"I might be past my prime but I can still take you all on"-Arcus to Axe Union Inquisitors
Arcus Lonki was a Jedi Knight who participated in the Clone Wars as a General. After being taken from Glee Anselm to train as a Jedi he met U'un Saav a fellow Jedi Initiate they became good friends with the boy.
In the later years he would become a Jedi Knight along side U'un and when the Clone Wars broke out in 22 BBY he was one of the two hundred jedi led by Mace Windu to rescue Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala. He survived The Battle of Geonosis and went on to become a General in the Clone Wars leading the 75th Comet Corps. Fighting in many battles in the Clone Wars with U'un he had developed a great connection with his friend thinking of him as the brother he never had and when U'un had ended the Clone Wars in 19 BBY they traveled the galaxy with their fellow Jedi friends.
In 3 BBY after the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker embraced the darkside and became the new Dark Lord of the Sith, U'un decided to face him alone on Mustafar and try and reason with him but was killed but in his dying moments he reminded Anakin of his mother and Padme which turned Anakin back to the light. But Arcus arriving on the planet too late to save his friend cut down the injured Skywalker in a fit of rage. After this he was brought to the Jedi Council and was cast out of the Order.
He became a Bounty Hunter a few years after the incident on Mustafar working for an organization called the Axe Union. After finding out The Axe Unions true purpose of waging war against The Galactic Republic and the jedi Arcus left to warn the republic of the impending threat but his ship was shot down over Ord Mantell and he crash landed there. After months living hidden The Axe Wars found it's way to Ord Mantell and he came out of hiding to aid his former allies Lex Lui and Ahn Hyde to fight Axe Union forces. He died during the final battle on Ord Mantell.
Early Life[]
Born on Glee Anselm, Arcus was discovered by Master Yoda to be force sensitive and was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi. After meeting a human boy named U'un the two became inseparable best of friends they trained, fought and studied together along side Justice Jay, Volk Beast, Pola Corcer, Lialex Arcsto, Ahn Hyde, Lex Lui and Wilson Wei who were in his initiate clan.
In 36 BBY Arcus became a Jedi Knight along with U'un and the others in his clan.
With Arcus being a Jedi Knight he volunteered himself along with U'un on many dangerous missions with the company of the other Jedi in his clan they became a fearsome group of Jedi U'un being the most masterful with his skills with a lightsaber and his force powers, though Arcus was a powerful knight he was no where near U'un's skills.
Skirmish with Pirates[]
One of their most dangerous missions was to prevent a shipment of credits from being hijacked by pirates heading to Coruscant from the Banking Clan. Arcus, U'un and Justice Jay were sent to confront the pirates if they showed up, the Jedi accompanied the ship to Scipio where they picked up the loan and headed off the planet to jump to hyperspace. But before this could happen three sketchy ships jumped out of hyperspace and opened fire immediately targeting the hyperdrive and damaging it, once that was done one of the pirate ships put the Republic ship into a tractor beam and docked with it.
The pirates boarded the ship quickly killing off the security droids assigned to the shipment. U'un ordered Arcus and a squad of droids to protect the storage bay while he and Justice Jay went to drive the pirates off the ship, but before Arcus could get to the storage bay he was attacked by four pirates he quickly dispatched them and headed for the storage bay once again though losing two droids in the firefight. He got to the storage bay and found the pirates loading the credits up and getting ready to transport, Arcus got the drop on the pirates and began another firefight this time losing all of his droids except one he ordered the droid to load the credits back into the storage bay while he stood watch.
Arcus later got a transmission from U'un telling hi he had dispatched the pirates aboard the ship he then ordered Arcus up to help him with commandeering the pirates ship Arcus obliged and went to U'uns position. The three Jedi Knights sneaked on the ship after killing the two guards on the pirates ship guarding the entrance to their ship. They made their way to the bridge to find the pirates were ready for them firing upon them immediately they inured Justice Jay, while U'un took her back to the republic ship to get her patched up Arcus engaged the pirates head on and almost succeeded in taking them all down until he was stunned by one of the pirates and taken captive.
