Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

I would trust him with my life.
Obi-Wan Kenobi[src]

Anakin Skywalker a Jedi Master and Jedi General during the Clone Wars, he was arguably one of the most influential people in the galaxy.

Born as a slave on Tatooine he was discovered at the age of nine by maverick Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, who believed him to be the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force due to his abnormally high midi-chlorian count. At the death of Qui-Gon, he became the Padawan learner of Obi-Wan Kenobi and began his training. His lifelong love was Padmé Naberrie, yet they were never to have a real relationship due to their commitments to the Jedi Order. After Padmé's death, he was involved with the Hunt for the Seperatists and later took on Sona Cantari as his apprentice.


Early life[]

I’m a pilot. And someday I’m going to find away from this place.
—Anakin Skywalker to Padmé Naberrie[src]

Anakin as a child

Born into slavery onto Tatooine, according to his mother Shmi Skywalker, Anakin was conceived without a father which was something she could not fully explain. Later on, the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn theoriesed that Skywalker was conceived by the will of The Force due to his phenomenally high midi-chlorian count. A child prodigy, Skywalker excelled at mathematics and engineering, but he was also daring and adventurous. He would often risk his own well being to help others. Even at a young age, Skywalker had a reputation for being able to build or repair anything. This was evidenced by his creation of a protocol droid named C-3PO as well as a podracer. Both were constructed from salvaged parts and nearly completed by the age of nine. Anakin and his mother were first owned by Gardulla the Hutt who lost them to Watto betting on the pod races. Watto quickly saw the boy's talents and put him to work in his junk shop, fixing any piece of machinery that was thrown his way.


It was in 32 BBY in the shop that Anakin first met Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Naberrie, he was touched by her kindness and beauty but was unaware that she was a Jedi Padawan. This would prove to be critical to their relationship: even when Anakin became a Jedi himself, he was unable to see Padmé as another Jedi.

When a sandstorm looked imminent, Anakin along offered his new found friends shelter at his own house where Jinn confessed their plight, of how Watto had the parts needed for the repair of Queen Nalanda's starship, and it was through this conversation (aided by the Gungan Danta Pela) that Skywalker leanred that Jinn was a Jedi. He offered to enter a podrace, a daring and extremely dangerous contest. The prize money for winning would enable Skywalker's companions to purchase the parts needed to repair their starship. Though Shmi initially objected to the plan, she reluctantly agreed to let her son race.

Winning his Freedom[]


Anakin meets Obi-Wan Kenobi for the first time

Anakin won the race, and was consequentially freed due to a bet set up between the Jedi and Watto, Jinn tried to get the Toydarian to free Anakin's mother, but Watto would not have it. Shortly after the conclusion of the race, Anakin left his mother promising he would return and free her. After an encounter with Darth Maxah who had been sent by Darth Sidious to capture Queen Nalanda, he left Tatooine meeting Obi-Wan Kenobi for the first time on board the Naboo queen's starship.

The Chosen One[]

You speak of the prophecy of the Chosen One, of the one who will bring balance to the Force. You believe it is this…boy?
—Mace Windu[src]

Upon arriving on Coruscant, Skywalker was not accepted for training by the High Jedi Council, despite Jinn's assurances of the boy's gifts and citing the old Jedi prophecy of the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force. Anakin was seen as too old and that his experiences as a slave and attachment to his mother would hinder him.


Anakin shortly after becoming Obi Wan Kenobi's Padawan

Skywalker returned to Naboo with Jinn, Kenobi and Naberrie, having nowhere else to go, and proved critical in the Battle of Naboo flying his starfighter into the belly of the droid control ship, blowing it up and saving the Gungan Grand Army from annihilation. However, Jinn was killed in the duel with Maxah. The Master's dying wish was for Kenobi to take up Skywalker's training, which Kenobi promised to fulfill. The Council reluctantly agreed for Obi-Wan to begin Skywalker's training, though they were concerned that Skywalker would be too difficult a student for young Kenobi to handle.

Meanwhile, Palpatine, the Republic's newly-appointed Supreme Chancellor, promised Skywalker that he would watch the young Jedi's career with great interest. This would be the beginning of a long friendship between the young Jedi and the new ruler of the Republic.

Secession Crisis (22-24 BBY)[]

You must believe that Anakin will choose the right path.
Mace Windu to Obi-Wan Kenobi[src]

As a Padawan learner, Anakin had some contact with Padmé but this was ceased by Kenobi and by Padmé's Master Kuan Yin Nevu who saw the attachment Skywalker was developing, consequentially eight years passed before they saw each other again.

