Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Ankoin Kuflin was a Mandalorian warrior that became a notorious bounty hunter. He fought as a true Mandalorian during the Mandalorian Civil War, but after his brothers death at the hands of the Death Watch, he left the fight. After leaving, he went through many struggles to survive. But, he was saved by a corrupt Yam'rii politician that hired him as a bounty hunter to assist the Yam'rii in the growing conflict that was the Huk War. He worked mostly in the Outer Rim territories and was known as an always persistent bounty hunter. He normally would only hunt Jedi, Sith's, and other potent enemies. He played a huge role in the Mandalorian Civil War and was a close friend of Jango Fett.


The Mandalorian Civil War[]


Kuflin, his three "brothers", and Fett fighting during the Mandalorian Civil War.

Kuflin fought in the Mandalorian Civil War as a True Mandalorian. The enemy were the Death Watch and Kuflin fought along with family and friends to put an end to the Death Watch. Some of his greatest allies were his three brother-like cousins, Jalon Kuflin, Joren Kuflin, and Savin Kuflin. Calarth Piroc, and Jango Fett were also some of his greatest allies during the war. Ankoin fought through most of the war. Shortly before the Jedi stepped in, Piroc's wife was murdered by a group of Death Watch soldiers. So, Piroc left the fight to raise his only son, Phiht Piroc. When the Jedi did step in, tragedy struck. During Mandalore's Winter, a Jedi task force launched a surprise attack on Kuflin and a group of True Mandalorian's under his command. The sneak attack proved to be a tragic event for Ankoin. Having been caught off guard, fifteen of his men were killed. Including his "brother", Jalon Kuflin. He put Savin, his other "brother" in charge and told him to lead the retreat. While the other Mandalorians ran for cover, Kuflin stayed and fought. While Savin led the retreat Joren stayed to fight with his brother. Quickly taking down about twelve Jedi, they were left only with the Jedi that had murdered Jalon. Kuflin was able to disarm the Jedi and kill him with his own weapon.

Escape from Mandalore[]

After this, Kuflin could not bear to stay and fight. So, he left his home and fled to an Unknown planet on the Outer Rim. He did not know that he was followed by two Jedi and six bounty hunters that he would face later on. Upon arrival to the stormy planet, he was confronted by one of the bounty hunters that the Death Watch had hired to take him down. The bounty hunter was outmatched and defeated in only a minute. Only a moment later, the others had made their way to Kuflin. Using a grenade he had picked up from the other bounty hunter, he was able to bring about the destruction of all those chasing him but one Jedi. Kuflin managed to make his way to the Jedi he had taken the life of and took both of his lightsabers, as the Jedi was a user of Jar'kai. The Jedi made his way to Kuflin and balefully attacked him. This time, Kuflin was outmatched. Even through the rapid fire of his blaster pistols, the Jedi had no trouble pursuing Kuflin. So, Kuflin shot off in his jet-pack and tried to escape the Jedi. Even though his escape attempt was successful, he had not seen the last of the Jedi.


Kuflin escapes after being attacked by the Jedi.

Only moments later, Kuflin was roaming the streets to find a way to escape. He eventually met up with a Twi'lek couple. He persuaded them to give him a ride in their speeder for 400 Republic Credits. They took him off of the stormy planet, to Tatooine where they were to find some relatives. They could no longer help him. So, the Mandalorian walked about two miles into a merchant isle where he met up with a human merchant. The merchant urged him to take the offer of a slugthrower rifle for his two blaster pistols. Eventually, the two made a compromise and Ankoin bought the rifle for 962 Republic Credits, along with a hand-made knife that his brother, Savin, had made for him.

