Star Wars Fanon
Alternate Infinities
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order era

I am curious about this new discovered star system beyond the Outer Rim, commander. Perhaps you could send in scout probes and see what they could find.
—Annabelle to her commander upon the discovery of an outer Solar System

Annabelle Nakamura, also known as Bella and as "Godmother of the Confederacy" by the Confederate-Union Government and as High Countess Nakamura to the Grand Family, was a Force-sensitive Corellian human female who served the Galactic Empire as an Imperial Navy Lieutenant then later as Captain, and briefly served onboard Darth Vader's Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Devastator. She was then later given her own Star Destroyer upon promotion to Captain and her personal flagship was called the ISS Valkyrie, and modified it to better fit her needs.

She later became the Empress of her own empire in 12 ABY after neutralizing Admiral Daala at Tsoss Beacon relay station, and claimed her forces, including the forces of thirteen now dead warlords as well as claiming their territories.

In early 12 ABY, Annabelle had inherited her father's company as well as the rest of his properties, including estates, mansions, and credit vaults on the planet of Corellia. She had taken credits from these vaults only for her military, and never for her own desires.

In 20 ABY, she had come across the Union-Confederate Alliance on the planet of Mars in the outer Solar System outside of the Outer Rim Territories, and discussed with them about retaking and reclaiming Earth.


Early life[]

As a child, she always wanted to be an officer of the Imperial Navy after the Clone Wars was brought to an end. Her parents always supported her decision on joining the Imperial Navy as well as the rest of her family.

Imperial service[]

She later traveled to Coruscant when she turned 18 and applied for the Royal Imperial Academy to finally become what she always dreamed of being, an Imperial Navy officer to serve the Galactic Empire and Emperor Palpatine. After she had finished her training in the academy on Coruscant, she was sent to serve on the Devastator Imperial I-class Star Destroyer that was under the command of Darth Vader himself which she, unlike most Imperial officers, admired him and his skills with a lightsaber that also made her to be as loyal to the Imperial Navy as she could be.

Vader also sensed her Force-sensitivity whenever she was near him while she served onboard his flagship. Out of the eye of Emperor Palpatine, Vader once told her of the power she could hold if she knew how to use them. Discovering a big truth from her commander, she was convinced by his words and Vader then, for now, trained her to use Force lightning which she found useful for keeping other imperials in check as well as punish her own junior officers in later months.

Later after the Battle of Yavin, she was promoted to Captain and given command of ISS Valkyrie, once an Imperial I-class but now Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, and took part in the Battle of Hoth within Vader's Death Squadron and briefly served onboard his flagship, the Executor-class Star Dreadnought. She was under Vader's command when her flagship was transferred into his fleet of star destroyers that invaded Hoth. Luckily she wasn't in command of his star dreadnought other wise she would've been killed by the Dark Lord himself when an admiral brought the fleet too close to the system. Her star destroyer stayed in close quarters with the Executor SSD like she was ordered too which after the rebel forces on Hoth were cleared out and escaped.

Nakamura Alignment[]

During the nearing end of the Galactic Empire, Bella, and her flagship, were called to join the large Imperial fleet above Endor to surprise the Rebel Alliance fleet, who thought were conducting a surprise attack themselves, and resulted in the Battle of Endor. Bella and her flagship, at the time, were in command of several other Imperial II-class Star Destroyers such as the Midwinter Dusk, Midautumn Fall, and Midspring Dawn. Later when the Death Star II was destroyed by Wedge Antilles, Bella ordered that the captains of the three Star Destroyers follow hers towards the planet of Corellia where she formed the Nakamura Alignment while inheriting her parents' company, Nakamura Industries, and dissolved its council to use the company to create the Imperial IV-class Star Destroyer whom would've denied the construction of these powerful warships.

During the course of eight years, Bella had her forces to be challenged by the forces of several other imperial warlords such as Grand Admiral Thrawn, Admiral Daala, and Vice-Admiral Pellaeon.

Empress of a new Empire[]

By the time that Admiral Daala had brought together a group of warlords for reunification and reform the Galactic Empire to hopefully restore order. Giving into her instincts to go and kill the warlords, including Daala, she went after she was contacted to join them. However, she had sensed an immediate danger and sent one of her top Shadow Troopers to spring the trap that Daala had laid out. Bella was, however, chosen by Daala to serve in the Imperial Remnant and so after the other warlords were neutralized by the dioxis gas, Bella used her Force-lightning on Daala and her other chosen officers, claiming their forces and the dead imperial commanders' forces. She then reorganized her own and new forces into an empire of her own called the Nakamura Empire, and claimed the territories previously owned by the now dead fourteen warlords as well as declaring herself as Galactic Empress.

With her newfound power as Empress, Annabelle was careful in expanding her power as to not risk war or conflict with the New Republic, despite her plans of eventually replacing them. Throughout the next eight years, she oversaw numerous construction projects aimed towards building new warships, vehicles and the programs that expanded her armies through her Empire's territory. The main thing she was concerned with was the fortification of her borders with the New Republic, as they were the weakest points of her power. While her fleet was slowly being built up, her Supreme Commander James Lovegood reassigned various ships in the fleet to strengthen border forces.


