Your powers are weak, old man.
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We are wanted, we are hunted, they want our lives, they want want to destroy us, but we will fight ! We will not fail the Galaxy ! There are people out there, innocent people whom needs our help, and we will not fail them because today we are reborn, today Anakkona is born !
—Aren Surik to the future High Council
The Anakkona Rebel Cell was a rebel cell founded in 16 BBY on Ryloth by Aren Surik, Raabakyysh, Lyn Erso, Jallel Kole and Coaln Jeetrok.
The cell was founded after the first four began opposing the Empire on Tatooine and attacking an Imperial facility there destroying it and saving wookie slaves which accompanied them since then and helped them create a full-scale rebellion.
The cell was forced to move from Ryloth to the remote planet Kesh after the ISB tricked them and started hunting them forcing them to leave in a hurry with the wookies and other refugees in their new flagship : the Liberation commanded by Coaln Jeetrok whom aligned with Anakkona at the asking of Bail Organa their primary support in their war against the Empire.