Anakin Skywalker was The Chosen One and destined to destroy the Sith. He was one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in the Jedi Order. He was a great leader during the Clone Wars. During his time as a slave, he came to learn more about mechanical stuff, which led him to be one of the most advanced fighter pilots the galaxy has ever seen. Overall, Anakin was a wise person who explained things with action instead of words.
Early Life[]
Anakin was born on Tatooine in 41 BBY. He was born as a slave for a crime lord Hutt. He lived in Watto's Shop with his mother, Shmi Skywalker. During Anakin's early life, he was pretty much bullied all the time. Especially by Watto, but Anakin never gave up even when he wanted to. That is what got Anakin where he was. He always was willing to fight other kids or bullies when they were bullying him, like when he is willing to fight a Sith.