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Rise of the Empire eraEras - Sith Empire Reborn

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Do you believe you are the chosen one?"
"How can I know?"
"I can tell you what I believe; I believe you will bring balance to the Force—that you will face your demons and save the universe.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Anakin Skywalker[src]

Anakin Skywalker—nicknamed Ani by his mother and wife—was the legendary Chosen One of Jedi prophecy; a Force-sensitive Human male, Anakin served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars, and as a Jedi Master during the Second Great Galactic War. At the beginning of the Clone Wars, Skywalker became the secret husband of Padmé Naberrie of Naboo, and would later become the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Naberrie Skywalker.

Although he would later become an important figure in the galaxy, Skywalker came from humble origins; he spent the first years of his life on Tatooine as a slave along with Shmi Skywalker, his mother. Skywalker's life changed forever, when, in 3 ArS, he crossed paths with Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. This meeting eventually gave Skywalker the opportunity to participate in and win the Boonta Eve Classic podrace, and, thus, since Jinn won his bet against Anakin's owner, the Toydarian Watto, for Skywalker's freedom, Anakin's life as a slave came to an end; however, he was forced to leave his mother behind.

Skywalker later took part in the final conflict during the Invasion of Naboo, and played a pivotal role in the battle—he destroyed the Droid control ship that governed the functions of the Trade Federation's droid army, in spite of his youth, and the fact that the experience was his first time in a starfighter, which allowed the Nubian forces to prevail. Afterwards, Skywalker became the Padawan of Jinn's apprentice, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, after Jinn was slain in a lightsaber duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul.

In the years that followed, and despite an uneasy beginning to their relationship, Skywalker eventually came to see Kenobi as the father he'd never had.

In 11 ArS, eight years into his Jedi training, Skywalker was reunited with Padmé Naberrie, the former Queen of Naboo, whom Skywalker had met during the Naboo crisis—a period of time in which she had a lasting impact on him. Drawn together during a period when Naberrie, who had recently become the Senator of the Chommel sector, as well as Naboo, was being targeted for assassination, the feelings between her and Skywalker grew in magnitude for each day they were together.

For the previous month, however, Skywalker had experienced visions of his mother in danger, and so, with Naberrie, he ventured back to Tatooine, where he discovered that Watto had sold her to a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars. Meeting with Lars, Skywalker learned of the Tusken Raiders' abduction of his mother, and, thus, set out to find her, which he did—he found her battered and bloodied body, which had sustained excruciating torture—and she died in his arms. Enveloped in a murderous rage, Skywalker killed every single Tusken in the camp; the women and children were slaughtered, as well—in spite of how justified his actions seemed, at the time, Anakin quickly came to deeply regret his actions.

After his mother's burial, Skywalker and Naberrie learned that Kenobi had been captured on Geonosis; although he was initially unwilling to disobey a mandate of the Jedi Council, Naberrie convinced him to go with her to the Separatist capital. Their journey proved unfruitful; they were captured, themselves, and they joined Kenobi to be executed—they were then saved twice; first by a team of Jedi, and then by the arrival of the newly discovered Grand Army of the Republic. Skywalker did not leave the planet unharmed, though—in a duel with Count Maxon Dooku, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Skywalker lost his arm, and Dooku escaped; the Clone Wars had begun. Meanwhile, Anakin and Padmé had admitted their love for each other, and were forced to wed in secret, since Jedi were sworn to celibacy.

Skywalker became the face of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, earning the title of Hero With No Fear, leading the Republic to many victories, often fighting side by side with Kenobi; the two, already in a father-son relationship, became brothers in all but blood.

The Clone Wars lasted for a total of five years, but, in 16 ArS, the conflict came to a head when Skywalker and Kenobi confronted Dooku during a Separatist attack on the Republic capital world of Coruscant, in which Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had been kidnapped. The duel that followed resulted in Dooku's death at Skywalker's hands, in no small part due to Palpatine goading Skywalker into killing the Sith Lord—Anakin became very disturbed by the events that took place on board the Invisible Hand; he feared that he was succumbing to the dark side of the Force.