The heavy rifle was more of an aggravation than before. But, it would prove to be helpful in the struggles yet to come. But, he had to make his way through the desert wasteland, searching for some form of shelter. He would finally come to a small cave, up on a ledge about two hours into his walk. He slid his rifle above his head, on to the ledge. Then, he threw himself up. He made a quick inspection of the area and found nothing suspicious or potentially dangerous. So, he went deeper to the ledges center and slowly fell asleep

Deep into his sleep, he woke up when he heard the distant sound of rifle shots and barking dogs. He quickly got up and picked up his rifle. He peered through the scope and saw a group of about twenty Tusken Raiders with their vicious canines heading towards him. He lay down at a prone position and peered through the scope again. The group had just let the dogs loose and they were running towards him. He aimed and with great precision, he shot down the first dog at about 220 yards. The second dog, larger than the first, picked up speed and began to charge at a steady pace. Ankoin studied the creature and picked out his weak point. He fired. The bullet through flew the soft tissue below the dogs left shoulder and went right through its right rear leg. The dog fell at about 190 yards.

The Tuskens were only about 200 yards away now. A few of them stopped while the others kept running. Those that stopped began to fire rifle shots at him. They were the sharp shooters. One bullet whizzed by Kuflin's head, when another hit the rock behind him and bounced all around him. So, he threw the gun up again and fired once. A direct hit, the first of them fell. He shot off four more rounds, bringing them down without actually killing them.

The group of about fifteen was about fifty yards away and were firing without stopping. a few bullets skimmed across his dense armor. He swiftly pulled out his blaster pistols and returned fire. He was able to shoot down about three when he was hit. A bullet went through his right leg, and another through his left shoulder. The Tuskens ran up to him and began to beat him. Then, he remembered about the lightsabers and quickly ignited two.

The green lightsabers sliced through two Tuskens and they all jumped back and a there was silence throughout them. Kuflin rose up and twirled the sabers around, as if he knew what he were doing. "Step back" barked a tall, wide shouldered, very fit young Tuscan. He stepped forward and examined the Mandalorian. "You are not a Jedi, and yet you wield their noble sword. How did you get them?"

The Outlander[]

"Where do you think?", scowled Kuflin, "From those foolish Jedi that had got in my way." Kuflin began to move towards the seemingly unarmed Tuscan when He ignited a violet lightsaber and threw it up into defense position. Ankoin looked on in shock and there was another brief silence.

I'll have you know, Mandalorian, that you are not the only one of us that has killed a Jedi.
—The Outlander

The Outlander

The Tusken made a quick remark to Kuflin, who asked, "Who are you?"

"I am the Outlander.", said the Tusken. Then, the Outlander struck, knocking one lightsaber from his hand. The Mandalorian began to block his opponents strikes, then tried to strike back. But when he did, The Tusken cut him in the side. Kuflin couldn't hold on much longer. He punched the Outlander in the gut and then jumped back. He pulled his second to last grenade out and threw it towards the Outlander.

The Outlander took notice of this and was able to agily roll across the ledge and land at his feet on the ground. There was an explosion that collapsed the ledge, making Kuflin unreachable by the Tuskens. The Outlander shouted at his men and they headed to the direction they had came from. But, Ankoin was badly injured and laid there, wincing because of the pain. He was losing blood, and a lot of it. He ripped of the soft under wrappings off of one of the dead Tuskens and wrapped it tightly around the wound to apply pressure and hold back the bleeding.

After a long night of restless hours and pain, day came. Kuflin prepared to move out and find someone to help him with his wounds, but as he looked over the ledge, a bullet flew by his head and he jerked back. The Outlander and his men were below, waiting. Ankoin had to think of how to get out without being killed. He couldn't come up with an idea. When he was deep into his thoughts, insanity broke loose and another group of Tusken Raiders ran at the ones that were pursuing Kuflin. The two groups began to fight, brutally slaying each other. Kuflin could not tell the difference between the two groups. The only difference he saw was the Outlander's lightsaber.

Ankoin carefully slid down the ledge and tried to make an escape back to the merchant isle that he had came from. He quietly snuck around the platform and hoped to get by without being seen. But, a group of four Tuskens charged towards him. Kuflin pulled out and activated both of his lightsabers. He cut down two of the raiders before they were able to beat the sabers out of his hands. Unarmed, Ankoin was able to beat the two Tuskens with the butt end of his rifle. After the two were knocked out, Kuflin kept moving in the direction he had came from the day before.
