Ard Zil was a male Gran who was hired by Jabba the Hutt to kill a podracer.
In 65 BBY, Jabba had a lot of money bet on a Vulptereen racer on Malastare. Morfit, a podracer the Vulptereen was going up against, had had a recent string of consecutive wins and was favored to win again. So Jabba hired Ard Zil to secretly murder Morfit.
When the job was done, Jedi Master Mathis was on his trail. Zil fled Malastare and hoped to hide on nearby Naboo. Mathis followed. When the Jedi Master finally caught up with him in the swamplands, Zil was threatening to kill Gungan children, including the young Gruu Funkistann, resulting in Zil's death at the hands of Mathis.
Behind the scenes[]
"Ard Zil" is an anagram of the word "lizard".
- A Force-Sensitive on Naboo (First appearance)