Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight throughout the Clone Wars. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 12 BrS, Skywalker was conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt. They soon ended up as the property of the Toydarian Watto, and Skywalker exhibited exceptional piloting skills and a reputation for being able to build and repair anything even at a young age. In Year 3, Skywalker encountered the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Naberrie, and he helped them secure the parts they needed for their starship by winning the Boonta Eve Classic podracing event—only to learn that he had also won his freedom in doing so.
Reluctantly leaving his mother behind, Skywalker accompanied Jinn and his group to the Republic's capital of Coruscant and participated in the Battle of Naboo, helping to free Naberrie's homeworld from the armies of the Trade Federation. Despite the Jedi High Council's refusal to sanction the boy's training, Master Jinn took him on as his student and he served alongside recently knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi during the first years of the fighting of the Separatist Crisis. When Master Jin was killed during the first battle of the Clone Wars in Year 7, Kenobi followed Jinn's wishes and took on Skywalker as his Padawan and trained him in the ways of the Force. While some in the Jedi Order continued to be uneasy regarding Skywalker's age, much of the High Council secretly believed that Skywalker was the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy: one who would bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith. Skywalker and Kenobi traveled together on missions extensively during the first years of the war, seeing Skywalker's piloting skills increase as well as his notoriety as a principled, yet adventurous young Jedi. Skywalker was reunited with Senator Naberrie when he was assigned to protect her from assassination. The two grew close during the course of the assignment, though they were caught up in the political turmoil of a galaxy at war. Losing an arm during the fighting, Skywalker received a cybernetic replacement, and he and Naberrie were secretly married in Year 13 despite the Jedi Code's restrictions on attachments.
During the Clone Wars, which raged for the next three years, Skywalker was granted the rank of Jedi Knight and became known to the public as the "Hero with No Fear." Taking on the Togruta Ahsoka Tano as his apprentice, Skywalker fought alongside Kenobi and his fellow Jedi in scores of battles, and his friendship with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine deepened despite the Jedi Order's wariness of Palpatine's rapid acquisition of further powers during the Clone Wars. Throughout the Clone Wars, Skywalker's anger and sense of loss pushed him ever closer to the dark side of the Force, and his visions of Naberrie dying in childbirth in Year 16 made him desperate to find a way to save his wife. Palpatine, who was in fact the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, manipulated Skywalker into believing that the answers to his fears were being horded by the Jedi Council, who was conspiring to hold him back for fear of his power. Upon revealing himself as the Sith Lord, Skywalker betrayed the Order by attacking Jedi Master Mace Windu but was unable to prevent Windu from killing the Sith Lord and arresting the wayward Knight.
Placed within the custody of the Barsen'thor Coleman Kcaj, Skywalker was nursed back to health and rehabilitated within the Jedi Temple while the rest of the Order helped orchestrate the clean-up operations that signaled the end of the war. As the Order moved its headquarters to Ossus, Skywalker remained isolated as he meditated on his mistakes and suffered the forced separation from his wife and newborn children in private. After two years of intensive self-reflection and contemplation, Skywalker emerged from his private chambers on Coruscant to thrive again as a Jedi Knight. Making amends with the High Council and his former Master, Skywalker enjoyed his celebrity status within the Order as most remained ignorant to his descent to the dark side and his consequent rehabilitation. When Grand Master Tomac Moorcé announced his campaign against slavery, Skywalker eagerly joined the ranks of Jedi volunteering to assist in the dismantling of the Hutt Empire. Participating in the opening salvo on Tatooine, Skywalker helped lead the raid on the palace of Jabba the Hutt and route the slavers hiding there. Skywalker would go on to serve in the Hutt Offensive, the Golem Wars and serve as an invaluable resource during the Order's quest for Balance within the Force.
Before his birth[]
- In the time of greatest despair,
- a child shall be born
- who will destroy the Sith
- and bring balance to the Force.
- Cloaked by darkness and wielder of light,
- sprung from life and fettered by pride;
- loved by all and despised by all,
- by the Chosen Once's hand all will fall."
One of the oldest prophecies contained with the Jedi Temple Archives on Coruscant, the Prophecy of the Chosen One was suspected by Jedi Master Sooloot to have originated from the time of the First Great Schism. Sooloot speculated that in its original form the mention of the Sith was most likely not present, and that the Sith were added to the text to give it more clarity at some later date. Analysis of the full text was believed to detail the birth of one strong in the Force, conceived by the midi-chlorians themselves and a vessel of pure Force power who would ultimately bring balance to that mystical energy field through their actions of vanquishing the Sith. Grand Master Fae Coven cautioned those who studied the prophecy into interpreting the idea of balance correctly; describing it as a fulcrum, Coven insisted that good would not accept evil. Instead, the dark side had nothing to do with, and could not be present in, the Balance. The Balance was in fact the Living Force, the circle of life and the symbiosis that existed within the natural order of the universe. The dark side, through agents such as the Sith, acted as a cancer on the Living Force that must be excised by the Jedi. Because of the raw strength and power of the Chosen One, Grand Master Coven believed that such a being would exist outside of the authority of the Jedi High Council as they would exist as an agent of the Force in its purest form.
During the New Sith Wars, many Jedi desperately clung to the hope that the Chosen One would come forth to vanquish the Sith. Many noble Jedi Lords sent out their strongest Knights to fight believing that they were the one to bring Balance to the Force. However, as the Sith were believed destroyed at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan at the conclusion of the war by their own hand, many Jedi began to question whether the prophecy had any meaning in the modern era. The prophecy was not explicit but the Jedi assumed that the Chosen One would be of the Order, due to the prophecy being contained within ancient holocrons of the Jedi.
Around 12 BrS, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis and his Sith apprentice Darth Sidious were able to shift the Force and tip it towards the dark side after months of intense meditation. Plagueis sought to manipulate the midi-chlorians—microscopic lifeforms which lived symbiotically within all living things and allowed those with sufficient numbers of midi-chlorians to touch the Force—and use them to gain power over life and death. He was able to resurrect the Bith Darth Venamis, whom he had been using as a test subject for years, using only the power of the Force. Using his new-found power to heal his own body, Plagueis decided to take his powers further and reached out to the midi-chlorians across the galaxy in order to gain dominance over them, but the Force resisted his efforts and refused. In response, the midi-chlorians acted of their own accord and conceived a child within the Human Shmi Skywalker.
Early life[]
Life as a slave[]
There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can't explain what happened.
