Jedi Owen parry
You were cast from the mold of a dead man. You have inherited his strengths, but also his weaknesses.
The dark clone of Anakin Skywalker, who later take on both of the names of his genetic template, first Anakin Skywalker, and later on Darth Vader, was a human male cloned by Starkiller from the genetic material of his former master, Darth Vader. Following Vader's death, Starkiller embarked on a quest to create a perfect, obedient duplicate of the man to take as an apprentice. Within the cloning facilities of Kamino, several failures were produced before the Dark Lord of the Sith succeeded in creating a clone of the deceased apprentice that was able to overcome his template's emotions and submit himself entirely to the dark side of the Force. As his training progressed, the dark clone surpassed all those who had come before him; he was able to store Skywalker's memories independent from his own and suppress the dead man's feelings. Starkiller planned to have the apprentice face a final test against a rogue clone of Vader during the Rebel attack on Kamino, which the clone passed.
Five years later, the clone was still in the service of Starkiller, who had the clone eliminate the Rebel forces attempting to sabotage the shield generator of the second Death Star above the planet of Endor. After having defeated the Emperor, Anakin would become of the most powerful Sith Lords ever to exist.
There is no doubt. This is the one. Stable where the others fail, perfectly in control.
—The leading cloning expert of the Timira City facility
Created on the ocean-covered world of Kamino around 1 BBY, the dark clone was a clone of Darth Vader, the deceased master of the Sith Lord Starkiller, grown as part of Starkiller's endeavor to create a perfect and obedient Force-user to take as an apprentice. Several clones had come before him, all of which had been trained using memory flashes from the original Skywalker's life. These predecessors had failed to meet expectations in one way or another, either due to defects or succumbing to their template's emotions, and were subsequently discarded. Grown at an accelerated rate, the clone was as powerful as the original, and just as formidable.
Upon his awakening, presided over by Starkiller, the dark clone was confronted with Vader's memories, specifically the man's feelings for his deceased wife, Padme Amidala. Immediately, he asked about her whereabouts, but Starkiller announced that she was dead and that all that mattered was what needed to be done. This, however, did not prevent the dark clone from inquiring about who Vader was in the future. When questioned, Starkiller repeatedly found it unnecessary to answer directly—rather, he stated the clone had inherited the memories, thoughts, and dreams of a broken man, one far less powerful than the dark clone. As a side effect of the cloning process, he possessed both the skills and weaknesses of his genetic template.
Your training is nearly complete. You have proven yourself worthy.
—Starkiller addressing the Dark Clone
The dark clone was trained in lightsaber combat against several Sith Training Droids. The clone was determined to surpass all the others, but he was curious as to know how many had preceded him. Starkiller disregarded the question; instead, he told the dark clone that the only number that mattered was the quantity of clones that would be needed if he failed like the rest. Starkiller warned him that if he could not overcome Vader's emotions for his wife, he would fail like his predecessors. Over time, the lead cloning technician noted that the dark clone was able to compartmentalize the memory imprints used to train him, thereby succeeding where all others had failed—the clone was able to store Vader's memories independently from his own, freeing him from his template's emotions.
With the apprentice free of Vader's memories, Starkiller brought him to a chamber where his template's lifeless body was kept. The clone understood the significance of the act, and his Master believed that he, unlike all the others before him, would prove successful. In a training match against the holodroids, the dark clone was able to rise above Vader's emotions, striking down a droid bearing the appearance of Amidala. To Starkiller, the clone revealed his disgust and hatred for his template's weaknesses, and his pride for being able to overcome them when those before him had failed.
After showing the Sith Lord his worth, the dark clone's training was increased, and the dark clone was given harder training regimes that the clone was able to easily overcome. Showing little emotion when killing others, Starkiller was impressed by the dark clone's power. Knowing that the clone could one day be powerful enough to kill the Emperor, the dark clone's was soon taught Sith philosophy and doctrine. By the time the dark clone's training was complete, he had the power to kill the Emperor, should he have desired.
Battle of Kamino[]
You have faced your final test."
"What is thy bidding, my master?"
"Take his starfighter. Scour the far reaches of the galaxy. Find the last of the Rebels and destroy them."
"As you wish.