Following the assassination attempt on Senator Nalanda, the former Queen of Naboo, Kenobi and Skywalker were assigned to the Senator along with Naberrie for added protection, initially they all worked together, tracking the assassin Zam Wessell through Coruscant, but following this Skywalker and Naberrie were sent with Nalanda to Naboo for safety. Anakin was elated at this, as it would mean he could spend time with Padmé without the supervision of his Master.

Padmé had expressed fears about Anakin's infatuation with her–something that had not lessened in the years they had been apart and these culminated to a point where Skywalker played a trick on her by prentending he had drownded after diving into deep water off a cliff. Padmé dove after him then discovered his trick, enraged she launched herself at him and the two ended up underwater where they shared their first kiss. Skywalker now knew that Naberrie felt the same way about him as he did of her, yet she wanted to keep the distance between them. He agreed for her sake, but the matter could have gone further from there had it not been for Anakin's vision of s mother which spurred him to return to Tatooine. This was done with Nalanda's approval, but not Padmé's.

Return to Tatooine[]

On arriving on Tatooine, Skywalker heard from his former owner Watto that Shmi had been sold toCliegg Lars, Lars had thenn freed and married her. However, on arriving at the Lars homestead he learned of his mother's capture by Tusken raiders. His stepfather Clegg and stepbrother Owen Lars expressed their regret of finding Shmi alive, Skywalker ignored this and went out to find his mother on Owen's speeder bike. He located the Tusken camp, managing to reach his mother moments before she died. But upon her death, Skywalker slaughtered the entire encampment with his lightsaber, as he had vowed to do if they had so much as hurt his mother. A number of Jedi, including Yoda and the deceased Qui-Gon Jinn, sensed the shock of this massacre as well as Skywalker's powerful Force presence, which bordered on the dark side.

After the burial of his mother, Anakin travalled to Geonosis to recuse Kenobi, prompted by a message sent by Padmé–en route to Imbroglio with Nalanda–who had received a message from Kenobi prior to his being captured. With the help of C-3PO who had accompanied Skywalker from tatooine at the request of Owen Lars, he not only rescued his Master but also overheard Count Dooku speaking to Nute Gunray about the impending betrayal on Imbroglio, where the summit was about to take place. On board their ship, Skywalker was unable to cinvince his Master to help Naberrie and Nalanda on Imbroglio, Kenobi reminded his apprentice that Nalanda knew the danger she would be facing travelling there. Anakin reluctantly agreed to plot a course to Coruscant, but instead plotted another to Imbroglio with Obi-Wan told the Jedi Council of these new developments.

Battle of Imbroglio[]

Duel in the Geonosian Hangar

Anakin duels Dooku on Imbroglio

Upon arrival, Skywalker was berated by Kenobi for disobeying orders, yet they ended up landing on the planet just as the Seperatist fleet was finishing their blockade of the planet. They had a brief encounter with Dooku in the corridor of the city of Caldera, but the former Jedi fled and Kenobi and Skywalker focused on freeing the trapped Senators. In the battle that enshewed, Skywalker was caught in a crossfire with the senators as well as the strike team Mace Windu had assembled to liberate them and Nalanda was killed. Yoda arrived with the clone army yet before Anakin could leave, he felt Padmé call to him in the Force and he abandoned everything to find her. Skywalker found Padmé exhausted from her fight with Renust Nju and missing part of her right arm, he carried her to where he and Kenobi had left the ship borrowed fromNalanda and managed to make their way back to Coruscant.

Skywalker had stayed at Naberrie's side through the operation and recovery that had left Padmé with a cybernetic arm, hoping that she had changed her mind since their conversation on Naboo. He did not know of how Padmé had discovered the treachery of Renust Nju who had becoime the Sith Darth Typhon, Naberrie reminded Anakin why they could not have the relationship that he wanted and Anakin reluctantly agreed. Yoda, who had watched their entire conversation, echoed Padmé words, telling him that decisions of the heart were never easy to make.

Clone Wars[]

I was expecting someone of your reputation to be a little older.

During the Clone Wars, Anakin served as a Jedi Commander and later a Jedi General after he attained the rank of Jedi Knight in 19 BBY. He and Kenobi commanded the Open Circle Fleet which as involved in numerous decisive engagements.

