Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Andyc Masaryn was a failed Jedi Padawan who became an Inquisitor in the Galactic Empire. He was the nemesis of the Sith Lord Adrienne Keane, pursuing her for over a decade before their final duel on Loronar.


Bad fit[]

Masaryn was born in the Inner Rim and, like most Jedi of the time, identified shortly after birth and taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training. He tried hard, but was considered an unlikely prospect by the Temple's masters. Most assumed he would be passed over in Padawan selection and join the Jedi Service Corps. Against the advice of several of his trainers, however, he was selected as the Padawan of a Weequay Jedi Knight.

In the field, Masaryn's deficiencies became more apparent; he was an exuberant and capable swordsman, but lacked patience and often acted on impulse, rather than with any planning. By the time he turned eighteen, his master concluded that attempts to teach the young man were going nowhere, and that he would never be able to pass the Jedi Trials. Against his will, Masaryn was reassigned to the Exploration Corps.

The lure of the dark side[]

Masaryn went to the Exploration Corps, but while he enjoyed travel, his heart was not in his work; indeed, traveling through the galaxy was an unpleasant reminder of his failed apprenticeship, and all the places he might have visited as a Jedi Knight. When the Clone Wars erupted, he and other failed Padawans offered to take the field in support of the other Jedi, but were not allowed to do so.

After Operation Knightfall, Masaryn and his companions managed to evade capture for a few weeks, but were ultimately picked up by a Star Destroyer. Like most captured Padawans and Service Corps Jedi, he was imprisoned on Byss under the governance of Sly Moore and Sarcev Quest; unlike most, he thrived in the harsh regime, his bitterness about his own failures and the rejection of his fellow Jedi driving him to compete with and kill off several of his former comrades.

Masaryn was not among the four former Jedi tested by Darth Vader to become his personal students, but he was recruited into the Inquisitorius not long after. His resentment at being passed over—again—drove him deeper into the dark side and inspired him to further combat and torture training.


The Sith woman[]

Masaryn was eventually unleashed on the galaxy to hunt down rogue Jedi. He experienced success capturing several Padawans who had gone into hiding per Obi-Wan Kenobi's orders, and killed a Bith Jedi Knight attempting to hide among the Y'bith on Clak'dor IV. As he succeeded in breaking prisoners in the custody of Imperial Intelligence, he was eventually promoted to Chief Inquisitor.

With his new power and authority, Masaryn was sent to collect Sith artifacts before they could fall into the hands of the Jedi or private collectors; unbeknownst to him, Grand Inquisitor Hydra selected him for the task because she thought he was powerful enough to get the job done, but not powerful enough to take advantage of Sith knowledge for his own ends. He managed to find a few artifacts before venturing to the ancient Sith world Krayiss Two.

On Krayiss Two, the Chief Inquisitor encountered the half-Sith, half-Human hybrid Adrienne Keane, who had also come to Krayiss Two seeking ancient Sith knowledge. Sensing the Force in her, Masaryn attempted to take her into custody, and they fought a brief duel when she resisted. Their combined strength in the dark side stirred the Sith spirits in the planet's library obelisk; uncertain whether he could muster enough dark energy to protect himself while simultaneously dueling Keane, Masaryn chose to flee.


The senior Inquisitors, rather than being angry at Masaryn's failure to recover Sith lore, were intrigued by his encounter with Keane, and tasked Masaryn to find her. He used the resources of Imperial Intelligence to scour the Empire for traces of her, pursuing leads from the Core to the Outer Rim. Along the way, he continued to assist Intelligence in extracting information from prisoners and occasionally helped break up nascent rebel cells.

Some years after their first meeting, Masaryn tracked Adrienne to Chorax. While the Empire's stormtroopers raided a pirate base, Masaryn engaged Adrienne in a second duel. He had been preparing to counter her style, and this time he succeeded in disarming her. He was torturing her with Force lightning and had lowered his defenses when he was unexpectedly attacked by one of Adrienne's tuk'ata, Tyrant; the beast bit him at the elbow and tore off his forearm. Screaming in agony, Masaryn tried to bring the Force to bear on Tyrant, but Adrienne kicked him from the side and broke his knee. The two escaped while Masaryn went into shock.

Stormtroopers recovered the Chief Inquisitor before he died of his injuries, and he recovered aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer. Fitted with a cybernetic arm and kneecap, Masaryn worked to enhance his control over the dark side so he would not fail again.

Top priority prisoner[]

Masaryn continued to serve as an Inquisitor over the next several years, but his endless hunt for Adrienne was fruitless; though he often found evidence of her presence, he was never in time to confront her, and his spies and agents who did tended to be found dead or never found at all. Unable to produce his prize, Masaryn's standing with the Inquisitorius fell.