—Starkiller and the dark clone
During the final stages of the dark clone's training, a renegade clone of Vader, who had previously fled Kamino, joined with the Rebel Alliance in an attack on Kamino's cloning facilities. Starkiller intended to use the battle as a final test for the dark clone by drawing Skywalker into a trap atop the cloning spire. Before leaving to confront Skywalker, Starkiller instructed the dark clone to wait until his assistance was required. The apprentice announced that he was ready to fulfill the purpose of his creation. The trap did not go as planned, however. Skywalker bested Starkiller in a lightsaber duel and raised his lightsaber with the intention of killing Starkiller. Before this could happen, however, a lightsaber blade suddenly appeared through Skywalker's chest. A hooded figure, having concealed himself to get near the clone, was revealed to be the wielder of the blade; he proceeded to best Jedi General Rahm Kota in a brief duel before Force-choking the General and pushing him and several Rebel troopers into the ocean below as Terror Troopers dealt with the remaining Rebel soldiers. Starkiller stood and approached the dying Skywalker, announcing that he lied about the failure of the cloning project as the hooded figure revealed himself to be the dark clone, a perfect clone of Darth Vader.
With the Rebel attack repelled, Starkiller commended the dark clone for succeeding in his final challenge. The obedient clone knelt before Starkiller, who tasked him with taking the Rogue Shadow II to find and eliminate the surviving Rebels scattered throughout the galaxy. As he departed, the dark clone took a moment to glance at the lifeless holodroid that was still flickering between its true form and that of Padme Amidala. Feeling no emotions for the image of Vader's wife, he raised his hood and continued on his way. Accompanied by a group of TIE fighters, the dark clone left Kamino in the Rogue Shadow II and entered hyperspace to fulfill his orders.
Serving the Dark Lord[]
You are to end any and all traces of the Rebellion."
"Yes, my master.
—Starkiller and the dark clone
With the renegade clone finally dead and his training fully complete, the dark clone began to do his master's bidding. This included the elimination of the Rebel Alliance that his master had unwittingly created two years previous. His first task was to infiltrate the Alliances base on the planet Dantooine. Using information gathered from Starkiller's spies, Anakin, with the aid of Bounty Hunter Boba Fett. Together the two, along with an entire legion of stormtroopers, would attack the rebel base.
During the battle, the dark clone would personally assassinate the rebel leader Viscount Tardi. However before the Imperials could assume victory, rebel reinforcements arrived and pushed back the Imperials, however not before a large majority would perish by the dark clone's hand. Unfortunately, the rebellion would soon learn of the dark clones identity and this information would soon enter the hands of the Emperor, who did not reveal to his apprentice that he knew. Over the course of four years, the dark clone would go through a verity of missions for his master, each bringing the end of the rebellion that much closer. Although the clone would not participate in the battle over the Death Star, the clone would play a part in the counterattack on the moon of Yavin after the space station's destruction.
In 2 ABY, the dark clone would have his first encounter with the Emperor's Hand, Mara Jade. While brief, it would not only confirm to the Emperor about the dark clone's existence, but it would also prove to be the first time the dark clone found the potential in another individual. Rather than killing Jade, as he should have, the dark clone instead decided to spare her life. Sensing through the force that one day she could prove of worth to him, the dark clone let her live. Knowing that the Emperor likely knew of his existence, the dark clone decided to keep the information from his master. Knowing that his master was not ready to face the Emperor, the dark clone simply lied when asked.
Battle of Hoth[]
You are to aid in stopping the Rebel fleet from escaping Hoth. I want no survivors.
—Starkiller to his dark clone
Although the dark clone did not participate in the land battle, the clone did participate in the space battle over Hoth, having been ordered by his master to do so. Using the piloting skills inherited by Vader, Starkiller used the Rogue Shadow II to blast at enemy ships attempting to escape the system.
During the battle, the clone was able to sense the death of Luke Skywalker, causing the clone to nearly crash into another ship at the strange array of emotions that the death somewhat caused. Uncertain of the unnatural feeling, the clone shrugged off the feeling of emotional pain that the death caused, but was able to at least determine that it came from the memories of Darth Vader.
Uncertain if the emotional response would do any mental harm, the clone disobeyed his master's orders and retreated from the battle to the nearby planet of Bespin. There the clone began to mentally examine the memories of the original Vader for the first time, in an attempt to study them. Curious as to why after all these years the memories affected him, the clone was able to determine that the emotion of Skywalker's death had simply been too much for Vader's memories to handle. Seeking a way to remove any future chance of the memories affecting him again, the dark clone began to block certain memories from his mind, specifically the emotional memories Skywalker once held.