Conference of Avingnon (19 BBY)[]

Battle of Coruscant (17 BBY)[]

This is where the fun begins.
—Anakin Skywalker[src]

Anakin in his starfighter during the Battle of Coruscant

Shortly before the war's end, the First Battle of Cato Neimoidia handed Skywalker and Kenobi a valuable clue to the identity of the mysterious Darth Sidious: Nute Gunray's mechno-chair. This device carried a unique holotransceiver that bore intelligence capable of leading the Republic forces to their ultimate quarry, the ever-elusive Sidious. Mace Windu took up the lead on Coruscant, while Skywalker and Kenobi tracked the lead in the Outer Rim Territories. Adventures for both teams waited as the trail in the Outer Rim led back to the Works on Coruscant, just in time for an attack on Coruscant by the Confederacy, causing Skywalker and Kenobi to rush back to the capital. Back on Coruscant, just as the identity of Darth Sidious loomed ever closer, the battle overhead delayed and dissolved the investigation. Windu joined the battle, clashing with General Grievous, who eventually escaped, though injured, and captured Chancellor Palpatine, taking him to his flagship, the Invisible Hand.

Before the Separatist armada was able to flee Coruscant, however, Skywalker and Kenobi finally returned from the Outer Rim in an attempt to rescue the "captive" Chancellor. Moving into the thick of the battle, they stormed the Confederacy's flagship in their Eta-2 Actis-class interceptors, joined on the way by Padmé Naberrie. The three Jedi fought their way through the ship until they reached the General's Quarters atop the command tower, where Palpatine was being held hostage. As the Jedi attempted to free him, Count Dooku entered the room escorted by two super battle droids to confront the three Jedi.


Anakin captures Count Dooku

Dooku quickly sought to seperate the three Jedi, breaking up the coordinated attack they made against him and Force choking Kenobi, throwing him across the room, rendering the Jedi Master unconscious and pinning him with a piece of a walkway dislodged by the Force. Yet as the duel went on, Skywalker was growing stronger and in desperation he ordered the droids to fire on the Jedi. Skywalker and Naberrie were able to wear the former Jedi down, though Palpatine was knocked uncocnious when the shair he was strapped to was severed from its stand. Yet by this time, Skywalker was in complete control of the fight and seized Dooku's lightsaber, crossing both lightsabers over Dooku's neck. If it had not been for Naberrie, Skywalker would have killed Dooku then an there but she was able to conince him to keep Dooku alive. Padmé and took Dooku prisoner and they fled the General's quarters, Skywalker carrying an unconscious Kenobi on his back.

Trying to escape the ship, they ended up trapped in a ray shield but used Dooku to get the security droids to free them and take them to the bridge. There was a brief skirmish and Grievous escaped, launching all of the escape pods just as the Invisible Hand was dropping out of orbit. Skywalker managed to pilot what was left of the ship, an almost impossible feat, to a crash landing on a platform in an abandoned industrial area on Coruscant.

Final Days of the Clone Wars[]

I know what you said, and I understand that. But losing you, that’s something I just can’t…imagine.
—Anakin Skywalker to Padmé Naberrie[src]

Shortly after arriving on Coruscant, Skywalker experienced a vision of Padmé being tortured by Force lightning and later dying in his arms. The vision became an obsession with Anakin, vowing not to repeat what had happened with his mother, Skywalker consulted Yoda, who was aware of his passion for Padmé, said that he had to name his fear and then it would no longer have any power over him.

When Palpatine made Skywalker his representative on the Jedi Council, he naturally assumed that made him a Master. However, though the other Jedi reluctantly accepted Anakin's placement on the Council, they denied him the rank of Jedi Master, infuriating and frustrating him. After the session a tense Skywalker expressed his incensed opinion to Kenobi on the matter. Further severing his trust in them, the Council urged Skywalker to keep tabs on Palpatine, although Kenobi was against this decision. This led Skywalker to lose his respect for the members of the governing body, a mistrust and plaguing uncertainty that he revealed to Naberrie who tried to convince Anakin in vain that Palpatine may have had different motives behind his appointment.

As he continued to meet with Palpatine, the Chancellor slowly began to plant the seeds of the dark side in Skywalker. Playing to his fear of Naberrie's death, he told Skywalker the story of a Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, who was powerful enough to stop others from dying, which caught Skywalker's attention. Eventually Palpatine revealed his true self, and offered Skywalker the chance to learn the ways of the dark side and use its power to save Padmé. However, Naberrie had heard of this from C-3PO and R2-D2 and they were prevented it from telling Mace Windu of this by the escape of Dooku from the cells deep in the Temple. Kuan Yin Nevu attempted to help them find Windu, but she was killed by Renust Nju and the two fled the Temple to confront Sidious.