—Shmi Skywalker
The Human male Anakin Skywalker was born to Shmi Skywalker in 12:4 BrS on the prosperous world of Trulalis where Shmi Skywalker worked as a servant of the powerful public speaker and political thinker Pi-Lippa. While Pi-Lippa was kind to Skywalker and her child, her assassination saw them given over to her relatives who valued her for her technical skills Pi-Lippa had taught her. With her young child in tow, the pair were sold to Hutt crime lord Gardulla the Elder on Tatooine in 4 BrS. Brought to the desert world by a freighter whose refresher had been backed up and was lacking other basic amenities, young Skywalker had premonitions of podracing, and he saw a vision of himself as an older man, racing across the flats of Tatooine. He was awoken from his dream by his mother, who carried him out of the ship when they landed, and they were lined up before Gardulla and her aides. When a shot rang out in a nearby alleyway, Skywalker did not duck for cover like the others in the area and instead watched as an Arconan slave rushed through the area to escape his pursuers. The Arcona's slave transmitter exploded moments later, killing the slave and showing Skywalker what would happen should he ever try to escape. Shortly afterward, Skywalker was implanted with his own transmitter. In the city of Mos Espa, the Skywalkers were forced to share quarters with six other slaves while they were owned by Gardulla, but the fact that he was coupled with his mother allowed Skywalker to endure slavery with relative good humor. Though Skywalker was not altogether fond of Tatooine, he set about learning as much about the desert world as possible. He listened to traveling spacers and Gardulla's attendants, learning about the history and function of the planet in the galaxy. He heard of the Tusken Raiders, apparently bloodthirsty savages that roamed the wastelands, Jawas, krayt dragons, but the element that interested the boy the most was podracing, descriptions of which matched his premonition. He tired quickly of Tatooine, however, and one day hoped to visit Coruscant, the galactic capital.
Gardulla was a cruel master and had little regard for the safety of Skywalker and her son, as evident when she allowed young Anakin to participate in the Boonta Eve Classic, despite believing him to be incapable of surviving. During this time he became friends with fellow slaves Kitster Banai and Pala Kwi'teksa; though the three were eventually sold to other masters, they remained friends, as they all lived in Mos Espa. Several months after his arrival on Tatooine, while repairing a vaporator outside Gardulla's residence, Skywalker decided to take the initiative and modify the device. His handiwork was observed by Watto, a Toydarian junk dealer who frequently gambled with Gardulla on podraces. Impressed, the Toydarian gambled for custody of the Skywalkers and won, becoming the pair's owners two days later. Like Gardulla, Watto was often found to be quite harsh, seldom showing his softer side to the two. Under Watto's care, they were afforded simple luxuries and were allowed to have very few personal possessions. Skywalker began working at Watto's Shop as a mechanic, and Watto reluctantly allowed the two to move into a small hovel on Slave Quarters Row, though he intended to quarter the rest of the slaves he intended to purchase with the Skywalkers when he could afford to buy more. When not performing tasks given to her by Watto, Shmi Skywalker spent most of her time worrying about her adventurous son. Whether it was to recover parts for Watto or going out of his way to help someone in need, he often managed to get himself into trouble. She did little to discourage his tendency, though she began to fear that she was going to lose him someday. The two were very close, and despite not having enough money, Skywalker showered his mother with simple gifts to show his affection. At other times, he built inventions to sell or use to lighten her workload, such as the protocol droid he had found and managed to scrape together using old parts he gathered from Watto's junkyard.
At an early age, Skywalker exhibited signs of Force-sensitivity; he could sense things before they happened, occasionally sensed the emotions of others, and had exceptional piloting skills which Watto put to use when he made the child race his podracer—the first Human to survive and excel at the sport. Shmi Skywalker became aware of her son's affinity for the Force and hid it as much as she could from Watto, though she could not hide his natural piloting abilities. After discovering this almost by accident, Watto let the boy continue his piloting, believing he could gain potential profit from the venture. Skywalker proved to be an excellent pilot despite the fact that he had never been able to finish a race. To her relief, Skywalker managed to come out unharmed, save for a few bruises, though she hated watching him drive in what she referred to as "those awful races". Though she never said so, Skywalker thought that his mother believed that simply by being there she could keep him from coming to harm. She secretly wished for her son to have a better life as his gifts made her realize that he wasn't meant to be a slave. Even at a young age, Skywalker had a reputation for being able to repair or build anything. Around Year 2, Skywalker began to build both a podracer from the pieces he could salvage from the junkyards, restoring a junked podracer cockpit and a pair of Radon-Ulzer 620C racing engines. Knowing Watto would try to take it if it was valuable, Skywalker purposely kept the podracer in a state of seeming disrepair underneath a tarp. Watto gave Shmi an aeromagnifier that she used to clean computer memory devices, allowing the Skywalkers to have a modest income, but Anakin refused to give up on his dreams of freedom, making plans to create a scanner that could locate the transmitter in his body.
You should be proud of your son. He gives without any thought of reward."
"He knows nothing of greed. Only of dreams. He has…"
"Special powers."
—Qui-Gon Jinn and Shmi Skywalker
While exploring the junkyard, Skywalker's attention was inexplicably driven upwards to a starship flying by overhead, and he sank into daydreams of the Jedi Knights he had grown to wonder over. Roused by Watto's shouting for him to come inside, Skywalker entered the shop to find a tall man, a young woman, a dark-skinned man and an astromech droid conversing with Watto. At Watto's instructions, Skywalker manned the shop while Watto took the man, Qui-Gon Jinn, into the junkyard. Skywalker found himself unable to look away from the young woman, who introduced herself as Padmé Naberrie, Senator of the Chommell Sector. Listening to their plight, Skywalker offered them quarters had his mother's hovel to wait out the approaching sand storm. When they reached his house, he introduced the group to his mother and explained about the sandstorm before pulling Naberrie into his room to show her his project. Naberrie was genuinely impressed by Skywalker's work on C-3PO, prompting him to turn the droid on, and he also told her about the podracer he was constructing. The two spent the rest of the day examining Skywalker's various projects as the sandstorm continued to rage, and during dinner he began to explain life as a slave, though a brief argument between Naberrie and Shmi about slavery led Anakin to the subject of podracing. Mustering his courage, Skywalker asked Jinn about his lightsaber, and he refused to believe the Jedi's statement that he was not there to free the slaves. As the conversation turned to the group's damaged Nubian starship, Skywalker volunteered to race in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace so that Jinn could get the prize money. When his mother objected, Anakin reminded Shmi of her belief that people needed to help one another, convincing her to allow Anakin to race for Jinn. The next morning, Jinn and the others accompanied Skywalker to Watto's shop, and the boy began to tell Watto about Jinn's proposal when Naberrie stopped Jinn outside for a brief conversation. To appease Watto, Jinn put forth his ship as the entry fee, and convinced the Toydarian to front the cost of Skywalker's entry into the race in exchange for splitting the winnings fifty-fifty. Watto accepted the deal, and Skywalker was dismissed immediately with instructions to check out Jinn's podracer. Skywalker arrived home before Jinn and the others did, and he led the group to the bone yards behind the slave quarters to where his podracer was concealed under a tarp. With the others' help, Skywalker activated the antigrav lifts and brought the podracer out back behind his house, and there he began preparing the vehicle for the race. As Skywalker worked, his friends Banai, Seek, Amee, and Wald arrived, but Wald, Amee, and Seek were skeptical of Skywalker's chances and left to go play elsewhere. Despite Skywalker's warnings, Binks became caught between the podracer's energy binders, causing his face to go numb. Jinn then helped the boy into the cockpit, where he used a power pack that Jinn had lifted from Watto's shop to start the podracer, and the group was heartened to witness the engines activating and running perfectly.
That afternoon, Skywalker sustained a cut on his arm, though he did not notice it until later that night when Jinn tended to it and took a sample of his blood. Before Skywalker could get Jinn to tell him what he was doing with his blood, his mother called him inside their house for bedtime. That night, Skywalker had a strange dream of darkness, war, and armies—and Naberrie was leading an army into battle. When he awoke, he told Naberrie about the dream, though he soon forgot about the dream in the excitement of the pre-race preparations. With the two eopies Banai brought to help, Naberrie, Banai, Shmi, Anakin, R2-D2, and C-3PO hauled the podracer to the arena hangars, where Jinn had gone to meet with Watto. The Toydarian angrily left the hangar just as they arrived, confusing Skywalker with a comment about Jinn and betting, but Banai unintentionally revealed to Naberrie and the others that Skywalker had never actually finished a race, causing Naberrie to lose hope in the boy's chances.