Soon however, the dark clone would be contacted by his master to await him as they would be attempting to capture Princess Leia Organa who had escaped Bespin, and of whom Starkiller had discovered to be in fact the twin sister of Luke Skywalker.
The dark clone was to aid in negotiating the terms with Lando Calrissian, the baron of the mining colony. The two discussed the terms before Starkiller finally arrived. However rather than allow the dark clone to aid him in the coming battle, the clone was sent away on a mission, punishment for disobeying Starkiller's orders.
Attack on Xizor[]
You are to serve me and me only, is that clear droid?!"
"Yes, master. I live to serve you. Only you.
—The Dark Clone speaks with Guri
Following the Battle of Hoth, the dark clone would be sent to investigate the Black Sun crime syndicate crime lord Prince Xizor. Infiltrating the very center of the organization, the dark clone would capture and reprogram Xizor's lieutenant, a human replica droid by the name of Guri. With the droid now completely loyal to the dark clone, and with Xizor not suspecting, the dark clone was able to discover Xizor's treachery to the Empire.
Relaying the information to his master, as well as the fact that Xizor was attempting to kill Leia Organa, someone of which Starkiller was personally hunting so that he could deliver her to the Emperor. With Starkiller now knowing Xizor's plot, as well as evidence planted by Tyber Zann, who also held a grudge against Xizor, that implicated Xizor as the thief of a large quantity of Tibana gas. Starkiller then sent the dark clone to fight Xizor aboard his ship, which was being attacked over Coruscant. Together with the aid of Guri, the dark clone executed Xizor and together him and Guri escaped Xizor's ship as it was blown up by Starkiller's capital ship, the Executor.
After Xizor's death, the dark clone decided to keep Guri, noticing that her potential as an assassin and an infiltrator were too good to waste. Guri would serve as the dark clone's aid and advisor, and only companion as he completed missions for his master.
Battle of Endor[]
The Rebels must be stopped before they can destroy the shield generator. Leave no survivors."
"Understood, my master."
"There will be no one to stop us this time."
"Yes, my master.
—Starkiller briefs his apprentice
In 4 ABY, Starkiller dispatched the dark clone to the Forest Moon of Endor to put an end to the Rebellion once and for all. As the Alliance mounted a desperate attempt to destroy the Empire's second Death Star, the apprentice landed the Rogue Shadow II on Endor while the Imperial shield generator bunker was under attack by the Rebels and their Ewok allies. In accordance with his Master's instruction to leave no survivors, the clone killed all who stood in his path, until finally encountering Han Solo and Chewbacca, both of whom died in combat against Starkiller's disciple.
Inside the bunker, the dark clone fought his way through waves of resistance, killing Rebels and Imperials alike. He finally encountered Leia Organa, who revealed that she had been trained as a Jedi after Luke Skywalker had been killed by Starkiller on the planet Hoth. Though the apprentice remarked that Leia had considerable potential, she proved to be no where near his equal in combat skills and raw power in the Force. In the end, Leia was killed by Starkiller's merciless apprentice, thus marking the death of the last offspring of the real Anakin Skywalker, and the galaxy's final hope, as well as leaving the clone the last remnant of Anakin Skywalker.
With the bunker secured and the shield generator intact, Emperor Palpatine declared the end of the Alliance and a new age for the Galactic Empire. While Starkiller stood at his side, the Emperor also revealed that he knew all along about the existence of the original Skywalker's perfect clone, which he referred to as a "pathetic" asset in Starkiller's pitiful schemes. With his treachery exposed, Starkiller moved to strike down his Master once and for all. But Palpatine easily defeated Starkiller by utilizing Force lightning. With Starkiller on his knees in defeat, the Emperor ordered his Imperial forces to kill the clone. On Endor, the dark clone sat in meditation near Leia's dead body. As several Star Destroyers converged on his location, the clone opened his eyes, surprised by his master's betrayal. Deciding to deal with the threat himself, the dark clone began to combat the Imperial army that approached him.
