Star Wars Fanon

Annith was a vast jungle world dotted with ruins of the ancient and lost Annithan civilization. It was a major battlefield during the Jedi Wars and was controlled by the Sith Empire of Korriban and Liberated Systems for some time.

Geology, geography, flora and fauna[]

Annith became a peaceful planet after its native race perished by an unknown cause. 95% of Annith is covered in vast sprawling jungle that has enveloped the abandoned cities and temples in foliage. The Annith civilization were not the last occupants however, Darth Drakenaereus ordered his men to create a base on the planet led by Commander Lurall Virceii. Soon after the Jedi and Mandalorians attacked an Annith became a battlefield of violence and destruction. Substantial numbers of holocrons existed in the temples, all claimed by the Sith Empire during their occupation. This gave some indication that the Annithan civilization may have associated with the Sith beforehand.

The flora and fauna of Annith had been barely studied, but some of the organisms discovered include:

  • Jaui-Qiua plant
  • Annithan monger-fang
  • Striker of the Night
  • Annithan grashi snake
  • Annithan man-eating plant
  • Annithan ruin dwelling flesh bat


The Annithan Civilization[]

Ever since the history of Annith has been recorded, the Annithan civilization has existed on tablets or in holo-books for about 1000 years of power. The Annithan race were democratic and thus tyrants were disposed of as soon as they were discovered, this has been learnt from ancient Annithan tablets. The Annithans were ruled by an Emperor of the Supreme Holiness, the last known one being Emperor Gohmah Sihpithhu. The Annithans were said to have died out due to vast climate change, or perhaps another race bested them.

Sith occupation and the Battle of Annith[]

As the Jedi War raged on more and more planets were needed to support the sides. Following his crushing victory on Meraldii III,Darth Drakenaereus had the Jedi and Mandalorians fleeing across the galaxy. He left them to regroup and focused on another prioty, his need for more planets. His closest option was Annith and he acted swiftly by employing Commander Lurall Virceii to create a base on the jungle planet. The Commander abided and with an estimate of about 500-700 Sith infantry he successfully mounted a defensive base at some unnamed Annithan ruins. The Jedi and Mandalorians were quick to act and attacked the Sith on Annith, ending the battle with a victory but loses of about 3 thousand men. Commander Lurall Virceii himself died defending his lord's base.