While the race was cutthroat and many racers died during the competition, Skywalker was able to successfully outmaneuver his competitors and finished the race first. As he came to a halt, the crowd swarmed Skywalker's racer, and Banai was the first to his pod and began hugging his friend tightly. The crowd hoisted Skywalker onto their shoulders in celebration, chanting his name, and it was not until almost an hour later that the arena emptied of people and Skywalker could meet up with his family and friends. As Jinn approached, Skywalker became embarrassed at Naberrie and his mother's constant hugs and kisses, but Jinn soon departed with Binks and Naberrie to take their parts back to the ship. Returning home with Jinn, Skywalker ecstatically showed his mother the credits he'd won, and his happiness only increased when Jinn told him that he had been freed and Jinn wanted him to become a Jedi. Skywalker was so excited that it was several minutes before he realized that his mother had not been freed as well, and he was dismayed when she insisted that he go with Jinn to a better future without her. Packing his stuff, Skywalker bid goodbye to C-3PO and Banai, but when it came time to leave, his resolve broke and he ran back to his mother. Despite their sorrow at being parted, she convinced her son to go with the Jedi and he and Jinn left Mos Espa. However, Jinn encountered and destroyed a strange probe droid that had been surveying them on their way out of the city, and the concerned Jedi urged Skywalker to hurry with him. As they raced towards the starship that Naberrie and Jinn had come to Tatooine on, Skywalker was suddenly ordered to drop to the ground and complied just as a dark-robed figure shot overhead on a speeder. The man leaped at Jinn, drawing a red-bladed lightsaber and attacking the Jedi as Jinn urged Skywalker to get aboard the ship and to take off. Rushing aboard, he told Naberrie and the security officer with her Jinn's instructions, and Naberrie pulled him aboard to the cockpit to tell Jinn's apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi what had happened. The pilot followed Kenobi's instructions to fly towards the fight, and Skywalker scrambled into a seat as Kenobi raced to the landing ramp and helped Jinn escape from the dark warrior. Skywalker rushed to help Jinn as the ship took off and left Tatooine.
New worlds[]
Anakin, this path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone.
—Shmi Skywalker
Later that night, aboard the ship, which Skywalker learned was the personal starship of the Queen of the planet Naboo, Skywalker struggled to fall asleep in the central chamber, as the ship's temperature was radically different to the constant heat of Tatooine that he was used. As he huddled in silence and wondered whether leaving was a mistake, Skywalker witnessed Naberrie enter the room and watch a recording of a plea for help from a Naboo official. She soon noticed him and gave him her overjacket as a blanket, and the two discussed the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo and Naberrie's hopes that the Republic's Galactic Senate could resolve the crisis. Skywalker gave her a japor ivory wood pendant that he had carved for her so that she would remember him, and Naberrie comforted him as he once again began to cry as he remembered his mother. When they finally arrived at the Republic capital of Coruscant, Skywalker watched from the cockpit in awe as they approached the city-planet, and the ship was greeted when it landed by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, Senator Palpatine of Naboo, and a contingent of Senate Guards. The Queen and her handmaidens—including Naberrie—departed with Palpatine, though they brought Skywalker and Binks along with them to Palpatine's office and left them outside while they discussed the situation. Skywalker soon began to listen at the door, though he began to wonder where Jinn and Kenobi had gone. Amidala changed into a new outfit before the group departed for the Senate Building, though Skywalker was unhappy to not see Naberrie among the handmaidens who accompanied the Queen, Panaka, Palpatine, Binks, and Skywalker to the Senate.
After the Vote of No Confidence in Chacnellor Valorum's leadership was announced, the Jedi and Skywalker traveled to the Jedi Temple where Skywalker faced the twelve Jedi Masters on the Council who began to question him almost immediately, testing his memory and knowledge. Mace Windu then began to test Skywalker's abilities by asking him to determine what images were appearing on a screen that the Jedi was holding but that the boy could not see. Skywalker found his mind filled with images of what appeared on the screen, and he was able to name them all with perfect accuracy. However, when Windu and Master Yoda began to question him about his feelings and his mother, Skywalker asked how that was relevant. Yoda explained that fear was the starting point on the path of the dark side. Staying silent on the subject, the boy put aside his fear and continued the examination. As night fell, Skywalker, Kenobi, and Jinn were called before the Council for their decision. The Jedi Masters acknowledged Skywalker's great power, but refused to train him on account of his age—causing Jinn to declare that he would take the boy on his own apprentice, insisting that the boy was the Chosen One and must be trained. However, Windu declared that the matter would be dealt with later, as the Naboo problem was more pressing. The Council permitted Skywalker to accompany Jinn, and the three returned to the Queen's starship, where Skywalker questioned Jinn about midi-chlorians. The Queen and her retinue departed not long afterwards, leaving Coruscant and heading back to the occupied Naboo in hopes of freeing the world from the Trade Federation
Ultimately, despite being told to hide and simply observe Jinn throughout the battle, Skywalker fought in the Battle of Naboo in a vicious starfighter battle above the planet. After accidentally joining the battle in orbit, Skywalker single-handedly destroyed the orbital Droid Control Ship from within the ship, moments after Lt. Gavyn Sykes destroyed the deflector shield generator, thus rendering the Trade Federation's ground forces inactive and saving the Gungan Grand Army from destruction. The following celebration, however, was tainted with the death of Jinn, slain by Darth Maul. The Master's dying wish was for Kenobi to undertake Skywalker's training, which Kenobi promised to fulfill. The Council reluctantly agreed for Kenobi to begin Skywalker's training, though they were concerned that Skywalker would be too difficult a student for young Kenobi to handle, due to Kenobi's young age. Meanwhile, Palpatine, the Republic's newly-appointed Supreme Chancellor, promised Skywalker that he would watch the young Jedi's career with "great interest," beginning a long friendship between the young Jedi and the new ruler of the Republic.
Jedi apprentice[]
Early years[]
The boy has exceptional skills."
"But he still has much to learn, Master. His abilities have made him… well, arrogant.
—Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi
As Kenobi's Padawan, Skywalker was given his own room in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, in which he soon installed a workbench with tools. He continued to tinker with machines and droids despite the fact that the Order largely had no use for them, and his droids could often be found throughout the Temple on various assignments. Because Skywalker was young for a Padawan, the Council of First Knowledge demanded that he enter into classes at the Temple academy to begin his training with Initiates the same age as he. Skywalker found himself uncomfortable with the fact that the Jedi Council and other Jedi treated him differently than other Padawans, as the boy's skills and abilities were far more advanced than his peers. Despite this, Skywalker was able to make some friends who helped him pass the time by exploring the ancient hallways of the Temple. He and Kenobi soon developed a bond of mutual love and respect, though Skywalker continued to test the limits of their relationship to reassure himself that Kenobi still cared for him. However, whenever he tried to look inward with the Force, Skywalker was terrified by the great pain and power that he sensed in his future—a sensation that he described as "burning like a sun inside"—and his fear drove him to recklessness. Not long after arriving at the Temple, Skywalker met the Cerean Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and his Tusken apprentice A'Sharad Hett.
