Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy eraPost-Legacy era

Aquarion Dreti T'nayrb Nieja was a Jedi Knight during the Yuuzhan Vong War and Second Galactic Civil War. He was one of the few known examples of a Mon Calamari/Human hybrid, this being achieved by genetic manipulation, his great-great-great-grandfather on his mother's side being near-human and his father being completely Mon Calamari.


Early life[]

Aquarion, or Aquary, as he was commonly known, was born to a Mon Calamari Tibanna miner and a Mon Calamari hybrid in Cloud City on Bespin in 0 BBY. He was the second youngest of eight children and one of two boys. He was three years old during Occupation of Bespin in which he and his family were taken off planet to work as slaves. Aquarion was spared from slave labor, however, as he was Force-sensitive. Even though he was an alien in the Human-dominated culture of the Empire, he was selected to be trained as an Emperor's Hand. He was at the Imperial Palace on Coruscant when Emperor Palpatine was killed at the Battle of Endor. Two years later, when the New Republic took Coruscant, a ship carrying Aquarion and Imperial personnel escaped Coruscant with heavy damage and attempted to reach the Kejim Outpost.

The damage sustained in breaking the New Republic blockade required the ship to stop for repairs on Athiss, a now criminal controlled world en route to Kejim. The ship was looted and many Imperials were killed by a local Rodian crime lord, who also took Aquarion as a slave. He was kept there for many years, usually used to bus the Rodian's cantina. He was fed well and allowed some degree of freedom, but he was still a slave. It wasn't until the Rodian gave him to a passing smuggler as payment for a run that the young Calamari left Athiss. The smuggler then went bust when he lost his cargo on a run. Aquarion was left to fend for himself on Nar Shaddaa in 10 ABY. After about two months on the Smuggler's Moon, Aquarion was discovered by Jedi Knight Siennv'ida who had survived Order 66. Sensing his affinity with the Force, she took him in to train him as a Jedi. Soon after they made contact with the New Republic and the Jedi Order, the latter of which they joined just before Operation Shadow Hand.

New Republic[]

After joining the new Jedi Order, Aquarion not only continued with his Jedi training, but studied a standard school curriculum. As he entered adolescence, Aquary became even more adept at building and repairing objects, which lead him to be considered by some as an engineer.

Death of Siennv'ida[]

In 16 ABY Aquarion and his master were tracking a suspected Dark Jedi. Following him with a rented speeder into the wilds of Lok, finally catching up to him on the plains just below Adi's Rest. A fierce duel developed. Making use of a guard shoto the Dark Jedi was able to parry attacks from both Jedi at once, slowly tiring them. He struck at the first mistake, using the Force to send Aquarion back several meters, temporarily taking him out of the fight. Exploiting the opportunity, the Dark Jedi began a relentless series of strikes on Siennv'ida. Already exhausted, her opponent easily over-powered her. Aquarion returned to his feet just in time to witness his master slain. Enraged by his master's death, Aquarion charged at the Dark Jedi, he however, fled using his speeder bike. Aquarion immediately rushed to his fallen master, only to find her body had disappeared, leaving behind her robes and lightsabers, the weapons which Aquarion then took as his own. He constructed a crude funeral pyre with what was available nearby, keeping the tradition of what his master taught him about Jedi funeral practices, laying his master's robes over the rock and dry vegetation then setting it ablaze.


After the ceremony, Aquarion traveled to a small spaceport, returning the speeder and spending nearly all the funds he had securing a ride on a freighter to Tatooine, a place where he could be isolated form the rest of the galaxy for a short time to grieve his master and decided what to do next. While in hyperspace Aquarion meditated on the previous duel. Sickened by how easily he slipped, albeit temporarily, to the Dark Side. Landing in Mos Eisley, Aquarion was able to barter with a local trader for a speeder, on the condition that he could complete courier runs for him. He left Tatooine several months later after raising enough money to afford sufficient equipment and passage to Dathomir.

Singing Mountain Clan[]

Aquarion arrived on Dathomir, intent on seeking out the Singing Mountain Clan in hope of continuing training in the light side of the Force, he began to wander the wilds of Dathomir. As he neared the Singing Mountain, Aquarion heard a commotion nearby. He ran toward the sound and witnessed a fallen witch attacking a group of young initiates. Drawing his lightsaber, Aquarion charge toward who he determined was the instigator. A short but fierce combat ensued, which ended with Aquarion decapitating his opponent. The grateful initiates then took him before Augwynne Djo, the matriarch of the clan, who commended him for his actions. Depsite being a male, he was accepted into their culture.