During the start of the ninth year of her Empire's continued military build-up, a patrol fleet had unknowingly ventured too south of the Outer Rim Territories and discovered the drifting remains of a Clone Wars-era Venator-class Star Destroyer near Kal'Shebbol. The ship's structure was found mostly intact, this included the command bridge where the information of an outer solar system was stored; leading Annabelle and her Empire to an unknown red planet that was occupied by two governments-in-exile.

Her personal starship Bella was sent to the red planet as an ambassador ship to establish contact with whom ever was in control of the planet's surface.

New Allies[]

After her personal shuttle finished initial discussions with the Union-Confederate Alliance forces above the unknown planet, she was called upon for verification and then took her fleet to the coordinates and began more discussions with the leaders of the Alliance, Jane Zarkan II and the Radford Redforge. She also had learned about their history as well as about Earth. She agreed with Jane II and Radford to liberate Earth from the Earth Empire and its Imperial remnant support.


Annabelle was a brilliant strategic Imperial commander when it came to dealing with the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, she was respected by many Imperial officers in the Military, both the Army and Navy. Her view on keeping the peace for the Empire went unchallenged for years for the war until she desired her own Empire in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. Taking her Star Destroyer and three others t.o Corellia, forming the Nakamura Alignment.

Once found the Nakamura Empire was founded, her view on Imperial order became more and more gray as she held great power, becoming the largest Imperial remnant. However, she did not go soft sitting with her newfound powers, she made sure that her territories were protected against the New Republic, being looked upon by her officers as "great Empress" continuing the legacy of the Galactic Empire, but this was not the case. When her forces discovered the Union-Confederate Alliance, she felt an urge to assist them in liberating their planet from the Earth Empire, seeing it as a reminder of what made the Galactic Empire weak and thin.

Once liberating Earth from the Empire and its Imperial remnant support, she was looked up at by the people of Earth as their savior to which she returned the gesture, assured them that she would protect Earth and its borders against the New Republic, who would only attract danger with their diplomacy and way of life.


As both Empress of the Nakamura Empire and President of the Confederate-Union Government, Annabelle's time was mostly taken up by meetings, political events, oversights of military development and political situations as well as speaking with the New Republic about her Empire's continued military build-up even after the Imperial Civil War ended. Due to this, Annabelle was sometimes unable to return to Earth, and attended C.U. Government meetings through hologram. However her workaround for being absent from Earth, she recorded numerous recordings, sending them to the C.U. Government and have them play throughout the Confederate-Union Broadcasting Network.

With the Confederate-Union Government in place, your allegiance is not limited to a single government. Every citizen, including yourself, now has the choice of which government they wish to support. Yes, you heard me correctly. You can now support either the Confederate States or the Union States, with no consequences or rejection! Your choice is the result of your own actions, your allegiance is the result of your own actions; that freedom is yours.
—One of Annabelle's recordings
Since the end of the Second Civil War, my Empire has kept your world safe and away from the influence of the New Republic. Many see me as the "Godmother of the Confederacy", a title which I hold with great honour and in my duty as the President of the Confederate-Union Government, I and Jane Zarkan II will uphold the legacy her mother left. I am Annabelle Nakamura, and you are my godchildren.
—One of Annabelle's recordings
Do you feel as if you are left out? Left in the darkness with no care? You do not have to worry, citizen. I love you as I do everyone else. No one is left out, no one is alone, and no one will ever be a subject to violence ever again! For I am Annabelle Nakamura, the Godmother of the Confederacy! I care for you! You are a citizen of the Confederate-Union Government! You are loved by everyone around you! You do not need to feel left out! The Government loves you!
—One of Annabelle's recordings
Many wonder about the New Republic. Who are they? What do they do? What are their intentions? They were, and are terrorists; criminals who banded together to control the galaxy, ripped apart the most powerful government in the galaxy to do so. They are NOT to be trusted! They will only attract violence! They will only bring more destruction to your already peaceful lives! The Confederate-Union Government will never condone any of their actions on Earth!
—One of Annabelle's recordings
Both the Confederate States and Union States value your service to their governments, which is why I, as your Godmother and President, encourage you to join up with the Confederate States Forces or Union Armed Forces depending on the government you support. In fact, if you have the desire to enlist in the Union Armed Forces, but are aligned with the Confederate States, do not worry. Your freedom is your voice; simply switch your allegiance if necessary!
—One of Annabelle's recordings

Most, if not all citizens were unaware that these were pre-recorded by Annabelle and sent to the Broadcasting Network.

Behind the scenes[]

The Alternate Infinities version of Annabelle was created for a crossover between Jenkins S115 SII's and Wardie1993's Star Wars universe, particularly the Infinities timeline of this character, and the era after the Earth Empire. The physical appearance of this character is based on Winter Schnee from RWBYverse.