Still craving thrills and adventure at the age of twelve, he salvaged a pair of race wings and secretly participated in the highly dangerous and illegal garbage pit races held in the lower levels of Galactic City. During one such race, he was nearly killed by a Blood Carver named Ke Daiv before Kenobi reached him. Despite receiving a reprimand, the incident was quickly followed up by Skywalker receiving his first mission with his Master. Assigned to travel to the mysterious living planet of Zonama Sekot to find Jedi Knight Vergere, who had recently vanished on a mission there, the pair was unaware that Republic officers Wilhuff Tarkin and Raith Sienar had followed them to exploit Zonama Sekot's ability to fuse organic and high technology into starfighters, creating them at an astonishing rate and at an extremely high quality. On the planet, the colonists sold "seed-partners," which bonded with their hosts and allowed the planet to customize a starfighter for the individual. Skywalker attracted many more seed-partners than anyone, and thus, had a bigger and more intricate ship. He named this new biological ship Jabitha. When Tarkin and Sienar arrived, the planet revealed its sentient consciousness to the Jedi, explaining that Vergere had left with the mysterious "Far Outsiders" in order to protect Zonama Sekot. Skywalker and Kenobi could not rescue the Fosh Jedi, but they were able to halt Tarkin's attack. When Ke Daiv, now Tarkin's bodyguard, attempted to kill Skywalker, the boy, in a fit of uncontrollable rage, telekinetically burned the Blood Carver from the inside out. Unfortunately, Skywalker was captured and brought before Tarkin. Kenobi, however, managed to destroy Tarkin's flagship and rescue his Padawan. During this altercation, Zonama Sekot was able to activate its planetary hyperdrive, causing the planet to vanish, bound for the Unknown Regions. Afterward, while Sienar and Tarkin returned to the Republic unscathed, Skywalker's organic ship died while away from her creator. Distressed out the ship's loss and still reeling from his first kill, Skywalker's first mission was the first sign of the boy's future as a Jedi.
We are not here on a mission. It is a quest. It is here that you will gather the crystals to fashion your own lightsaber.
—Obi-Wan Kenobi
In Year 8, Kenobi took his Padawan on a journey to the planet Ilum to construct his first lightsaber, though he did not tell Skywalker where they were going at first. When they arrived on the secret Jedi fortress world, Kenobi had Skywalker landed their ship on a small ledge near the ancient Jedi Temple. When Kenobi told him the name of the planet and their purpose there, Skywalker became excited at the prospect of getting his lightsaber, and the two pulled on winter survival gear before they departed their ship. While the ice had frozen over the Temple's main entrance, the two were able to enter the facility by using cable launchers to climb the icy cliff and enter into an ancient chamber. Once inside, the pair happened upon a group of sleeping gorgodons—large, hulking predators native to Ilum. One of the creatures awoke almost immediately and attacked, striking Skywalker with its enormous tail and tossing him back towards the cliff edge, though Kenobi was able to pull him to safety. Using his training lightsaber, Skywalker aided his Master in battling the beasts, slaying one and causing the others to flee. Removing their survival gear, the two prepared to enter the cave, but Kenobi warned his student of the visions that he would face within, and Kenobi stopped just inside the first cave as Skywalker went on alone. Striding confidently into the depths of the mountain's roots, Skywalker ignored the voices that he heard whispering in the darkness, but when he encountered a vision of himself at the age of seven or eight, he stopped dead. A bell that the boy had been playing with rolled towards Skywalker and blood began to pour from the bell's opening, though Skywalker reminded himself that it was an illusion. However, a vision of his mother being attacked a shadowy figure drove the boy to charge the illusions in anger. The visions finally ended when he looked down and saw formations of lightsaber crystals on the cave floor, and at Kenobi's urging, Skywalker reached out and chose three that seemed to speak to him. Following Kenobi's instructions, he began to meditate, but Kenobi's form suddenly twisted into that of the Sith Lord who had killed Qui-Gon Jinn. The Sith began to taunt Skywalker and tossed him a red-bladed lightsaber, stoking the boy's rage and trying to lure him to the dark side, but Skywalker resisted the Sith's attempts until he mentioned Skywalker's mother. Enraged, the Padawan attacked the vision, but the Sith Lord quickly destroyed the boy's training lightsaber and sent him flying into the cave wall. Determined, Skywalker summoned his will and banished the vision, though the Sith warned him that his darkness would remain within the Jedi. When he opened his eyes, Skywalker found that the lightsaber that the Sith had thrown him—one that was just like what Skywalker had in mind for his own—remained in his lap, and the blade glowed blue when he activated it. Returning to the cave entrance, Skywalker showed the weapon to Kenobi and told him about how he had apparently made the weapon during a trance state, though he did not tell his Master about the vision of the Sith. Just then, Kenobi was contacted on his comlink and informed that they were being summoned back to Coruscant for a mission.
Crucial training and lessons[]
Because of Skywalker's background as a slave, Kenobi thought it would do the boy good to undertake missions wherein the Jedi could help bring an end to those falsely imprisoned or to defeat a slave trader. Kenobi hoped that Skywalker's logical mind and tactical skills could be honed during these scenarios and help him to cope with slavery as a real and existing practice in the galaxy while at the same time helping him to overcome it. Such missions often led to Skywalker becoming furious during lightsaber duels, leading him to kill the slaver Krayn on Haruun Kal or hunt down the slavers responsible for the massacre on Sorcery III. The High Council then decided to group Kenobi and Skywalker with other successful Master-Padawan pairs such as Siri Tachi and Ferus Olin, Soara Antana and Darra Thel-Tanis, and Ry-Gaul and Tru Veld. On their first mission together, the eight Jedi traveled to Radnor where they were assigned to help with the evacuation of the planet, necessitated by the spread of a deadly toxin. Skywalker and the other Jedi and their Padawans later discovered that the toxic leak which caused such wide-spread destruction was connected with the Avoni raiders. The path of guilt led to Galen, a traitorous Radnoran, who was taken into custody for his crimes. However, the Avoni did not pay for their crime and were not forced to make amends, a scenario which continued to weigh heavily on Skywalker.