Back on Coruscant, Skywalker was reunited with Naberrie Skywalker, and she gave him startling news—she was pregnant, with his child. This happiness, however, was short-lived, as Skywalker began to have visions of his wife's death in childbirth, driving him to an indescribable fear. Skywalker was determined to prevent his vision from coming true, and, so, he began to seek out a way to stop his wife from dying. However, this desire was tempered by more visions; these ones showed that he would fall to the dark side, and would end up dueling Kenobi.

After hearing a Sith legend from Palpatine, Skywalker learned of the life-preserving power mentioned in the tale—he wanted to learn it, but desire became shock when Palpatine revealed the unthinkable;he was Darth Sidious, the Sith Master behind the war. Skywalker then informed Master Mace Windu of the situation, who went with other Masters to arrest Palpatine, but they were all killed by the Dark Lord of the Sith. Skywalker later went to the Republic Executive Building, along with Kenobi and Grand Master Yoda, in order to apprehend the Chancellor.

In a clash between light and darkness—between Jedi and Sith, as well as within himself—Skywalker remained true to the Jedi Order, and resisted the Sith Lord's temptations of power, forcing Palpatine to retreat. Afterwards, Skywalker and Kenobi spearheaded a mission that resulted in the capture of the members of the Separatist Council and the end of the Clone Wars. For withstanding the dark side's corruption, Skywalker earned the rank of Jedi Master, and a permanent seat on the Jedi High Council.


Pre-existence (Prior to 7 BrS)[]

Who was his father?"
"There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him… I can't explain what happened.

—Qui-Gon Jinn and Shmi Skywalker[src]

Millennia before his birth, Anakin Skywalker appeared in a vision to Jedi Master Q'Anilia, along with his son, Luke Skywalker and his descendant, Cade Skywalker, as well as Zayne Carrick. The vision also showed Karness Muur, hundreds of Rakghouls, and a city engulfed in flame. All four of these Force-users would later come into contact with the ancient Sith Lord, and his Talisman.

Nearly a decade before his death, the Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, and his apprentice, Darth Sidious, committed an act that utterly disregarded the nature of the Force. To advance their plan for galactic domination, the two Sith attempted to will a being of their own design into existence, pouring their vile impulsion into waves through the Force to the countless amount of midi-chlorians that were spread throughout the galaxy. The Sith plan failed, however, and the midi-chlorians, unwilling to obey, not only frustrated Plagueis' attempts, but countered in reprisal, conceiving a child within the slave Shmi Skywalker.

Skywalker's mother claimed that her son was conceived without a father, but could not explain how that had happened. It was the theory of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn that the will of the Force was the cause of Skywalker's birth.

Early Years (7 BrS—3 ArS)[]

Anakin Skywalker was born on 7:4:12 BrS. While many believed that the planet of his birth was Tatooine, Skywalker implied that he was raised on the desert planet from around the age of three.

Just a few years after his birth, Skywalker and his mother became slaves to Gardulla the Hutt. Eventually, however, Gardulla lost the boy and his mother in a podracing bet to a Toydarian junk dealer named Watto.

Even when he was very young, Skywalker had a reputation for being able to build or repair anything, evidenced by his creation of a protocol droid named C-3PO, as well as his very own podracer. Both were created from salvaged parts and nearly completed by the time he was nine years old.


Anakin and Shmi Skywalker arrive on Tatooine.

A child prodigy, Skywalker was extremely skilled at mathematics and engineering, and, yet, he was also daring and adventurous. He would often risk his own well being to help others, with little consideration for the consequences—good or bad—of his actions.

At a mere age of five years, Skywalker scaled an massive sand dune to chase a herd of banthas away from hunters who would have slaughtered them, despite the several times he almost fell into unconsciousness from heat exhaustion. 

Sometime later, while bartering with Jawas, Skywalker came across a wounded Tusken Raider, and took care of it until the Tusken was taken away by his own people. Little did he know that, years later, he would come to hate the Tusken Raiders. 

