures against the various Sith factions. In 1,387 BBY Z'dar simply left the Jedi Temple one night without warning, causing consternation in the Jedi Council and stoking the frustrations of other Jedi Guardians with the Council.
At the end of 1,387 BBY, Arlya Kesk contacted Tirien to inquire about Z'dar, though she did not say why.
Z'dar had left the Jedi Order to join the remnants of Karr Shadeez's crusade, striking Valin Aresh and smaller threats, such as the Zygerrian Slave Empire. The Order became aware of this development only in late 1,386 BBY, when Tirien, Narasi, and Slejux Nissatak attempted to prevent a Zygerrian raid on Carosi IV and Z'dar brought his task force down on the raiders too. He expressed his respect for the three Jedi and accepted their refusal to join him in good spirits, but also declined to return to the Order, feeling he was needed to fight the smaller enemies the Order and the Republic could not spare the forces to face.
Unbeknownst to the Order, Z'dar's increasing willingness to tolerate brutality sparked a civil conflict among the Crusaders, especially after Jylo Naki killed Arlya. Z'dar's faction prevailed, imprisoning the survivors at Malachor Base.
After the Battle of Eriadu, Tirien contacted Z'dar for help as he planned an assassination mission against Vedya Gasald. Though deeply sympathetic, Z'dar hedged on what support he could provide. However, he managed to extract his entire fleet to come to Tirien's aid, and sent Jarkun'eir'saikal ahead to the Allanteen Six shipyards to clear Tirien's way. Though Jarkun was killed fighting Gasald, the mission largely succeeded, and the Jedi strike team destroyed the Kiss of Death. Z'dar captured several Sith ships, but left Allanteen immediately after the battle was decided rather than conferring with the Republic-aligned fleets.
Going Nuclear[]
In 1,384 BBY, Z'dar claimed responsibility for the destruction of an Imperial Army training facility on Galidraan, but Republic Intelligence learned that several neighboring cities had been destroyed as well, and suspected Z'dar had used a proscribed nuclear bomb. In the wake of the attack, Republic Admiral Zuuli Ok-Majan defected to the Crusaders, taking an entire task force with him. Not long after, Z'dar received word that Deep Storage Facility 214-Peth was to be the target of an Imperial raid to free imprisoned Sith. The Crusader arrived to find the Sith already aboard the station; believing any attempt to retake it to be too risky, Z'dar reluctantly destroyed the facility with a second nuclear missile.
Z'dar's actions caused Supreme Chancellor Nulu Thini to send Tirien and Narasi after the Breld Syndicate, which supplied Z'dar's arms. When Qerriz fled the Syndicate and attempted to turn himself over to the Republic, Z'dar dispatched Crusaders to find the Verpine. Kol'bui Lardt came close on Bogg 14, but died after a brief scuffle with Tirien. Having received word of her failure, Z'dar took the Crusader to Bogg 14 and, despite Tirien's pleas, destroyed the entire moon.

Z'dar, C'niki, and D'Natragan dueling Tirien Kal-Di and Darth Alecto
The destruction of Bogg 14 made Z'dar an enemy of the Republic, and when Tirien received a contact directing him to Z'dar's refuge at Malachor, he and Narasi went there to kill the rogue Jedi. Z'dar, meanwhile, had taken in the allegedly defecting Sith Acolyte Zeff Rogu and allowed him to send a message to his master, Darth Alecto, only to capture both. When Tirien arrived, killed Jylo Naki, and freed Alecto, the two joined forces against Z'dar, C'niki Fereenil, and D'Natragan.
Z'dar was appalled when Tirien and Alecto created a Force bond, which allowed them to slay D'Natragan and C'niki. He attempted to break their trust in one another, but they held their pact and, together, overwhelmed Z'dar, stabbing him through the chest. As he lamented his failure to end the Sith threat, Alecto killed him with a downstroke.
Powers and Abilities[]
Z'dar was widely accepted as one of the greatest lightsaber duelists not only in the Jedi Order, but in the entire galaxy. Tirien Kal-Di—himself a lightsaber duelist of some renown—believed the only people on Z'dar's level were Darth Vandak and Sil Kadych. Z'dar mastered Form V to its highest levels, but learned and incorporated techniques of all seven classical forms of lightsaber combat. Despite his considerable muscle mass and height, he was light on his feet. However, after creating a Force bond between them, Tirien and Darth Alecto were able to defeat Z'dar while working in concert.
Appearance and Personality[]
A Boltrunian, Argus Z'dar had a bald head lined with bumps and bone spurs, deep-set gray eyes, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. He stood 1.91 meters tall and had a powerful, muscular build conducive to Form V. His lightsaber had a blue blade.
Despite his fearsome reputation, Z'dar smiled often and was genial to other Jedi Knights. He thought particularly highly of Jedi he trained who went on to become expert lightsaber combatants, including Tirien Kal-Di, Mali Darakhan, Kenza Rowkwani, Slejux Nissatak, and Narasi Rican. However, while he saw the benefits of teaching, he felt his own skills were wasted in the Jedi Temple and frequently clashed with the High Council over his assignment as Battlemaster. Karr Shadeez's assassination strained his tolerance for the situation, and he finally abandoned the Order to return to the front lines with the Crusaders.
As leader of the Crusaders, Z'dar showed a more pragmatic, Gray Jedi approach to intimidation and taking prisoners; he had no reservations about executing Zygerrian slavers captured during a slave raid, and approved of Mali Darakhan executing Kysl Ssron. He ultimately adopted the philosophy that it was better for the Crusaders to indulge in brutality and end the Sith threat quickly than for the war to drag on for decades or centuries; he acknowledged there would be no place for him in the peaceful galaxy that followed, but accepted it as a type of self-sacrifice for the greater good.
Argus believed his greatest flaw was hesitation, and, when leading the Crusaders, sought to avoid the mistakes he had made as Battlemaster.
- Shots Fired
- Second Chance (Mentioned only)
- Who You Are in the Dark
- The Fog of War (Mentioned only)
- A Certain Point of View (Mentioned only)
- Danse Macabre (Mentioned only)
- Igniting the Stars (Mentioned only)
- Grim Tidings
- Sins of the Father (Mentioned only)
- Revenge of the Jedi (Appears in hologram)
- The First Cut (Mentioned only)
- Lightning and Fire
- The Hundredth Day (Mentioned only)
- Vendetta III: The Void (Mentioned only)
- Fault Lines (Mentioned only)
- Shackled (Mentioned only)
- Underworld (Mentioned only)
- Rebirth (Mentioned only)