On one occasion, after returning to the Temple from a mission, Skywalker was approached by Jedi Master Avlis Tholme who tasked the young Padawan to deliver a message to the Jedi Shadow Tomac Moorcé. The Purpilian Jedi was thought to be wandering around the Temple's ancient south tower, an area considered off limits to Padawans due to its labyrinthine passages and Force-inspired architecture. Accompanied by Padawans Veld and Olin, the three entered the south tower by its main entrance where they encountered a Temple Guard. Warning them of the dangers that lay ahead, the Guard allowed them to pass and gave them clues to the Jedi's location. Wandering the dark stone halls of the ancient Temple, the group wandered in an out of millennia old towers and temples which had been constructed on the Sacred Spire by their Jedi ancestors. Wandering up into a great stone obelisk, the group came upon a massive courtyard at it's peak and noticed a limp figure laying beside an old stone fountain. Recognizing the figure as a Purpilian, the three rushed into help when they noticed a massive, purple-skinned wyvern hanging from the rafters. Letting out a deafening bellow, the wyvern flew down at the three Padawans to attack them, easily rebuffing their Force-based attacks and knocking their lightsabers from their hands. Skywalker, in a move to protect the wounded Jedi Knight laying prone on the ground, stood beside his body and was prepared to stand against the massive beast to keep Moorcé safe. As the wyvern flew down to deliver a fatal blow to Skywalker, it transformed into the Jedi Shadow and landed in front of the three astonished Padawans. Astonished at the Jedi's transformation, Moorcé explained that he had not transfigured into a wyvern, but simply deceived them with an illusion. After becoming acquainted with the Padawans, Moorcé took the message repeater Thomle had sent him and played it aloud for the three to hear. A robed Iktochi appeared over the small disk and referred to the Purpilian as a Sith Lord and described a plot to kill Jedi in which Moorcé commended him and ordered him to await further instruction on how to capture and kill a Jedi. Moorcé explained to the confused students that not all illusions required an aptitude for the Force; many minds could be manipulated through suggestion, as the Iktochi's had been. Indeed, Moorcé's current mission was targeting a cell of Sith believers and hoped to lure them out so that the Order could arrest their entire group. Walking with the trio down through the obelisk, Moorcé took them past the ancient ruins of a collapsed tower which remained inside the Temple's south tower structure. The tower had once been home to the Temple dormitories and had collapsed during the Sacking of Coruscant by the ancient Sith Empire and had been left during the reconstruction to remind the Order of their loss. When the south tower fell into disuse, the fallen tower's durasteel and stone skeleton was used to hold a massive turbolift shaft which serviced much of the Temple's south side. Looking up at the ruined tower's damaged facade, with turbolift cars racing through the branching tubes reminded Skywalker of a Tree of Life, a tree which rose from the stump of another tree to grow strong again. When Skywalker told Moorcé of this notion, the Jedi Shadow winked at his perceptiveness and revealed that the name given to the fallen tower was the Tower of the Tree.
The mysterious Granta Omega[]
As Kenobi and Skywalker's relationship grew stronger, a shadow from the past threatened to tear them asunder. Kenobi's Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, had trained a student year before Kenobi's apprenticeship who had fallen to the dark side and attacked the Jedi Order several times before his suicide. Believing that crisis to be over, the rise of a similar figure weighed heavily on Kenobi's mind. While on a simple Jedi training mission to Ragoon VI, the pair ran afoul of a mysterious man who seemed bent on their death. Further research on him revealed that he was from Nierport VII, had collected Sith artifacts, and was extremely wealthy—though he had no tangible source of income. While curious as to his motivations to kill them, the pair was quickly reassigned to monitor the Galactic Games held on Euceron and investigate any foul play. Discovering a plot to undo the careers of many senators involved with the planning of the game, Kenobi and his Padawan were able to trace the plot back to the mysterious man: Granta Omega. A venture capitalist and owner of several mines, Omega was making his stake in the economic world while trying to kill the two Jedi and impress the Sith Lord. Having little to go on, including no idea of where Omega lived or resided, Kenobi and Skywalker could only keep constantly aware when on assignment for any sign of the Sith-wanna-be. Accepting a mission alongside Grand Master Yoda and High Councilor Yaddle, the four Jedi traveled to Mawan to settle a devastating gang war in which three criminal organizations fought one another. With the planet's population taking refuge underground while the three gang leaders and their minions battled on the surface, the Jedi infiltrated the planet's security field only for Skywalker to be abducted by the Striker gang. It was quickly revealed that Striker, the gang leader who instigated the war, was actually Granta Omega and tried plying Skywalker with visions of conquest if he left the Order to become a Sith. Realizing that Skywalker would never join him, Omega set a trap when exchanging the boy with the other Jedi. Releasing a chemical bomb to destroy the planet, Omega did not count on the sacrifice of Master Yaddle to prevent the bomb's detonation and foil the plot. With Omega gone and the weapon neutralize through Yaddle's death, the planet's gang wars were resolved, but Omega was still free.
As the weight of Yaddle's death bore heavily on both Master and Padawan, Kenobi and Skywalker found themselves butting heads. While attempting to reconcile their relationship, Skywalker was imprisoned by Jenna Zan Arbor and drugged with the Zone of Self-Containment. With the assistance of other Jedi, Kenobi was able to track Zan Arbor to Vanqor where she was eventually driven off after SKywalker was freed. She and Omega remained elusive and proved to be a thorn in the side of the Jedi for several years. When Skywalker was seventeen standard years old, Omega and Zan Arbor were revealed to be in league with one another as they attempted to assassinate the Supreme Chancellor. Among the Jedi that descended upon the Senate Building to protect Palpatine, Skywalker fought valiantly, defending the Chancellor and foiling Omega's plot. Despite the heroics of the Jedi, twenty-one Senators and several employers were killed in the attack, prompting the High Council to make The apprehension of Omega and Zan Arbor a priority. Assigning the four Master-Padawan pairs consisting of Kenobi/Skywalker, Tachi/Olin, Ry-Gaul/Veld, and Antana/Thel-Tanis to hunt down the murderers, the Jedi tracked Omega to Korriban. Entering into the legendary Valley of the Dark Lords, the team split up to cover more ground. In private, Skywalker fumed when he learned that his rival Ferus Olin had been selected for advanced training, causing him to become distracted and lead the other Padawans into a trap. Out of spite and anger, Skywalker failed to warn Veld that the adjustment that Olin had made to the Teevan's lightsaber had been incomplete. Instead of offering to fix it, Skywalker hoped to blame Olin for its failure. Inadvertently, the consequences of Skywalker's silence would cost a friend their life. During the fighting, Olin noticed that his fix was incomplete and switched lightsabers with Veld mid-battle. When Thel-Tanis noticed Olin was in trouble, she leaped to protect him and killed by blasterfire. While the Masters arrived in time to kill Omega, Zan Arbor escaped and Thel-Tanis was left dead. Mourning her loss, Olin left the Order, Veld blamed Skywalker for their friend's death and Skywalker was shamed and humiliated.
War on the horizon[]
After the death of Thel-Tanis, the end of his friendship with Veld, and the departure of his biggest rival Ferus Olin, Skywalker was forced to be reliant on himself and his Master for everything. His bond with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine grew stronger at this time, following Skywalker's involvement in foiling the attempt on his life. Kenobi noted that Skywalker was too involved with the Chancellor and too confident in his own abilities. Taking an assignment with the ExplorCorps, Kenobi and Skywalker traveled to a world in the Expansion Region called Kashir to teach his young Padawan a lesson in humility. Skywalker, not bothering to read the reports on the planet, failed to account for the thieving nature of the natives and did not realize his lightsaber was missing until the thief was long gone. After investigating, Skywalker realized that their host's wife had stolen it off his person when he was distracted by her beauty. After embarking on a wild hunt to retrieve the weapon without Kenobi finding out he had lost it, Skywalker was frustrated to learn that Kenobi had already recovered it moments after the lightsaber was initially stolen. Returning his Padawan's weapon, Kenobi reprimanded Skywalker for his arrogance and pride: if he had only communicated the loss with his Master, it would have saved him time, effort, and embarrassment.