Shortly before the Boonta Eve Classic podrace, Skywalker, his friend Kitster Banai, and several other youths narrowly avoided a run-in with Gardulla. After discovering of the existence of children who had been captured and imprisoned by Sebulba, who had hoped to sell them to Gardulla, Skywalker and his friends disguised themselves as Jawas and sneaked into Gardulla's estate to free the children.

At age eight, Skywalker had his first experience of the Sith. While rummaging through Watto's junk heap, he came across an ancient war droid. Hoping to recover a holoprojector for Watto, Skywalker accidentally activated a disturbing hologram, drowned in cries and screams and the strange mention of the word "Sith." Puzzled, Skywalker rushed to the stranded Republic Fighter Corps member who had told him earlier of the angels who lived on the moons of Iego. The spacer, in shock, told him of the 2,000-year-old wrath of the Sith and how they eventually turned inward and fought each other, bringing about their own doom. He spoke of the belief that one Sith Lord had survived and extended the order's existence to this day. Little did Skywalker know that such rumors would play a large role in his life, especially when he became an adult.

The Discovery of the Chosen One (3 ArS)[]

You refer to prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force—you believe it's this boy?
Mace Windu, to Qui-Gon Jinn[src]

Meeting Qui-Gon Jinn[]

In 3 ArS, Skywalker's life changed forever. While working in Watto's shop, Skywalker happened to meet Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Jar Jar Binks, R2-D2, and a young teenage girl named Padmé Naberrie. Enthralled, Skywalker asked her if she was an angel. Amidala was not an angel, however, but a queen—Her Majesty Queen Amidala of Naboo, in disguise.

When a sandstorm began, Skywalker offered his newly-found friends shelter in the simple home he shared with his mother. There, Jinn and Naberrie recounted how they became stranded on Tatooine on their way to Coruscant, due to a leak in their hyperdrive. Desiring to help, the compassionate Skywalker volunteered to enter a podrace—an extremely dangerous contest—since the prize money for winning would allow his companions to purchase the parts needed to repair their starship. Though Shmi Skywalker initially objected to the plan, her son reminded her of her own words that "the biggest problem in the universe [was that] nobody helped each other." Persuaded, she agreed to let her son race. Skywalker was aided by his friends in the building of his podracer—which, after completion, was shown to work. Jinn also learned during this time from Shmi that Anakin did not have a father, and was conceived without sexual intercourse. Later that night, after nursing some wounds Skywalker received, Jinn had Kenobi analyze the boy's blood—they learned that his midi-chlorian count was vastly higher than even the Grand Master of the Jedi, Yoda, making them suspect that he was the Chosen One.

Just before the race, Jinn made a bet with Watto that if Skywalker won, the boy would be freed. However, Watto, unwilling to give up his valuable slave, specified one condition—that he roll a chance cube to decide which of his slaves could be freed. If the cube rolled blue, Skywalker would be freed; if it was red, Shmi Skywalker would be freed, instead. The die was weighted to land on red, but Jinn used the Force to make the cube flip to blue. The Toydarian thought the boy would lose, but accepted the results regardless.

Skywalker won the podrace, and Jinn was able to free him, but since the Jedi Master was unable to free the boy's mother, young Skywalker was forced to choose between his mother and a chance to be a Jedi. He chose to go with Jinn, though he promised his mother that he would come back to free her. Even after the Battle of Naboo, in which Skywalker and his new companions were entangled, ended victoriously, neither the Jedi nor the Republic made any effort to emancipate her. Skywalker's duties as a Jedi prevented him from freeing his mother himself, though she eventually obtained her freedom from Watto after being sold to a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars, who freed and married her. As they were leaving, Jinn discovered a Sith Probe Droid, and cut it down. Uneasy about the fact that they were under observation, Jinn and Skywalker rushed to the ship.

After departing Mos Espa, Jinn and Skywalker finally reached the Naboo Royal Starship, but were attacked by the Sith Lord Darth Maul, who sought to capture Queen Amidala. While Jinn engaged the Sith in battle, Skywalker rushed ahead and warned those already on board. The ship lifted off and, after rescuing Jinn, they left Tatooine to head for Coruscant.