The dark clone easily defeated these forces, however, and commandeered one of the Lambda-class space shuttles that the Imperials had been using. Piloting it back to the Death Star, the clone arrived in the Emperor's throne room. Seeing that his forces had failed, the Emperor offered the clone the chance to become his own apprentice, if he would strike down Starkiller, thus (in a way) would make up for the late Vader's failure on killing Starkiller years ago aboard the first Death Star. Not only that, but it would also achieve Palpatine's originally failed goal during the Clone Wars; to turn Anakin Skywalker (undamaged) over to the dark side and into a far more powerful apprentice than even Sidious himself. The clone, however, showing remarkable loyalty for a Sith, refused to accept Sidious's offer and charged at the Emperor, blocking the lightning sent at him with his lightsaber. Taking the opportunity, Starkiller lunged at his master, only to receive the lightning attack himself and die by his master's hand. His apprentice, however, succeeded in killing Palpatine, an act that brought about the fragmentation of the Galactic Empire. After the death of the Emperor, the dark clone would go into a self-imposed exile.
Self Exile[]
I am all thats left of the Sith Order. Let's correct that shall we.
—The Dark Clone
Secluding himself on the forest moon of Endor, with the still intact Death Star watching over the moon, the dark clone began to using Vader's memories to further his Sith training, as well as using the Emperor's private library that was housed on the Death Star. The only company the dark clone had was Guri, who aided him whenever he needed her and who was sent on various missions by the clone in order to learn about the state of the galaxy. It was also during his exile that the dark clone began to take on the identity of his genetic template, often referring to himself as Anakin Skywalker. In order to dissuade people from discovering the Death Star, which was dead of any crewmen, Anakin sent out a signal declaring the Death Star as to having been destroyed.
For a total of two years, Anakin learned everything he could about the dark side. Knowing that he was the only surviving Sith Lord left behind, Anakin knew he would have to eventually have to seek out an apprentice to serve him. Deciding to use the one person he knew had the potential to learn under him, Anakin sought out Mara Jade. However, knowing of Jade's great loyalty to her dead master, the dark clone knew he needed to twist that loyalty against her master. To do this, Anakin needed to use the information gained from Palpatine's private library. Once he had the needed information, Anakin would seek out Mara Jade, ending his two year exile.
Rise to Power[]
I am your superior in every way alien. I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, and rightful ruler of this galaxy! "
" I can see that clone. "
""Then join me, together we can rule everything! "
" I lead armies clone, not Empires. That is your job.
—Anakin Skywalker (Dark Clone) and Grand Admiral Thrawn
After leaving Endor, Anakin would take the Death Star and Guri with him to find the former Emperor's Hand. During this time he learned of Grand Admiral Thrawn, a Chiss Grand Admiral who was attempting to gain power over the broken Empire which had fallen into despair and disorder after the destruction of both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. Meeting with Thrawn, Anakin explained his story to the man who was both curious and interested by the clone of Darth Vader.
Knowing that Vader's name was still very much feared, Thrawn devised that Anakin take up Vader's identity with the fake story that Starkiller had not killed Vader, but only gravely injured him, that he required a new body. Knowing that if ever asked, a blood test could confirm for them Anakin's identity, they knew that any chance of people discovering the truth was very unlikely. The two agreed and Anakin, taking the role of Darth Vader, set about to end the conflict together.
Using the Death Star to their advantage and Vader's identity, Anakin began to quickly conquer territories and gain control of the Empire. Anakin and Thrawn also worked together to destroy any resistance. Their war to gain power lasting a year, the two slowly began reuniting the fragmented Empire, with Thrawn giving loyalty to the dark clone, Anakin took power and became the second Galactic Emperor of the Galactic Empire in 7 ABY, with Thrawn as his Military Advisor.
The public reaction to Darth Vader's seemly return to a more youthful appearance, and his taking of the Imperial throne was both met with fear and happiness. Those loyal to the Empire believed that Vader, having served twenty years as the Emperor's enforcer, well deserved the title. However many who had believed in the ideals of the rebellion believed that Vader's return was the worst thing that could have happened.
Finding a Apprentice[]
You have power, but lack purpose! I offer you power beyond all imagination. I can turn you into the pinnacle of the force. I can give you purpose. Something an old man who killed your parents couldn't do."
"Shut Up!
—Anakin Skywalker (Dark Clone) taunts Mara Jade
With the Empire now his, Anakin began to focus on finding Mara Jade and taking her as his apprentice. After months of searching, he finally struck gold. However it was not he that found her, but rather her that found him. Having learned of Anakin's rise to power, Mara Jade infiltration the Imperial Palace at Coruscant, using the secret routes she knew all too well and meet the new Emperor.