Years prior, Skywalker and his Master had been involved in a costly project known as Outbound Flight. Sent to to monitor the leadership of the project, which had been given over to Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth, Kenobi and Skywalker departed from the ship before it left the galaxy after being recalled to Coruscant by the Chancellor's office. When the ship was destroyed and all aboard were killed, including six Jedi Masters and eleven Jedi Knights, the High Council dispatched Jedi Everen Ettene and her Padawan, Halagad Ventor to investigate. Suffering a scathing an invasive review, the two Master-Padawan pairs had not parted friends, but years later Skywalker and Ventor reconnected. Finding a combination of friend and rival in Ventor that he had lacked since losing Veld and Olin, the two became fast friends. As their friendship grew, Skywalker and Kenobi were assigned to protect Senator Simon Greyshade from assassination as the vote loomed on the Financial Reform Act in the Galactic Senate. Preventing a second attempt from coming to fruition, the duo remained ignorant to the Sith's machinations in the affair. The Greyshade assassination plot eventually prevented the Reform Act from ever coming to a vote. This would ensure that many underrepresented star systems continued to suffer under obsolete policy and eventually succeed and join the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
You're asking me to be rational. That is something that I know I cannot do. Believe me, I wish I could just wish away my feelings, but I can't.
—Skywalker confronts Amidala and his feelings for her.
With talks of separatism continuing to grow across the Republic, Kenobi and Skywalker found themselves stretched thin; constantly on assignment to far-flung worlds. Despite the flurry in which they traveled, Skywalker enjoyed being away from the Temple and his memories of failure and lost friends. Dispatching young Skywalker and his master to reinforce the negotiations of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her apprentice, Barriss Offee on Ansion, the Jedi were key to the settling of a border dispute between the native Ansionians which would ensure the planet's position within the Republic. Despite the machinations of Presidente Shu Mai of the Commerce Guild, Skywalker and his compatriots were able to soothe racial and cultural tensions exacerbated by Mai and heal the wounds of long-standing discrimination and animosity between tribes. Declaring a Unity of Community, Skywalker played an important role in demonstrating the ancient adage of "the enemy of enemy is my friend," not through his skills with a lightsaber alone, but also through song, dance and an exhibition of the Force.
Returning to Coruscant on his twentieth Name Day, Skywalker and his master were asked before the High Council to debrief them on the situation on Ansion and to take over security for the Chommell sector Senator, their old friend Padmé Amidala, who had recently been the intended target of a failed assassination attempt. Believed to have been targeted because of her prominent opposition to the Military Creation Act which was due to be voted on by the Senate in the ensuing weeks, the High Council believed it imperative to protect the Senator so as to keep order within the Republic and not incite an even greater schism. As Skywalker reported to her apartment complex several kilometers south of the Jedi Temple, an underlying tension between the two permeated their interactions, making Kenobi uneasy. Following a second failed attempt to kill the Senator by Zam Wessell, Skywalker was tasked with escorting Amidala back to her homeworld of Naboo where she would be removed from the tense negotiations on the capital. Despite her strong protests to remain on the capital, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself encouraged her departure, contacting the Queen of Naboo and ordering her recalled for her own safety.
Despite Kenobi's instruction over the course of the past ten years, Skywalker's fascination with Amidala flared into an overwhelming infatuation with the young politician. Feeling that he could confide in her his many doubts and hopes, Skywalker revealed his frustration with Kenobi's training methods and felt as if he were languishing under his tutelage. While she respected Kenobi herself, Amidala was able to admit that she shared some of Skywalker's resentment for the older Jedi, as she felt he had misrepresented the danger she was in to the High Council and the Chancellor, contributing to her imposed absence from the Senate during such a vital vote. Amidala was also intrigued by Skywalker's distrust of the political process, growing fond of his idealism and his dreams of a galaxy free of slavery and sorrow. While viewing him as naive and unaware of the true political complexities the Republic faced, Amidala saw in him the potential to have a strong political ally in the Jedi which would help her cause and career. While Amidala constantly maintained contact with Representative Jar Jar Binks in the Senate to remain abreast of the current deliberations within the Senate, Skywalker watched her every move and it was not long before the two set their inhibitions aside and shared their first kiss at the serene lake house at Varykino. Quickly withdrawing from Skywalker's embrace, Amidala reprimanded Skywalker and warned him that a relationship between the two of them could not last. While not versed in the Jedi traditions, Amidala was somewhat aware of the Order's ban on attachments and reminded him that his life as a Jedi restricted passion play of the nature they were pursuing. While Skywalker dismissed the consequences and begged her to give into her feelings and live in the present, Amidala demurred and claimed her duty was to her people, and that she would not risk the scandal of an affair with a Jedi Knight.
Why'd she have to die? Why couldn't I save her? I know I could have!"
"Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all powerful, Anakin."
"Well I should be! Someday I will be. I will be the most powerful Jedi ever! I promise you. I will even learn to stop people from dying!"
"It's all Obi-Wan's fault! He's jealous! He's holding me back!
—Anakin Skywalker and Amidala discuss the death of his mother.
Unbeknownst to Amidala or the Jedi High Council, Skywalker had been plagued almost nightly by visions from the Force wherein the young Jedi saw images of his mother in pain, suffering. Unable to reconcile these visions with the Jedi rules regarding attachment, Skywalker departed for Tatooine with the Senator in tow, directly violating his mandate to protect her on his home planet. Once back on Tatooine the pair tracked down Watto, the junk dealer who had last owned Shmi Skywalker, to look into her current whereabouts. The Toydarian revealed that Shmi had been sold to a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars who had freed and married her in the years since Skywalker left to train as a Jedi. Quickly finding coordinates for the Lars family homestead, Skywalker and Amidala spoke with the Lars and were distressed to learn that Shmi had been abducted by the native Tusken Raiders. Leaving Amidala at the Lars' farm, Skywalker set out into the wastes to find the Tusken camp and rescue his mother. Discovering the village just beyond the B'Thazoshe Bridge, Skywalker infiltrated the camp to find his mother tied to a rack and near death. Cutting her down, Skywalker quickly diagnosed her as sleep-deprived, dehydrated and malnourished on top of her other physical wounds. As Skywalker prepared to escape the tent with his mother over his arm, Shmi became hysterical and the fever-racked woman began to scream. Drawn to the sound, a Tusken guard stuck the barrel of his slugthrower through the tent opening and fired a single shot, striking Shmi in the head and killing her instantly. Skywalker allowed the shock of her death to catalyze an explosion of his long-nursed anger and selfishness. He flew into a berserk rage, slaughtering all present in the camp without mercy—even, as he confessed to Amidala later, the women and children. A number of Jedi, including Yoda and the deceased Qui-Gon Jinn, sensed the shock of this massacre as well as Skywalker's powerful Force presence which sunk deep into the dark side of the Force. When Skywalker told Amidala that he had killed the tribe, he was quick to justify himself to her. Amidala was clearly troubled by what Skywalker had done, but had invested herself too much in him to be truly repulsed. She tried to soothe him with sympathy and told no one of Skywalker's hideous act. In his anger and sorrow, he rashly claimed that one day he would have the power to stop people from dying, he claimed that Kenobi was jealous of his power and was holding him back. He then expressed his hate for the Sand People before remembering that he was a Jedi and broke down in remorse for the ruthless slaughter. Amidala told him that his emotions made him human, but Skywalker responded that he was a Jedi and he was supposed to be above revenge.