I’m sorry, Anakin, I love you, and I tried to save you, but I won’t let you destroy yourself.
Padmé Naberrie[src]

Anakin when Padmé is being tortured with Force lightning

Annoyed with the fact that Naberrie was there with Skywalker, Sidious attempted to turn him against Padmé by saying that she would not put her feelings for him above the Jedi code. He was almost successful, Naberrie attacked the Sith but was prevented by Skywalker. The two fought, but Padmé, guided by the Force, used a Force push to move Anakin out of the way and rounded on Sidious. The Sith attacked her with Force lightning and as she screamed for help, Skywalker suddenly realized that he was seeing what had occurred in his vision. He deflected the lightning with his lightsaber, causing Sidious to throw him aside with the Force, giving Padmé time to attack him. Sidious was killed, but Naberrie was hit by the full force of the energy explosion that occurred as Sidious died. Despite his protests, Padmé died in Anakin's arms, telling him with her dying words not to let her death stop him from living.

After the Clone Wars[]

Sometimes I wonder what happened to the friend that I once had.
Obi-Wan Kenobi[src]

Anakin searches for Shinai Stel-Ardak on Coruscant

The three years following the Clone Wars found Anakin wandering the Galaxy in an attempt to find some sort of perspective with his loss. He was involved in numerous missions involved in the cleaning up after the war, such as apprehending many of the Seperatists such as Nute Gunray. Kenobi often despaired when he saw his former apprentice, unable to do anything for him. Skywalker was also haunted by visions of Padmé, convinced he could have saved her or that he was somehow responsible for her death. It was a long time before Anakin could speak Padmé's name, and Obi-Wan was careful not to mention her in front of him.

Transition Period[]

Following his arrest of Gunray on Etti IV, Skywalker had to stay on Coruscant to give evidence at Gunray's trial, a decision that incensed him. The dreams of Padmé continued, leading Anakin to walking around the Temple at night which was how he first met Sona Cantari and was puzzled by the beginnings of the bond in the Force that they already seemed to share.

Skywalker accompanied Kenobi in an official visit to Senator Triev Stokra of the Corporate Sectorfollowing a controversial statement the Senator made against against the Jedi Order. The result of this interview may may have led to the later invitation that Stokra extended to Skywalker while he was instructing Kenobi's lightsaber combat class, Kenobi himself being away on a mission to Naboo at the time. The invitation was only an elaborate hoax by Stokra to discredit Jedi as the secret police force of the Supreme Chancellor. Stokra had hired Shinai Stel-Ardak to attack him, and Stel-Ardak left moments before Skywalker arrived, whereupon Stokra awoke and accused the Jedi of attacking him. Anakin was taken into custody by Yoda and Shaak Ti and held in a cell in the Jedi Temple until Kenobi's return. During this time, young Sona visited Anakin in his cell, giving him the river stone that Obi-Wan had given him when he was a Padawan and again surprising Anakin by the ease she seemed to be able to penetrate his mind.

Upon his release, Anakin was given permission to uncover the attacker that had been the cause of his own arrest which he revaled to be the former Jedi Shinai Stel-Ardak, whom Anakin had assumed to be dead following a fight between himself, Stel-Ardak and Padmé on Avingnon. He tracked Stel-Ardak to Vos Gesal Street yet the former Jedi was not pleased to see him. Through Miarka, a Zeltron who ran the bar The Seventh Star, Anakin discovered Stel-Ardak's address and interviewed his wife Martreyea Kittern, who mistakenly thought that he had come to take her son Arrin away.

Anakin was questioned by Sarn Retray and Taur Cel Dral at Gunray's trial, which was aborted abruptly when Gunray was unexpectedly killed. When he visited the scene if the murder with Obi-Wan, Anakin knew that it was Stel-Ardak' s work and the two rushed to his apartment but were too late to stop the former Jedi from murdering his wife. Skywalker dueled with Stel-Ardak and the two came to a stalemate, the former Jedi turning away from the dark side of the Force which had overtaken him and caused him to kill his wife. Anakin let him go, promising before Stel-Ardak disappeared, to look after his son Arrin.

Despite the fact that he had no definite proof, Skywalker accused Stokra of hiring Stel-Ardak in order to frame himself for the attack. Stokrs agreed to recant his statements about the Jedi in return for Anakain destroying the datacard that contained records of transations-little knowing that the datacard Anakin produced was blank. Shortly after this, Anakin went back to Palpatine's office in the Executive Building which had since become a wound in the Force following Sidious' death. Various visions of what could have been the outcome of the confrontation he had had with Padmé against Sidious three years ago, including seeing Padmé dead from a lightsaber wound and himself pledging alliegance to Sidious. Anakin then used a Force technique which he had learned from Kuan Yin Nevu in order to observe what had really happened. It was this way that he fully understood the reasons for Padmé's death and her sacrifice, and after leaving Palpatine's office Anakin took Sona Cantari as his Padawan.

