Anduin Korr was a Corellian smuggling captain who gained both fame and notoriety during the Galactic Civil War. He owned and operated the heavily modified YT-2400 light freighter dubbed the Quantum Phoenix. Anduin was a known associate of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and held the rank of captain around the time of the Battle of Hoth.
In the time after the Battle of Endor, Anduin Korr was married to the Chiss Miurani'ara'nuruodo (known by the Core Name Niara). Niara was previously a member of the Imperial Security Bureau who had long been hunting Korr for crimes against the Empire before she defected to the Empire around 5 ABY. Anduin and Niara produced a child, named Rorken Korr, who later grew up to become a Jedi Master of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order.
Early Life[]
Anduin Korr was born in the year 26 BBY on the Core World of Corellia. Little is known for certain regarding Anduin's early life. According to one source, Anduin was born in Coronet City to a loving, middle class family. Unfortunately, his parents were murdered in a back alley when he was only eight years old. An orphaned Anduin was quickly thrown to the streets and forced to find a way to fend for himself.
A young Anduin was eventually taken in and raised by a criminal gang who employed him as a pickpocket. When Anduin was fifteen, his gang was absorbed into the Corellian Mob. Now working for the Mob, Anduin was assigned to a squad led by Bruno Raste. Around 9 BBY, Bruno's team was planning on overthrowing the leader of the Corellian Mob, a mysterious figure known only as the Boss. Because of their treachery, the members of Bruno's team were eliminated, with the Boss personally murdering Bruno.
As the only surviving member of Bruno's team, Anduin swore revenge against the Boss. Anduin teamed up with CorSec Inspector Zen Gotan in an attempt to capture the Boss but they managed to escape to Coruscant.
Inspector Gotan saw great potential in a young Anduin and said he would cover up his prior involvement in the Mob if he enrolled in the Corellian Security Force Academy.
CorSec Career[]
At the age of seventeen, Anduin Korr enrolled in Corellian Security Force Academy in accordance with an agreement he made with CorSec Inspector Gotan, eventually graduating in 6 BBY. While serving as an official member of CorSec, Anduin learned of the existence of the Spiral Undergound, a vast criminal conspiracy. Evidently, the Boss was actually a leading member of the Spiral Underground.
In 3 BBY, Anduin, without the approval or knowledge of CorSec, lured the Boss back to Corellia and used questionable methods to take him out, ultimately killing the defenseless Boss in cold blood. Although he had done a great service for the whole Galaxy by taking out a major leader of the Spiral Underground and effectively crippling the Corellian Mob, Anduin had still committed cold-blooded murder.
Because his actions were “for the greater good” and because he had loyalty served CorSec for four years, Inspector Gotan did not have Anduin arrested. Instead, the inspector suggested that his protégé resign from CorSec on his own volition.
Early Smuggling Career[]
After parting ways with CorSec, Anduin found himself enrolling in the Imperial Army. After a few months, Anduin's regiment was sent to a backwater Outer Rim world. The planet was host to a major industrial center that included numerous work camps. A force of insurrectionists had attacked the planet in the hopes of destroying the industrial center and liberating the work camps.
During the battle, Anduin crossed paths with a Wookiee known as Jowurra. Jowurra was confined in one of the planet's work camps before he was liberated. Anduin felt sympathy towards the Wookiee and agreed to help him find a shuttle and escape. Before the pair could even locate a suitable shuttle, they were ambushed by a squad of Imperial Troopers. Anduin ultimately helped Jowurra dispatch the squad before moving on.
Meanwhile, a team of smugglers led by Tanis Valo was attempting to infiltrate the industrial complex under the cover of the battle and steal valuable assets within. The team inadvertently crossed paths with Anduin and Jowurra, with the latter two insisting they be let in on the scheme lest they expose the team to the Imperials.
When Anduin and Jowurra proved instrumental to helping the smuggling team complete their mission, Travis Valo agreed to introduce them to his employer, the so-called Grand Admiral of the Voidhound Irregular Fleet. Because Anduin had stuck by his side during their escape attempt, nearly giving his life to save his, Jowurra swore a life debt to Anduin.
When Anduin was introduced to Valo's employer, he learned that the Grand Admiral of the Voidhound Irregular Fleet was actually his long-lost uncle, Solon Korr. Solon quickly offered Anduin and Jowurra a job in the Voidhound Irregular Fleet, becoming official members of Valo's crew, with Anduon quickly becoming his second-in-command.
Unfortunately, Tanis Valo ended up dying a few months after Anduin joined the Voidhound Irregular Fleet. Anduin ended up "inheriting" the captaincy of Valo's old, heavily modified YT-2400 light freighter dubbed the Quantum Phoenix. Despite his new rank, Solon reminded his nephew that the Quantum Phoenix was still officially property of the Voidhound Irregular Fleet.
Joining the Rebellion[]
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Col Serra of the Rebel Alliance's Renegade Squadron approached Anduin Korr with an offer to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Solon did not approve of openly working for the Rebellion and prevented employees of the Voidhound Irregular Fleet from accepting Rebel contracts. Anduin agreed that openly joining the Rebellion was dangerous, but he was still willing to work for them as a mercenary, especially if the work hurt the Empire.
Anduin and Solon's disagreement resulted in the former leaving the Voidhound Irregular Fleet and stealing the Quantum Phoenix to work freelance alongside Jowurra. As a freelance smuggler, Anduin was free to accept work from whomever he wanted, even the Rebellion.
Three months after the Battle of Yavin, Anduin was given his first contract by the Rebellion. He had been paid by the Rebellion to smuggle several valuable assets past the Imperial blockade of the Yavin system and bring them to Resolute Base on the planet Jagomir. Though Anduin succeeded in his mission, Imperial Star Destroyers heavily damaged the Quantum Phoenix and left it grounded for months.
While the Quantum Phoenix was undergoing repairs, Anduin was sent on a mission to Tatooine where he met Maxon Lathorne, whom he had previously met about a year ago while working for the Voidhound Irregular Fleet.
Although Anduin Korr was hesitant about openly declaring his allegiance to the Alliance, he had apparently changed his mind sometime prior to the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY.