Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

I was there the night Rennyri's chambers burned. Her bedroom and personal library were both destroyed, along with maybe a dozen artifacts. And he was just standing there, watching us. He didn't look remorseful or proud. God help me, he just looked bored.
—Elten Shaud

Arbet Makt was a Jedi Master known for advocating more experimentation with the dark side of the Force while secretly forcing his students to turn to the dark side using the Sharek Ar Tarma technique. After two of his former students murdered a colleague, he was investigated by his fellow Jedi and exiled, after which he became known as Darth Freir.

After he was exiled, his work was carried on by his final pupil, Ashka Summ, who would go on to become Darth Rakena.


Early Years[]

The son of a wealthy Chiss industrialist, Makt spent his early years being rigorously educated so that he could take over the company when his father retired. As a result, he did not discover that he was a force-sensitive until he was ten years old. When he was determined to be force-sensitive, his parents sent him away to the nearest Jedi Academy, where he was eventually taken on as a pupil by Jedi Master Lara Balu.

As a padawan, Makt was eager and enthusiastic, but Balu noted that he had a volatile temper and lacked patience. On more than one occasion, he erupted at other padawans and caused fights. Still, as he grew, it appeared that he learned to control his anger and he was finally knighted, at which point he declared his intention to become a Jedi Master.

Teaching Career[]

As a teacher, Makt was often cold and almost never gave his students praise. Nevertheless, his padawans performed well when the time came for their Jedi trials, and Makt gained a reputation as an effective teacher. However, when he began to talk about the need to familiarize padawans with the dark side, his fellow masters grew concerned. One master in particular, Rennyri Bomban, began to keep a close watch on Makt's activities. Though it's unknown if she ever collected any anything truly damning, she was murdered one night by two men in cloaks and masks. The Jedi Guardians' investigation soon turned up evidence that pointed to Gost Krieder and Czarno Sarce, both of them former padawans to Makt. They did not resist arrest, but before they could be arraigned, a fire broke out in Bomban's chambers, destroying most of her possessions, which included several rare and valuable artifacts. While the guardians struggled to put out the fire, Krieder and Sarce broke out of their cells and escaped. Makt was standing in the center of the blaze.

Powers and abilities[]

In addition to being a fully-accredited Jedi Master, Makt was known to have studied techniques used by the Sith, and thus the skill with which he wielded the Force was considerable. Though he kept most of his teachings secret, it was widely believed that he was the Master who taught Darth Rakena about the Sharek Ar Tarma techniques.

Behind the scenes[]

Arbet Makt's name comes from the old Nazi slogan Arbeit Macht Frei, or "Work brings freedom". His Sith name has two meanings, first as a sort of pun ("Arbet Makt brought Freir"), but also an allusion the Norse god Freyr.