The Chosen Apprentice[]

You’re not on your own now, Anakin. You can’t forget that.
Obi-Wan Kenobi[src]

Anakin always felt that Sona had saved him from the utter despair that had threatened to overwhelm him following Padmé’s death. Their first mission was to his homeworld of Tatooine, where Anakin had not been since the death of his mother ten years previously.

Personality and Traits[]

The greatness in you is your greatness of spirit. Courage, generosity, compassion and commitment, these are your virtues.
Obi-Wan Kenobi[src]

As a young boy, Anakin was thoughtful and intelligent. He was friendly and easily got along with others despite his status as a slave. He also had a special place in his heart for his mother, whom he constantly built inventions to sell or to use to lighten her workload. At the coming of the Jedi, he was both helpful and generous; doing all that he could to help them off-planet, risking his life at the podrace as well as giving them the sizable reward money which he and his mother would have had use for. Though lovable, he also was one to carry grudges and was vengeful, but he commonly held these two traits in check. He also hated being treated unjustly or being wrongly accused. He was fiercely loyal, doing anything to keep those he was close to from harm, at any cost. His only price for this dedication was loyalty in return.

His yearning to be loved, as well as appreciated, came out in his devotion to Padmé, one of the only three people he ever thought appreciated or cared for him. As his fame grew, he became more and more arrogant, and he knew that he was one of the best Jedi of the Order, believing that he could easily best any Jedi blindfolded with his lightsaber tied behind his back. This coupled with his frustration at his perceived injustice at being kept at the rank of Jedi Knight made him more and more bitter and distrustful of the Jedi Council. His belief in them was shattered more and more as Anakin's closest friend, Palpatine, swayed him from trusting them.

Palpatine's betrayal and Padmé's death all but unhinged him and he spent a few years in a state of constant action that could have turned him to the dark side. The healing only began after he took on Sona Cantari as his apprentice, Anakin knew that he had to set an example to her and had to modify his behavior accordingly. Yet his experience with Sidious made him wary of himself in a position of authority, rejecting the offer to be on the Jedi Council again as he preferred to be more active.

Power and Abilities[]

Yes, that’s what I am. An exception.
—Anakin Skywalker to Padmé Naberrie and Senator Nalanda[src]

Due to his high midi-chlorian count, Anakin was one of the most powerful Jedi in Galactic history although his less than perfect training (due to his late age joining the Order), hindered him somewhat. He was also an exceptional pilot and consummate lightsaber duelist, specialising in Form V: Djem So and few could best him. His abilities also made him arrogant, something that he tried to remedy later in life when he took on an apprentice.


Padmé Naberrie[]

I didn’t realise how much I loved you before, how much you meant to me, and how much it would hurt if I lost you.
—Anakin Skywalker[src]

Anakin and Padmé Naberrie around the time of the Conference of Avingon

Padmé Naberrie was perhaps one of the most influential people in Anakin's life, even after her death she still had a profound influence on Anakin. From his first meeting with her as a child, Anakin did not see her as a Jedi, something that continued throughout his life and would prove to be critical in their relationship. During the Secession Crisis, Anakin was able to spend some time with her at Nalanda's villa where Padmé expressed her true feelings for him through the Force.

Later she tried to create some distance between them, and this was helped somewhat by the separation during the war, but Anakin was never willing to put his feelings for Padmé behind him and was willing to wait until she dropped the boundaries she had set up.

In the end, it was their love for each other that saved Anakin from turning to the dark side of the Force. For though Padmé was willing sacrifice her feelings for Anakin for the greater good, he unhesitatingly helped her when she was being tortured by Sidious. But it was not enough to save her life, and Anakin spent many years tormented by her death–including a number of nightmares where she appeared to have been killed by him–before he was finally able to accept her loss.

Behind the scenes[]

  • When Katana Geldar began writing the Jedi Padmé Trilogy, Anakin Skywalker's eventual fate was not known although there remained the possibility that a relationship between him and Padmé Naberrie could take place in a manner similar to the films right up until Attack of the Clones (AU) was written. The decision to have him not turn to the dark side was done originally as a way to bring Sona Cantari into the story.
  • Due to the fact that the Jedi Padmé Trilogy and The Chosen Apprentice was composed prior to any knowledge of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film. Consequentially, Katabna Geldar does not consider Ahsoka Tano part of the continuity.


External links[]

Anakin Skywalker on the Wookieepedia