At first, blinded by the command that had been given by her dead master to kill him, Mara began to attack the dark clone, hoping to end his life. During their duel, Anakin would taunt the former Emperor's Hand with the knowledge that Palpatine had ordered her parents death and that the Palpatine had only considered Mara a tool to be used. Not believing the Sith's words, Mara fought against him but was easily beaten. On the floor defenseless, Anakin then played her a hologram showing that his earlier words had indeed been true. Blinded by rage at the truth, Mara attacked Anakin, fully embracing the power of the dark side, and putting up a good fight, however was again defeated. However Anakin knew he had indeed won, and that Mara was now his apprentice.
As quick as Mara had become Anakin's apprentice, did her training as a Sith begin. Anakin decided against giving his apprentice a Sith name until her training was complete, as he decided that the two would go to Korriban and give her a Sith name, Darth Vexin. Anakin himself, who had had long since decided to use Vader's Sith name for his own purposes, would also use the opportunity provided by officially inducting Mara as a Sith Lord before the spirits of the Sith Lords of past to also confirm himself before them as Darth Vader reborn.
With Mara Jade now his apprentice and the galaxy at his control, the dark clone of Anakin Skywalker, now Darth Vader reborn, was now the supreme power in the galaxy. As Dark Lord of the Sith Vader would begin steps to slowly abandon the Rule of Two and began construction of what would become a Sith Academy at the former Jedi Temple on Coruscant, creating a new Sith Order, with him and his apprentice Darth Vexin at it's head. As Emperor, Vader would begin to gain further control of the entire galaxy, slowly eating away at the last embers of Rebellion and chaos. But not all threats had been eliminated and a dark threat began to rise against him, in the form of a clone of Vader's predecessor, Emperor Palpatine.
Personality and Traits[]
I feel... nothing."
"Hate...for his weaknesses. Disgust...for his failings. And pride for having risen above them.
—The dark clone and Starkiller
Unlike the clones that preceded him, the dark clone was able to overcome Vader's emotions for his wife, making him the lone success in a project filled with failures. To the delight of the lead clone technician who observed his progress, the apprentice managed to isolate the original Vader's memories; as a result, the clone could differentiate between his own thoughts and those of his genetic template. By learning that Vader's memories were not truly his own, the clone effectively freed himself from his progenitor's emotions as well, particularly his feelings for Padme Amidala. Near the end of his training, the clone had grown to hate his former self. He despised his template for being weak, and expressed his disgust over Vader's failure as a Sith. Ultimately, the dark clone had become proud of the fact that he alone had overcome the imprinted sentimentality that undermined all of the clones that came before him.
The dark clone was utterly ruthless and uncaring for the feelings of others. When he was shot at by Han Solo on Endor, the clone used Solo's best friend and companion, the Wookiee Chewbacca, as a shield, meaning that Solo killed Chewbacca. This cruelty stemmed from his rising above what little compassion the original Vader had. The clone also was incredibly loyal for a clone and believed that he was to forever serve his master Darth Starkiller. This was what drove the clone throughout his life. It can be said that it was this loyalty that allowed the dark clone to escape the same insanity that his clone brothers suffered.
However, over time the dark clone showed various signs over mercy to opponents if he ever felt that the force wanted the person to live. This shows that the dark clone was more loyal to the force that his master Starkiller, and would betray him easily if it meant doing his duty to the force itself. A good example of this is the dark clone's sparing of Mara Jade's life.
Powers and Abilities[]
You are already more powerful than he ever was.
During his tutelage on Kamino, the dark clone was trained in lightsaber combat against multiple Sith training droids. Like the clones who were trained before him, the dark clone learned to master the styles of both Shien and Djiem So, just as the original Skywalker had done. As the clone's training progressed, Starkiller told the dark clone that he had become more powerful in the Force than the original Skywalker had ever been.
Also inheriting Vader's skill as a pilot and a mechanic, the dark clone was able to easily fly a ship or construct a droid from scratch. Unlike the original Vader, the dark clone possessed a strong connection to the words of the force, and could tell when a person would be important to him in the future. The dark clone could also see the future very well, sometimes even years into the future if be.
Behind the scenes[]
Just as with Starkiller, the dark clone is based on the possibility of the dark-side ending of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed being the timeline that occurred, as opposed to the canon ending. With the dark apprentice, the same is done with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, in which the dark apprentice features at the end of the game if the player chooses the dark side ending.