Anyarah was a Human female Sith who was master of the Sith cult known as the Revanites until she later becomes a Jedi Knight after joining the Jedi Order.
Located on the Sith Empire capital planet of Dromund Kaas, Anyarah became one of the leaders of the cult and wanted to learn the secrets of how Revan became a Sith and how he returned to the light side. Furthermore, she and the Revanites feared that the Dark Council posed a threat to the Emperor, whom they assumed to be Darth Revan in secret. However, in truth it is revealed that Revan didn't become the Emperor of the Sith and that he was held captive by the sith.
When the Empire came to dispose the Revanites, Anyarah ordered her followers to retreat from their position and hide somewhere safe where they wouldn't be seen by the Empire. The cult was able to reorganize their camp until Anyarah encountered the spirit of Revan. Anyrah wanted to learn the secrets, and Revan agreed to teach if she promises to reject the dark side. Anyarah agreed, and followed Revan's path to the light side. She saw the visions of the past of how Revan was captured and finally saw the truth in her eyes. She pronounced a speech to her followers that she finally solved the answers of Revan and told them to abandon the nature of the dark side and join the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. The members of the cult complied to her speech and followed her to the planet Tython.
Anyarah and the Revanites were able to seek sanctuary from the Jedi and were welcomed by Grand Master Satele Shan. Anyarah was pleased and was offered to be trained as a Jedi. Satele agreed, and decided to take her as her apprentice. Anyarah trained well in the Jedi archs, and was able to adapt well to the Force. She became one of Satele's promising students, and was able to pass the Knight trial where she became a Jedi Knight. Her master was pleased, but this was when the Sith Empire invaded Tython. The Jedi and the Republic were overwhelmed by the Sith-Imperial forces, and were forced to evacuate the temple. Anyarah fought for her life, but she was immediately killed in action when she was shot in the back by a sith trooper. Her body immediately vanished, leaving her robes and her lightsaber behind. She has become one with the Force since she learned the secrets from her informal master.