On the ship, Skywalker met Jinn's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and, over the years, their relationship would develop, and they would become the best of friends.

While on the journey to Coruscant, Skywalker further bonded with Naberrie, giving her a Japor snippet he had carved for her to remember him. Many decades later, at the end of her life, Padmé would still have that snippet in her possession.

Before the Jedi High Council[]

Clouded, this boy's future is.

Upon arriving at Coruscant, Skywalker faced the Jedi High Council and was tested, concerning Jinn's belief that Skywalker was the Chosen One and should be trained as a Jedi. Skywalker's gifts cemented Jinn's belief on the matter, but the Council remained skeptical. Jinn requested to train Skywalker after his current apprentice, Kenobi, completed his trials, but his request was denied. Skywalker was much older than a typical Padawan, and the Council was concerned that his prior experiences would interfere with his training. In particular, he exhibited fear—an emotion that was further compounded by his separation from his mother—because of this, the Council believed he would not be able to attain the level of emotional detachment required by a member of the Jedi Order. Kenobi, while amazed at Skywalker's unprecedented midi-chlorian count—over twenty thousand—and strong potential, agreed, initially, with the Council's decision.

With nowhere to go on Coruscant, Skywalker went with the Jedi and Queen Amidala, as they traveled back to Naboo to free its people from the Trade Federation's occupation.

Battle on Naboo[]

Now this is podracing!
—Anakin Skywalker, escaping the exploding Vuutun Palaa[src]

Ultimately, Skywalker took part in the Second Battle of Theed in a vicious starfighter battle above the planet. After accidentally joining the battle in orbit, Skywalker—moments after Lt. Gavyn Sykes destroyed the deflector shield generator—single-handedly destroyed the orbital Droid Control Ship from within, thus rendering the Trade Federation's ground forces inactive, and saving the Gungan Grand Army from destruction. The following celebration, however, was tainted by the death of Jinn, at the hands of Darth Maul, though Maul was killed by Kenobi.

Jinn's dying wish was for his apprentice, Kenobi, to undertake Skywalker's training, which Kenobi promised to fulfill. The Jedi Council reluctantly agreed to Kenobi's request to train Skywalker, though they were concerned that Skywalker would be too difficult a student for the young Jedi Knight to handle.

Meanwhile, Palpatine, the Republic's newly-elected Supreme Chancellor, promised Skywalker that he would watch his career with great interest; this was the beginning of a long friendship between the young Jedi and the new leader of the Republic.

Jedi Padawan (3—11 ArS)[]

Padawan! Your skills have never been in question; it is your maturity.
—Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Anakin Skywalker[src]

Kenobi's Apprentice[]

Skywalker and Kenobi's relationship had an unstable beginning; Kenobi felt, at first, that to train Skywalker was to honor his master's dying wish, and no more. He also believed that he did not have the ability to train his new Padawan properly. Skywalker, unused to the environment of the Jedi Temple, kept to himself, and had no desire to interact with the other Padawans. He did, however, feel a special attachment to Kenobi, since his Master was like the father he never had. Slowly, but surely, Master and apprentice formed a special bond throughout Skywalker's adolescence.

While on Coruscant, Skywalker did not give up his tinkering of machines, and the halls of the Jedi Temple were said to be littered with his droid creations. Still craving thrills and adventure at the age of twelve, he salvaged a pair of race wings, and secretly participated in the highly dangerous and illegal garbage pit races held in the lower levels of Galactic City. During one such race, he was nearly killed by a Blood Carver named Ke Daiv before Kenobi rescued him.

Early Missions[]

About three years into his training, Skywalker and Kenobi underwent their first mission together to investigate cult leader Kad Chun. Chun, calling himself Uni, was co-leader of disenchanted idealists and refugees who wanted to flee their bureaucracy-flooded worlds. Kad's father, Vox Chun, the leader of the cult, was killed when Kenobi and Skywalker came to investigate.