After burying his mother in a quiet ceremony, Skywalker received a transmission relating his Master's imprisonment on Geonosis. While given a direct order to protect Amidala from assassination and to leave the rescue of his master to the High Council, Senator Amidala badgered the conflicted Jedi in traveling to Geonosis and staging a rescue. Arriving swiftly on nearby Geonosis, the Jedi-Senator duo infiltrated the droid foundries but were quickly taken prisoner when Skywalker's lightsaber was damaged. Escorted out into the harsh sun of the execution arena, Skywalker and Amidala confessed their love to one another before joining Kenobi at the execution plinths. Chained and unarmed, the trio were to be fed to a host of ravenous beasts for the amusement of the Geonosians gathered around the arena. Unwilling to be so easily defeated, Skywalker tamed the reek that attempted to ram him with its thick cranial horns, leaping onto its back and controlling its mind. From atop his new mount, Skywalker rammed the nexu harassing Amidala before being surrounded by droidekas. As the end once more seemed imminent, Master Windu arrived with an army of over two hundred Jedi and charged into the arena to rescue them. Armed with a new lightsaber, Skywalker fought side-by-side with the Senator as the Jedi formed a circle in the center of the arena. Seemingly outnumbered and taking large casualties, the Jedi were saved by the timely arrival of the Grand Army of the Republic, under the leadership of Grand Master Yoda.
Aboard a gunship, Kenobi and Skywalker pursued Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy and, unbeknownst to them, a Sith Lord. Chasing him across the endless deserts of the world, they cornered him at last within a hangar as he planned to depart the planet. Brashly, against his Master's advice, Skywalker charged at Dooku and was cast aside by lightning projected from the Sith Lord's fingers. Dueling the Sith alone, Kenobi was outmatched by the older man and was only saved from execution by a recovered Skywalker. Charging in to attack Dooku with both his own and his Master's lightsaber, Skywalker seemed confident in his attack, but even with two lightsabers could not penetrate the Sith's defense. When Dooku destroyed one of the sabers, the Sith was able to get the upper hand in the duel and severed Skywalker's fighting arm just below the elbow. Casting the unconscious boy aside, Dooku was driven off by Master Yoda before he could kill Skywalker or Kenobi and the pair were rushed to Coruscant for healing. Fading in and out of consciousness during the flight back to the Temple, Skywalker was tended to by his secret love, Senator Amidala, despite her own wounds. Regaining control over his body and senses within the Jedi Temple's Halls of Healing, Skywalker found his forearm replaced with a mechno-arm crafted by Chief Healer Vokara Ché. Taking time to grow accustomed to the new limb, the galaxy outside the Temple continued to spin: the Republic began to build up its armed forces and integrate the Grand Army into existing military systems; the Confederacy began mass-producing war droids and deploying them across the galaxy; the Jedi Order began advising Jedi on strategic planning and deploying them to far-flung systems as Commanders and Generals. As Skywalker healed, Kenobi was assigned to force Amidala to end her relationship with his Padawan by the Grand Master, warning her to stay out of Jedi affairs. Lying the she would end it, Amidala requested that she break the news to Skywalker herself, asking for him to escort her back to her homeworld. Agreeing to her demands, Kenobi allowed Skywalker to escort the Senator back to Naboo where he promptly married her in a secret ceremony.
A galaxy at war[]
Early battles[]
You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy. I have taught you everything I know, and you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be.
—Obi-Wan Kenobi remarks on Skywalker's growth over the war.
With the onset of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker started on his way to become a legendary hero. He was an unparalleled starfighter pilot, flying missions over several worlds, including Kamino, Balamak, and Virujansi, solidifying his reputation. Custom-modifing his Delta-7 Aethersprite starfighter—naming it Azure Angel as a tribute to his wife—into a unique and deadly vessel that time and time again outperformed any ship on the battlefield. The media dubbed him the "Hero With No Fear", broadcasting his exploits and making him a household name within the Republic and Confederacy alike. Despite war maturing him, honing his combat skills and crafting his leadership skills, his ego was inflated and he began to believe his own reputation. Fear drove him, fearing the loss of his Master, his friend the Chancellor, and his wife. Writing her whenever he could, the saw each other rarely and when they did cross paths, she was typically putting her life on the line for the Republic she fought to save.
Within the first months of the war, Skywalker and Kenobi began to encounter members of the [[Shadow Collective (Jedi Renaissance)]|Shadow Collective]]; Dooku's elite group of Dark Side Adepts and fallen Jedi who served as his foil to the Jedi Generals. Chief among them, Sev'rance Taan, Asajj Ventress, and Sora Bulq were all enemies that Skywalker sought to bring to justice. As they began being deployed far afield, Kenobi was assigned the orphaned Padawan Halagad Ventor to serve alongside Skywalker as his second Padawan. Together, Skywalker and Ventor fought valiantly and cut through the forces of the Confederacy. Fighting together on the S'kytri homeworld, they first crossed paths with the psychotic Zeta Magnus but unwittingly only succeeded in destroying one of his clones. During the battle, Ventor and Skywalker crossed blades during an argument, requiring Kenobi to forcibly separate them. Soon after Skywalker and Ventor were sent on separate assignments and Kenobi and his first student found themselves on the devastated world of Jabiim. Separated from Kenobi, whom he believed dead, Skywalker united other orphaned Padawans on the battefield and led them under the banner of the Padawan Pack. The battle did not go well for either side, and it was only by the intervention of the Chancellor that Skywalker was recalled from the battlefield. Horrified at the cost of the war, Skywalker left Jabiim forever changed; believing Kenobi dead, having witnessed the deaths of all of the Padawans he fought alongside on the rain-drenched world, and seeing the hatred of the refugees that he left behind. Meeting A'Sharad Hett on New Holstice two days after departing the failed campaign, Skywalker was forced to come to grips with his hatred of Tuskens when dealing with the similarly-garbed Jedi. While viewing a memorial to fallen Jedi erected on the planet, Skywalker met with his new Master, Ki-Adi-Mundi and the two departed for Aargonar. After the battle concluded on the desert world, Mundi and Skywalker followed clues left by Jedi Kenobi, who was indeed alive after being imprisoned by Ventress on Rattattak. Recovering his master, Skywalker was overwhelmed with joy and Kenobi was restored to health and resumed his tutelage of Skywalker.
Skywalker's final days as a Padawan continued to challenge him. Assigned to fight along the young and beautiful Jedi Master Ellaria Tohno on Zaadja, Skywalker struggled to come to terms with her heroic sacrifice of her own life in order to complete the mission with as little loss of life as possible. Going on to prove himself on both Praesitlyn and Vjun, Skywalker was recalled to Coruscant as the High Council debated Skywalker's fate. Kit Fisto and Ki-Adi-Mundi openly and zealously supported him, while Oppo Rancisis and Adi Gallia questioned whether Skywalker was mature enough. Grand Master eventually came to the conclusion that Skywalker was worthy and promoted him to the rank of Knight. Simultaneously, Kenobi was elevated to the rank of Master before the pair were dispatched to Rendili. There, Skywalker crossed paths with the undercover Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos, who had been undercover for the first few months of war. Testifying to Vos' loyalty, Vos was permitted to fight in the battle on behalf of the Republic without being court-marshaled. During the fighting on Christophsis, the High Council dispatched Togruta Initiate Ahsoka Tano to the battlefield. Arriving during a lull in the fighting, Tano reported that the Council had assigned her to Skywalker as his apprentice. Shocked, the pair went on to fight off the Confederacy which led him to accept his new Padawan.
