Star Wars Fanon

ArenaMech Industries was a corporation that produced training droids and gladiator droids. It was headquartered on Lantillies.


ArenaMech was founded in 29 BBY by former gladiator Ley Hammon.

The corporation partnered with the Galactic Republic to produce training droids for the Republic Judicial Forces and later the Grand Army of the Republic. Beneath their legitimate public image, however, ArenaMech also produced gladiator droids that found themselves fighting in thousands of illegal gladiator pits across the galaxy, where they faced both other gladiator droids and captured organics.

Two years after the end of the Clone Wars, ArenaMech's association with the Black Sun crime syndicate was uncovered and the corporation was dismantled, after which Ley Hammon was arrested by Imperial authorities.

Notable products[]

  • AM-MK1 training starfighter droid: a sphere-shaped training droid used to train starfighter pilots in the Republic Judicial Forces
  • AM-MK2 training starfighter droid: similar to the AM-MK1, the MK2 was used by the Imperial Starfighter Corps for two years before the corporation's dissolution
  • AM-01 repulsor target: a hovering disc-shaped droid used as targeting practice by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic and some planetary security forces. Some models were later used in the Rebel Alliance's training bases. The model was quickly suspended from Imperial use when a shipment of AM-01 repulsor targets were rigged with fragmentation explosives by an early rebel cell, thousands of which reaching several Imperial training bases and resulting in hundreds of casualties.
  • AMSEC-1 security droid: a near-carbon copy (though even less efficient) version of the OOM-series battle droid used as security personnel in ArenaMech facilities and some planetary security forces. They were usually armed with DH-17 blaster pistols in the years leading up to the Clone Wars.
  • Gladius-class combat droid: an illegal model used in underworld arenas. Its body vaguely resembled the OOM-series battle droid and had a cylindrical head similar to the IG assassin droid, designed to wield melee weapons such as vibroblades.
  • ARACH-1 combat droid: an illegal model used in underworld arenas. It resembled the LM-432 crab droid but had four legs and two "pincers", one of which typically equipped with a flamethrower and the other with a shock prod. The ARACH-1 was also illegally used by some mining companies as security droids in their mines due to its ability to climb up rigid, vertical surfaces.