The next mission they took was to the living planet of Zonama Sekot to find the Jedi Knight Vergere, who had recently vanished on a mission there. Unbeknownst to them, Wilhuff Tarkin and Raith Sienar had followed them to exploit Zonama Sekot's ability to fuse organic and high technology into starfighters, creating them at an astonishing rate and at an extremely high quality. On the planet, the colonists sold "seed-partners," which bonded with their hosts and allowed the planet to customize a starfighter for the individual. Skywalker attracted many more seed-partners than anyone, and thus, had a larger and more intricately-designed ship. He named this new biological ship Jabitha. When Tarkin and Sienar arrived, the planet revealed its sentient consciousness to the Jedi, explaining that Vergere had left with the mysterious "Far Outsiders" in order to protect Zonama Sekot. Skywalker and Kenobi could not rescue the Fosh Jedi, but they were able to halt Tarkin's attack. Unfortunately, Skywalker was captured and brought before Tarkin. Kenobi, however, managed to destroy Tarkin's flagship and rescue his Padawan. During this altercation, Zonama Sekot was able to activate its planetary hyperdrive, causing the planet to vanish, bound for the Unknown Regions. Afterward, Sienar and Tarkin returned to Republic space. Skywalker's organic ship, regrettably, died while away from her creator. After the conclusion of tehe mission, Kenobi and Skywalker returned to Coruscant.

In 7 ArS, Skywalker constructed his first lightsaber in the caves of Ilum. While he was constructing it, however, he had a dark vision of Darth Maul, the Sith Lord who had killed Qui-Gon Jinn. After Skywalker managed to defeat the specter, he awoke to find that he had finished construction on his lightsaber—its blade was a shining blue.

When Skywalker was thirteen, while on a mission to Nar Shaddaa, he captured the T'surr slave trader Krayn. Thus, all the slaves of Krayn were freed, and Jedi Knight Siri Tachi's undercover mission there came to an end.

Not long after, the young Jedi and his Master were called upon, along with Tachi, Soara Antana, Ry-Gaul, and their Padawans, Ferus Olin, Darra Thel-Tanis, and Tru Veld, respectively, on a mission to Radnor to help with the evacuation of the planet. The evacuation was due to a deadly toxin that had spread throughout the planet because of a chemical leak. He and the other Jedi and their Padawans later discovered that the toxic leak was connected with the Avoni raiders. The path of guilt led to Galen, a traitorous Radnoran, who was taken into custody for his crimes.

Kenobi and Skywalker were later sent on a mission to find out what had happened to the Consular-class cruiser, the Radiant IX, which was carrying the Jedi Et Rex and Alysun Celz back to Coruscant to face judgment for falling to the dark side. They discovered that, while on their flight, a large group of mynocks had fed on energy from the ships electrical couplings, causing the ship to plummet into the gravity well in the Hoth system, and crash landed on an asteroid known as the Poison Moon. The distress signal was sent even as Celz killed everyone on the ship. Rex managed to escape Celz and befriend a group of mynocks. When the Jedi found Celz on the bridge of the ship, she insisted that it was Rex who did it. Kenobi went to find Rex, leaving Skywalker with Celz. When Kenobi found Rex, Rex convinced him that Celz was framing him, and the two hurried back to save Skywalker. In the meantime, Celz tried to convince Skywalker to leave his master, but failed. Celz angrily knocked out Skywalker with her Force lightning, revealing to the Jedi as they entered that she had killed everyone on board. Kenobi engaged her with his lightsaber, only to be knocked back by a dose of force lightning. Rex sent his mynocks after her lightning, feeding on it like they would electricity. The Jedi left the moon on Kenobi and Skywalker's ship, with Celz as their new prisoner, and headed back to Coruscant.