Revelation on Mortis[]
Over a year into the war, Skywalker and Tano had become extremely close; impressing the High Council with both his teaching ability and her resilience on the battlefield. During the war, Skywalker, his former Master, and Tano departed for the Chrelythiumn system to investigate a 2,000 year old distress signal. Taking their ship into investigate a monolithic pyramid ship, they found themselves regaining consciousness on a verdant world radiant within the Force. While none of their electronics worked, their ship seemed to be in good condition as they were approached by a mysterious being who introduced herself as the Daughter. Getting separated from Kenobi and Tano, Skywalker followed the Daughter up to a massive monastery where he met a being known as the Father. Giving him shelter from the storm raging outside, Skywalker suffered a sleepless night as his mind was assaulted by visions of his mother, Tuskens, and other mistakes of his past. From out of the darkness stepped the being known as the Son, who was responsible for Skywalker's dark Force dreams. Assuming that the Son was a Sith Lord, the Father intervened and revealed they were neither Sith nor Jedi.
Challenging Skywalker to complete a challenge in exchange for their freedom, he met the Father in the courtyard outside where the mysterious being asked Skywalker to chose between the life of Tano or Kenobi, who were being held by the Son and the Daughter. Drawing on the Force, Skywalker took control of both the Children and forced them to release their captives: passing the Father's test. The Father revealed that he was dying and that Skywalker, as the Chosen One, was meant to replace him and maintain the Balance between the Son and the Daughter. Refusing the Father's offer, the Jedi attempted to leave but quickly found Tano missing, having been abducted by the Son. Locating his student atop the Son's cathedral, he found her brain-washed and awash in the dark side. Fighting off her mad attacks. Tano was seemingly killed by the Son, before he attacked his Father and destroyed the Daughter. To protect the galaxy from the wrath of the Son, the Father ended his own life, and in turn severing the Son's ability to retain a grasp on reality. With all of the mysterious beings seemingly destroyed, the three Jedi were returned to open space, with Tano recovered from her trauma and all suffering from memory loss.
Later that year, a series of events began to drive Skywalker closer to the dark side that lurked inside of him. The loyalties of his wife were called into question as she was rumored to be fraternizing with a InterGalactic Banking Clan representative Rush Clovis. Padawan Tano departed the Order after being dismissed by the High Council and subjected to a trial for a crime she was framed for by a treasonous Jedi. Meanwhile, Kenobi departed on his own personal vendetta, searching out Ventress in hopes of bringing her to justice or redeeming her. Each of these distractions furthered Skywalker's loss of clarity as the war dragged on.
Final days of war[]
Soon I will have a new apprentice… one far younger and more powerful.
—Darth Sidious reflects on his plans to take Skywalker as his apprentice.
When Skywalker and Kenobi discovered a clue that led them back to Coruscant in their hunt for the elusive Second Sith, Darth Sidious, the endgame of the war had been set in motion. Watching from afar as Skywalker and Kenobi pieced together information that would lead them directly to him, Sidious began to move all of his final pawns into formation. Arranging for the abduction of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from Coruscant, the Sith forced the Jedi High Council to recall Skywalker and Kenobi back to Coruscant. There, high in the atmosphere, Skywalker confronted Dooku and avenged himself by cutting off the Sith Lord's hands. At the urging of the Chancellor, Skywalker then beheaded the unarmed Sith and furthered him down the path to the dark side. Sidious, unconcerned with the loss of his apprentice Darth Tyranus, watched as Skywalker returned to the Senate where he was met with the revelation that his wife was pregnant. The urgency this pregnancy created further troubled Skywalker, as he began to have visions of Amidala dying during child birth. Meeting with Grand Master Yoda to discuss these visions, Yoda counseled him to let go of his fear and accept the ways of the Force. Because he could not accept this teaching, Skywalker turned to his friend Chancellor Palpatine for guidance. Palpatine revealed his fears that the High Council was hiding information from both of them and to that end appointed Skywalker to the High Council to serve as his personal representative.
On the High Council, Skywalker was frustrated as the Council refused to make him a Master which meant that he could not access the holocron vaults to search for ways to prevent Amidala's deaths. Furthering his doubts of the Council's allegiances were their denial to release reports on where prisoners he had brought to justice were being held, their seemingly brief discussions which excluded his feedback, and their unofficial request that he spy on the Chancellor. Meeting with Palpatine, the Chancellor revealed that he had guessed that the Jedi were asking him to spy on his office and spoke of a Sith legend that seemed to parallel the actions of the Council. Palpatine suggested that the Jedi were acting Sith-like and were indeed manipulating him and using him for their own ends. When Kenobi was dispatched to Utapau to kill General Grievous and Grand Master Yoda sent to assist in the fighting on Kashyyyk, Skywalker was left with no one to turn to but the Chancellor. When Kenobi reported on his success in killing Grievous, Skywalker was sent to inform the Chancellor of the death of the cyborg as a way to gauge the Chancellor's willingness to sue for peace. Upon arriving, Palpatine revealed to Skywalker that he was the Sith Lord that the Jedi were searching. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Republic was Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith and mastermind behind the creation of the Confederacy. Drawing his lightsaber, Skywalker was so deeply conflicted that he could not bare to strike down the man who had been a dear friend to him for much of his adult life. Putting his weapon away, Skywalker promised to reveal the Chancellor's dual identity to the High Council and return with them to arrest him.
Speaking with Master Windu as to the true nature of the Sith Lord, Skywalker was frustrated that Windu refused his assistance in the arrest of the Chancellor. Restlessly pacing around the High Council chamber as Windu and the other Masters flew to arrest or kill him, the Sith Lord spoke across the distance further goading the Jedi into action. Unable to bear losing his one chance to save his wife, Skywalker forced himself passed Master Shaak Ti and took an airspeeder to the Chancellor's office. Rushing into the office to find Master Tiin and Fisto beheaded and Master Kolar's corpse littering the floor, Skywalker found Palpatine pinned against the wall with Master Windu's lightsaber at his throat. Teetering on the edge of knife's blade, Skywalker refused to assist either Sith or Jedi as they fought for their own survival and the window sill of the office. Watching as Windu reflected Palpatine's lightning back into the Chancellor's face, Skywalker made his decision as Windu moved to deliver the killing blow. Igniting his lightsaber, Windu slashed out at Windu to block the blow and the two Jedi locked blades. Lurching around, Windu telekinetically tossed Skywalker across the room and in a split moment struck through the heart of the Dark Lord of the Sith. With a look of utter shock and horror, Darth Sidious leaned back as the Force raged around him and he passed beyond the veil of the mortal world. With the Sith dead, Windu wheeled on Skywalker who was screaming in a rage of dark side emotion. Lashing out with all his strength, Skywalker forced Windu out the windu where they fell to a landing pad several stories below. Whipping off his robes, Windu fell deeper into the Force and attacked with his last reserve of energy, a furious assault on the younger Jedi. Drawing Skywalker in close, Windu ended the dual quickly by severing the man's prosthetic arm and punching him in the face, breaking Skywalker's jaw, ocular orbit and nose.