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Rise of the Empire era

Argun Obroggva was a Gotal sniper from Erayyxa and, being a member of the Erayyxa Civil Defense League, worked for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.


Early Life[]

He was born in a small village in the Fields of Vadászat, a territory controlled by a Vug'uric warlord named Bazadrop. His father was an aide to Bazadrop, but he was killed by Sarqi Polpotta's forces when they raided the Yuuruxuu Mayoral Palace in 32 BBY. Argun and his mother were left impoverished and the young Gotal learned to hunt yewpitross with his father's rifle.

Erayyxa Civil Defense League[]

He became an excellent sharpshooter and was recruited into the Erayyxa Civil Defense League by Jaxe Minzo in 23 BBY. Like all members of the ECDL, Argun fought for the Separatists during the Clone Wars. In 20 BBY, he was in the Lahara sector, attempting to root out a Republic spy when the Battle of Erayyxa began. Argun was called home to assist with the defense. On the way, he stopped for supplies on Blackdot and discovered a high profile Republic officer named Ulth TelRyu was on the planet. He delayed long enough to assassinate the officer and then returned home to fight.

His commanding officer, a Saurton named Bzellkith, was killed during the battle and Argun was placed under the command of Jaxe Minzo. In 19 BBY, Minzo sent him to Tatooine with Tull Strayfiend to eliminate a group of traitorous smugglers led by Klippy Resh. However, as they were about to destroy their targets, Strayfiend betrayed the team, slitting Argun's throat in the process. Despite the wound, he only lost consciousness. Moisture farmers arrived on the scene after a short battle ensued to scavenge the remains. They found Argun and rescued him. One farmer commented that he experienced a wound only a Gotal could survive. A wandering doctor named Umsorth Fixer managed to save Argun but because of the blood loss he had no memory of the day leading up to the battle and was unaware of Strayfiend's betrayal.

Working for Jabba[]

Argun lived as a hunter among the moisture farmers and distinguished himself as an excellent shooter. Jabba Desilijic Tiure heard of this and hired him in 17 BBY to assassinate a Twi'lek businessman in Mos Zabu. At one point, he rescued a Kian'thar merchant for Jabba from a gang of criminals on Moztooine. While guarding Beolo on Jocade, he learned that Tull Strayfiend was still alive.

In 1 ABY, the Tusken Raiders around Mos Espa were organizing to attack the spaceport. The Galactic Empire refused to intervene and, following the death of Brek Mooncylle at the hands of the Tuskens, Argun became enraged at the Empire. For two months, he waged a private war against the Imperials on Tatooine but during that time he only killed one petty officer, three stormtroopers, and a technician. He decided to stop his crusade until he had the resources to truly hurt the Empire. His last job for the Hutt was to hunt a Turazza thief hiding on Orron III. Returning to Tatooine, he received his payment from Jabba and then went to the Mos Eisley where he was due to meet with a Gruvian claiming to be a recruiter for the Alliance to Restore the Republic at the Dockside Cafe a few days later.

Later life[]

As he waited to meet with his contact, news reached Mos Eisley that Jabba had been killed. Power struggles broke out among the surviving criminals and Argun never heard from the Gruvian. After waiting a few more days he contacted a friend named Guzzur Edoblau for help contacting Tull Strayfiend. He succeeded in finding Strayfiend and Argun began to smuggle with the Human.

In 9 ABY, Xyztech Systems hired him as a pilot. He flew with them for the remainder of his life. In 28 BBY, he was working for Xyztech on Bastion when he accidentally collided his ship with another transport and died.
