Wherefore art thou deceased, Sorzus? Wherefore art thouest not with me?
—Anubis Tu'Sirius
Anubis Tu'Sirius was a Shistavanen allied with the Sith. Among Sith circles, he was credited with the creation of the Angland Wastes pyramid. Tu'Sirius also had an obsession with immortality and pioneered the mummification process the Sith used to preserve their most famous members that resided in Sith tombs.
Early life[]
Who is that female? She is a beauty beyond paradise.
—Anubis concerning Syn
Anubis was born in 6,070 BBY on Uvena Prime. He grew up with an aptitude and interest in engineering, mathematics and chemistry. He grew to relative fame in the Outer Rim for his design for the palace in Eriadu City. At the end of the Hundred Year Darkness, Anubis was taken from his home on Uvena as slave labor to design the palaces of on of the Sith's adopted homeplanets, Korriban.
As he arrived, he caught a glimpse of Sith Mistress Sorzus Syn and became attracted to her. Due to his frequent mention of Syn during the planning phase of the project, she was reassigned to the project, much to her chagrin. The Sith had hoped to use his infatuation with her to speed up the design phase and facilitate construction. They cautioned Syn to avoid harsh treatment of Tu'Sirius or face the wrath of Ajunta Pall, Sith leader.
Despite her anger, Syn did not attempt to exact vengeance on the Shistavanen and grew to tolerate his presence even though she felt a sense of superiority over the "dog".
Syn: “I am beyond caring now, thou bringest me pleasure that transcends any pain they could inflict upon me. I require thee.”
―Tu'Sirius and Syn discussing the continuation of their clandestine relationship.
After the completion of the palace, Tu'Sirius and Syn were split apart, the former was reintegrated into the larger slave population and the latter sent to teach in the Sith Temple within the palace grounds.
Having grown accustomed to the company of Anubis, Syn often discreetly summoned him from his labor in Dreshdae—a slave settlement on Korriban—in order to bask in his affection. Once this practice came to the attention of the Sith leadership, Syn was severely punished for diverting resources from the Sith cause. Angered and aroused by the leadership's reaction, she called upon Anubis more frequently and for longer durations.
The Sith finally concluded that it was best to send Syn off-planet in order to sever the bond between the two. Syn lived out the remaining years of her life on Ziost, under the eye of Pall. Anubis was devastated upon hearing the news that Syn was reassigned.
Sith landmarks[]
I come to ye—O Lords—bearing a gift of immeasurable value, an idea. Something that will revolutionize your culture by making ye more than physical gods. My idea will make ye a symbol on par with the mighty entity, the Force.
—Anubis pitching his idea that would manifest as the Valley of the Dark Lords.
Obsessed with expressing the love he felt for Syn, he devised a scheme to immortalize her image and give her the gift of divinity among the Sith people. He presented an idea to the Sith to memorialize Sith Lords with monuments that would encapsulate and preserve their contribution. Since Syn was ineligible for the honor naturally, due to her insubordination, he also requested permission to create a tomb for her in exchange for knowledge of the mummification process he developed using Sith alchemy and chemistry he studied on Uvena.
The leadership, dreaming of eternal glory, assented to his request. In addition to their thoughts of splendor, they intended to extract the mummification process from him and use Syn's tomb for a more worthy candidate.
Erecting Sith landmarks[]
This valley will double as a museum, preserving the best our Sith Overlords had to offer. It will become the grand hall of Sith Lords. This canyon will be known simply as the Valley of the Dark Lords.
—Anubis Tu'Sirius.
Anubis began the process of creating the "grand hall of Sith Lords" by scouting locations on Korriban. He eventually selected the canyon that would be known as the Valley of the Dith Lords.
After choosing the location, he laid out the plots of land each tomb was to have with Sorzus Syn receiving the largest chunk. With the large slave workforce at his disposal, he was able to complete construction on four major tomb sites quickly.
Initially, the sites were earmarked for Ajunta Pall, Xo Xaan, Karness Muur and Syn, with a fifth site reserved for Sith Admiral Dreypa. However, infighting between Muur and Dreypa factions eventually forced the leaders of the Sith to decree that the fourth and smallest tomb would be reserved for Dreypa. Dreypa agreed, but conspired with Anubis to create the oubliette, a device designed to confine Muur and his talisman.
Embitterment and escape[]
Anubis Tu'Sirius became disillusioned with his Sith masters after they, again, broke their spoken contract and designated the tomb for another Sith Lord rather than Syn. Anubis then sought to leave Korriban and search for Syn. His opportunity arose when he sneaked aboard a Sith vessel headed Ziost, the last known location of Sorzus Syn.
Having esoterically arrived at Ziost, he gathered information on the whereabouts of Syn. She had been relegated to saber training duty and had relatively low ranking in that society. Anubis was able to easily gain access to her quarters by masquerading as a low-clearance cleaning servant.
Reunited with the being he loved, Anubis pleaded with Syn to steal a transport and return to known Republic space with him and live a quiet life. Syn agreed that it was time to return to the Republic, but as conquerors not as undisclosed and lowly migrants. Leaving Anubis behind, Syn participated in the First battle between Jedi and Sith and was killed. A distraught Tu'sirius led a slave revolt on Ziost and left the planet with several other slaves for Republic space. Fearing discovery by the Republic, the Sith did not follow.
Free to live out the rest of his life, Anubis took a few large-scale architectural jobs under the pseudonyms Osiris Anubis and Anubis Asari. By the time he hit sixty years of age he had retired from the public sector and moved to the secluded planet Tatooine. Using most of his amassed wealth he hired hands to complete a final, not-for-profit job. His self-proclaimed masterpiece was completed twenty years later. He died of natural causes at age eighty-three, happy with his tribute to his true love.