Waking up in the ships brig Arcus met the leader of the pirates Oric Corcer who gloated about capturing a Jedi Knight and told him how he was going to use Arcus as a bargaining ship to get the credits from U'un. Oric recorded a contacted the republic vessel and informed them about Arcus' situation, unbeknownst to the pirate leader U'un was not one that took kindly to people threatening his friends. U'un agreed to this and said the droids would load it over in crates but Oric betrayed U'un and destroyed the security droids loading it over and kept Arcus to live as a slave for them and gloated more about how U'un was stupid enough to not accompany the shipment of credits, but when Oric opened one of the crates to see his takings out popped U'un who ignited his lightsaber in Orics chest killing him instantly the rest of the pirates surrounded U'un and were about to take him captive but just then the security droids popped out of the other crates and opened fire on the rest of the pirates U'un then freed Arcus and used the ships cannons to target the other smaller ships damaging one and destroying the other. Bringing the crew and the cargo aboard the pirates ship they used their working hyperdrive to get back to Coruscant. After hearing of U'un's heroism he was awarded the rank of Jedi Master.
The Clone Wars[]
In 22 BBY Mace Windu led two hundred Jedi to rescue Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala from Geonosis one of those two hundred Jedi was Arcus, surviving the battle he was given military status and was assigned the 75th Comet Corps a clone battalion.
The Defense Of Krath[]
Arcus rose to prominence in this battle as he was stationed there with his clone battalion to protect the planet as there was rumor of an attack led by General Grievous, setting up a protective blockade around the planet and anti-aircraft cannons on the surface Arcus was sure that any attacks made by the Separatists would be futile but the Separatists weren't going to attack from the skies they rather attacked the ground units with the help of Separatist sympathizers who launched an attack on the Republic base with the help of a mysterious bounty hunter. Over powering the clones with sheer numbers they took the base and tricked one republic cruiser into coming into atmosphere destroying it with the anti-aircraft cannons, General Grievous then took the opportunity to attack the republic blockade and destroy it he then landed his ground troops in the city.
Luckily for Arcus he was paying The President of Krath a visit when the Separatists attacked. Seeing the Separatists siege the city Arcus knew he was in trouble he rounded up all of his clone troopers he had at his disposal and partnered with the K.P.D(Krath Police Department) and engaged the droid army.
The siege lasted weeks and in that time there were few pockets of resistance left on the planet and even though Arcus and his forces were low on supplies they kept fighting eventually running out of ammo entirely the clone troopers and police resorted to using blasters of fallen droids. With no chance of getting reinforcements because of the anti-aircraft cannons Arcus led a squadron of clone troopers out of the ruined city and planned to take the base back from Grievous using their knowledge of the base they infiltrated it undetected and as a distraction Arcus engaged General Grievous by himself while the clones took the command center back. Arcus payed heavily for under-estimating Grievous' skills as the droid general cut off his left arm, but as the general was abut to give the killing blow auto-turrets fired upon Grievous and his droid bodyguards realizing his idiocy in letting this Jedi distract him the general fled with his remaining battle droids leaving the base to march on the city. With the base back in republic control Volk Beast's fleet engaged the Separatist fleet above the planet destroying the blockade and sending reinforcements and supplies to the republic holdouts.
Capturing Grievous[]
Arcus was taken aboard Volk Beast's republic cruiser The Fang. When he awoke he found that he had a new robotic arm, Arcus warned the crew that he had to get back down to Krath as soon as possible. Heading down to the planet with a handful of troopers he saw that Grievous had already launched his attack on the city and Volk Beast had engaged Grievous. Joining the fight Arcus ordered the demolition of two skyscrapers to block off the attackers and bury Grievous, the plan worked but Grievous was left unscathed while Volk was only just saved by Arcus. Needing a new plan of attack the Jedi general ordered some troops into the skyscrapers around them so when the time was right they could attack Grievous' forces from behind while mostly protecting the troopers from blaster fire. And again the Nautolan outsmarted the droid general destroying his droid forces and capturing him.
The Great Escape[]
Arcus accompanied Grievous to Coruscant where he would be tried for war crimes and interrogated. To his surprise the sepies did not try and rescue the general, Arcus delivered the general to the prison on Coruscant. There he took a break after months on a war torn Krath, there he met up with U'un who he had not seen since The Battle of Geonosis the two went to a bar to catch up on each others exploits.