As he followed up on leads, however, Masaryn found traces of another female dark sider. Her style did not seem to match Adrienne's; where Adrienne kept off the grid as much as possible, this woman left a trail of bodies in her wake. Masaryn interrogated a number of her contacts in the Outer Rim before he was finally able to attach a name to her: Razielle.

Taking along four junior Inquisitors and a squad of stormtroopers, Masaryn tracked Razielle to Ord Trasi. His plan to confront her did not go exactly as he intended; Razielle killed one of the Inquisitors and horribly maimed another, and managed to kill several stormtroopers before she was finally stunned. But Masaryn himself survived unharmed, and he took his prize to the Citadel Inquisitorius on Prakith.

Razielle held up under Inquisitorius interrogation and torture, and in fact killed one of her interrogators when he was careless in checking her restraints. Masaryn had become fascinated with her, feeling he recognized her from somewhere. In time, he realized why her blue eyes and cleft chin looked familiar—he had seen similar features on the most common face in news reports during the Clone Wars. A genetic test on Razielle's blood revealed her to be half-Sith, half-Human, and her obvious strength in the Force convinced Masaryn that she was the daughter of the Emperor.

Masaryn reported his theories to Hydra. For his ingenuity in capturing her and working her for information, he was at last promoted to High Inquisitor. However, things went wrong shortly thereafter. An Inquisitor still following an Adrienne lead went missing in the field. Two weeks later, Adrienne herself arrived at Prakith with her tuk'ata to break Razielle out, using the dead Inquisitor's own Taozin amulet to mask her Force presence. By the time the Inquisitors sensed her presence, she had already reached the cells.

Masaryn descended through the Citadel to find Adrienne and Razielle fighting several Inquisitors while the tuk'ata ravaged other guards. He descended into the fray himself, eager to capture a second Sith woman for the price of one, and found at first that Adrienne gave ground under his improved swordsmanship. But Razielle eventually interceded, engaging Masaryn while her niece fought off the two surviving Inquisitors. Even weakened from captivity and torture, Razielle was still a force to be reckoned with, and she held off Masaryn until she was able to topple a pillar onto him. Masaryn avoided the worst of it, but by the time he got through the wreckage, the Sith women had escaped.


Masaryn's triumph had become a catastrophe, with the deaths of several junior Inquisitors and a rare escape from the Citadel Inquisitorius. Knowing he would likely be marked for death for his failure, he set out to hunt down Adrienne and Razielle, determined to win back the Emperor's favor by recapturing them. He pursued reports of them throughout the galaxy even as he was compelled to avoid the Empire's forces himself.

Able to sway some stormtroopers and Apprentice Inquisitors to his cause, Masaryn set a trap for the women on Loronar, putting out through his network of spies and contacts that he had caught another Sith hybrid. Adrienne took the bait, but had contracted a mercenary company to assist her; the mercenaries fell on the stormtroopers while Adrienne dueled Masaryn. She had spent the year since the Citadel training with Razielle, and this time she and Masaryn were evenly matched. Eventually she severed a pipe, sending a stream of caustic gas onto Masaryn's face and neck. Even as he reeled in pain, she ignited the stream with a touch of her lightsaber blade, turning the leak into a blowtorch that set the High Inquisitor's head ablaze. He screamed until Adrienne cut off his head.

In the wake of the slaughter, Adrienne fed Masaryn's corpse to her tuk'ata, but took his dark maroon zeyd-cloth robe for herself.

Powers and abilities[]

As a Jedi, Andyc Masaryn favored an agile, aggressive style of lightsaber combat which incorporated elements of Ataru and Form V. As an Inquisitor, he focused more on direct attack, though he would still incorporate acrobatics and lateral movements when necessary against a powerful enemy. He was sufficiently skillful to fend off or overcome Adrienne Keane more than once, but was only able to match Razielle Ragnos in combat despite her having been held captive and periodically tortured for over a month.

Masaryn exhibited proficiency in several aggressive Force powers, including Force push, Force choke, and Force lightning. However, he displayed less aptitude at powers stemming from the Unifying Force, though extensive experience hunting Jedi gave him some skill at sensing the presence of the Force in others.

Appearance and personality[]

A Human, Masaryn stood 1.75 meters tall. He had brown hair and green eyes. Immediately after converting to the dark side, he grew out his hair shaggy from his earlier, close-cropped cut; over time he cut it short again to present a more conservative, Imperial appearance. He favored dark colors, and consistently wore an Inquisitor's dark maroon zeyd-cloth robe in public.

Masaryn enjoyed combat and field work, and was desperate to prove himself someone worthy of respect from his superiors and fear from his enemies. He was able to use resources effectively to hunt targets and set traps. However, he sometimes underestimated his enemies, which ultimately caused his death.