Later on, a simple Jedi training mission to Ragoon VI led to Skywalker and Kenobi encountering a mysterious man, whose mission in life seemed to be to kill them. Further research on him revealed that he was from Nierport VII, collected Sith artifacts, and was extremely wealthy—though he had no tangible source of income. Skywalker and Kenobi were then dispatched to the Galactic Games in order to ensure the peace. Skywalker found out about an illegal podrace being set up, and, instead of reporting it, he decided to join. Meanwhile, Kenobi, with the help of Siri Tachi and her apprentice, Ferus Olin, uncovered a massive plan to ruin several senators' careers by framing them in a plot to rig some of the games. The plan was orchestrated by Maxo Vista, and Kenobi learned from him that the podrace was also rigged so that the lead podracer would lose control of his brakes, and hundreds would be killed, in the process. Kenobi set out to warn Skywalker, but his Padawan had already started racing and eventually took the lead. Kenobi could only watch helplessly as Skywalker's brakes malfunctioned; however, using the Force and his piloting skills, Skywalker managed to gain control of his craft and avert a tragedy.

After this event, further investigations were done on the man who had tried to kill them earlier, and it was revealed that the man was trying to take over the marketing of bacta through a mining venture. Skywalker, after being captured by him, found out, with the aid of Kenobi, that the man's name was Granta Omega. He also discovered that he was trying to impress a Sith Lord by killing Skywalker. Master and apprentice were able to escape, halting Omega's mining of titanite in the process. Omega himself, however, escaped their grasp.

Outbound Flight[]

Mission to Andara[]

Yaddle's Sacrifice[]

Trailing Jenna Zan Arbor and Roy Teda[]

Confronting Old Adversaries[]

Greyshade and the Financial Reform Act[]

Separatist Crisis[]

Mission to Ansion[]

Reunited with Naberrie[]

Returning Home[]

Geonosis and Marriage to Padmé[]

The Clone Wars (11—16 ArS)[]

The Dark Reaper[]

Battle of Ohma-D'un[]

Battle of Muunilinst and Duel on Yavin 4[]

Battle on Skye[]

Rise of the Cortosis Battle Droids[]

Battle of Jabiim[]

Battle of Aargonar[]

Battle of Zaadja[]

Battle of Praesitlyn[]


Battle of Rendili and Aftermath[]


Mission to Christophsis[]
Battle on Christophsis[]

The Malevolence Crisis[]

Third Battle of Kamino[]

Attack on the Separatist Shipyards[]

Mission to Taloraan[]

Battle of JanFathal[]

A Missing Friend[]

Mission to Skytop Station[]

Capture of Dooku[]

Battles of Quell and Maridun[]

Battle on Orto Plutonia[]

Blue Shadow Virus Scare[]

Mission to Iego[]

Battle of Ryloth[]

Battle over Ryloth[]
Retaking the Capital City[]

Battle of Behpour[]

Defeat at Felucia[]

The Stolen Holocron[]

Holocron Chase[]
Rescuing the Children[]

The Zillo Beast[]

Trap on Vanqor[]

Senate Hostage Crisis[]

Spy in the Galactic Senate[]

Conflict on Valahari[]

Hunt for Grievous[]

Coronet Plot[]

Defense on Felucia[]

Political Chaos[]

Hunting Savage Opress[]

Revelation on Mortis[]

Rescuing Master Piell[]

Return to Felucia[]

The Starcrusher Trap[]

Civil War on Mon Calamari[]

Skirmish on Naboo[]

Battle of Umbara[]

Battle of Kiros[]

Infiltrating Zygerria[]
Battle of Kadavo[]

Plot to Kidnap the Chancellor[]

Caridia Incident[]

Hunting Ventress[]

Cato Neimoidia[]

"Ghost Hand"[]

The Chosen One's Test (16 ArS)[]

Rescuing the Chancellor[]

The Dark Side Beckons[]

Trial of the Spirit[]

Mission to Mustafar[]

Becoming a Father[]

Jedi Master (16—21 ArS)[]

Personality and Traits[]

Relationships With Others[]

Shmi Skywalker[]

Qui-Gon Jinn[]

Padmé Naberrie[]

Obi-Wan Kenobi[]

You are strong and wise, Anakin… you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Anakin Skywalker[src]

Luke Skywalker[]

Leia Naberrie Skywalker[]