While this was happening the separatists attacked the prison holding General Grievous cutting the power and setting loose 3 squads of commando droids. Not only did the droids release Grievous they set the entire prison loose to keep the local police and Jedi busy. U'un and Arcus quickly got wind of this and the hunt for Grievous was on, U'un ordered the police to keep everyone inside their homes enacting a curfew to keep the citizens safe from Grievous' rampage. Local police droids found and reported Grievous' location to the two Jedi Arcus ordered the droids to not engage Grievous rather follow him.
U'un and Arcus engaged Grievous and his four magna guards just as he was about to escape on a stolen ship. This was where U'un revealed to Grievous his ultimate fighting style his 4th level of lightsaber combat this level used two double bladed lightsabers in each hand to combat Grievous, while Arcus would battle the magna guards, amazingly U'un single handedly beat Grievous and Arcus destroyed the magna guards, but before U'un could capture Grievous commando droids arrived and distracted U'un and Arcus long enough for Grievous to make his escape.
End of The War[]
In the waning days of The Clone Wars Count Dooku was decapitated by Anakin Skywalker and U'un had one of his visions seeing the Chancellor kill multiple Jedi as a Sith Lord. U'un, Master Yoda, Mace Windu and Volk Beast confronted the Chancellor killing him in the ensuing fight but losing Volk. Arcus was angry at U'un for not taking him also stating that he could've prevented Volks death. The end of the war came when General Grievous was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi ending the galaxy wide conflict.
A New Dark Lord[]
In 3 BBY Obi-Wan Kenobi was killed by Black Sun gangsters in the outer rim, this caused Anakin Skywalker to go to the darkside killing the Black Sun crime bosses and wrecking their bases he was determined to bring down the republic and Jedi to start over U'un knew of this and went to Mustafar where Anakin was establishing his new base. Arcus found out about U'un's plan and set off to Mustafar to help his friend, but b the time he had arrived Anakin had already killed U'un, though U'un was dead he managed to turn Anakin back to the light in his final moments. Arcus filled with rage did not care how sorry Anakin was and impaled him with his lightsaber killing him instantly. Arcus returned to Coruscant and confessed what he did after the two Jedi's funeral. This led to scorn by Padme Amidala and him getting banished from the Jedi Order.
Life Outside The Order[]
Arcus left Coruscant for Krath seeing as he was always welcome there. He quickly fell into a deep depression and took up drinking. For a whole year he drank himself stupid and fell to the bottom having no money, no friends and no where to go he considered suicide until he ran into Lialex Arcsto a fellow Jedi who was in his initiate clan. She had a long conversation with him where she told him not to give up on life and to "always keep fighting" she gave Arcus 10,000 credits and left him. He took what she said into consideration and said he would use these credits wisely.
He took up bounty hunting for a new organization called the Axe Union from what he had heard they were an organization that employed bounty hunters as security for their mining facilities and shipments of their main export droids and weapons, and secretly they employed some of these bounty hunters to take down threats to their organization. Th employment of bounty hunters made their company more reliable than other weapons manufacturers which in turn gave them more business. Arcus worked with them for years as security but never took on assassinations in this time he learned how to use a blaster and became an amazing marksman he also created a new lightsaber but with a green blade.
Eventually he was given assassination jobs his first was to assassinate the leader of a criminal organization called The Red Riders as they were attacking many of their weapons shipments and mining facilities and succeeding in capturing those targets. If the leader was killed the union theorized they would fall into disarray. Arcus went to the planet Tez discovered by the riders and named after their leader Baron Tez. Arcus set up camp a few clicks away from the riders camp and set up a crows nest up on a hill with a new high powered sniper capable of hitting targets from great distances, using this he shot Baron in the head while he was giving a speech to his cronies he packed up his gear and prepared to leave in his ship The Red Shadow, but apparently he wasn't far enough away as the pirates arrived and shot down his ship and Arcus himself was knocked unconscious.
Arcus wielded a single bladed lightsaber which used a single blue adegan crystal as the focusing lens the design for this lightsaber was a bit bulky to say the least.This was the lightsaber he used before he was banished from the order. Since then he used a variety of different blaster rifles and blaster pistols. But with the money he did have he created a second lightsaber which used a single green adegan crystal the design of this second hilt was smoother rather than the other one that was bulky and heavy.