Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi Knight who turned to the dark side of the Force for a short time. He fought with his previous master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on Mustafar until the older Jedi cut off Skywalker's both legs and left hand. In his pain he understood the mistakes he had made and begged his friend to help him. He turned back to the light side of the Force and in doing so brought the balance back to the Force fulfilling the Prophesy.
He died about half a year after the duel on Mustafar when dueling Emperor Palpatine in attempt to rescue Prince Beju of Gala and Dexter Jettster. Before his death Skywalker had learned from Qui-Gon Jinn the way to return to the world of the living as a Force ghost. In his memory, the Jedi raised a statue outside the restored Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Early life[]
Anakin Skywalker was born on Tatooine, where he lived with his mother until he was nine years old. He was then discovered to be highly sensitive to the Force by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Jinn died during Naboo Crisis and his former Padawan learner, Obi-Wan Kenobi took Skywalker as his apprentice. When Clone Wars broke out Skywalker married Padmé Naberrie in secret seremony.
The war forced them to spend much time away from each other but near the end of the war Naberrie found out that she was pregnant. Skywalker saw a vision that his wife would die in child birth and that vision affected him deeply. He began to search a way to save her and believed he found the solution from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and his dark side techniques. Skywalker turned to the dark side of the Force and led a group of clone troopers in an attack against Jedi Temple killing many Jedi himself.
Duel on Mustafar[]
After the massacre in the Jedi Temple Palpatine send Skywalker to Mustafar to kill the leaders of the separatist movement. Naberrie found out about the events in the Temple and followed her husband. She didn't know that Kenobi was hiding aboard her ship hoping to find Skywalker. When Skywalker saw Kenobi he believed she had brought the Jedi with her on purpose to kill him. He used the Force to strangle her which led into a battle between Skywalker and Kenobi.

Kenobi and Skywalker fighting on Mustafar
They battled all across the lava-mining complex and finally fought on a control structure that had come loose from the main building. It was floating in the lava toward a cliff where lava was flowing down like a waterfall. At the last moment Skywalker was able to jump on top of a mining droid thus saving himself from the fall. Battle between Skywalker and Kenobi continued until Kenobi retreated jumping to the bank of the lava river. Skywalker was not willing to give up and tried a risky jump above his former master's head. When blocking Skywalker's jump Kenobi cut off both of his legs and his left arm. Helpless Skywalker fell to the ground near the edge of the lava river and tried to use his mechanical hand to craw higher away from the river.
Skywalker suffered severe pain because of the hot sand and begged his former mentor to help him, even if he had tried to kill Kenobi only moments earlier. Kenobi, himself shoked about the encounter, hurried to help his old companion and carried him to Naberrie's ship. Droids, C-3PO and R2-D2, had taken Naberrie on board the ship during the battle. Under Kenobi's orders Threepio flew the ship to Polis Massa where both Skywalker and Naberrie could get medical assistance. While they were traveling Skywalker pondered about the events and asked Kenobi to forgive him the destruction he had caused, thus fulfilling the prophesy and bringing the balance to the Force.
On Polis Massa doctors tended Skywalker who was suffering from serious burns after the close encounter with lava. The old mechanical arm had also suffered serious damage and they were forced to remove it to prevent any infections. Doctors were able to save his life and soon he found out that his wife had given birth to twins and—to his immense happiness—stayed alive. After the good news Skywalker told Kenobi about the vision he had seen about Naberrie's death and his own realization that he had almost made the vision come true because of his own actions. While they spoke Qui-Gon Jinn's voice spoke to them inside their heads and told that even if the master had been dead for years, he was still able to communicate with them as the old Jedi had become part of the Force while still conscious of himself.
Soon the doctors were able to strap Skywalker into a hover-chair that he was able to guide using the Force to handle the controls. There was no necessary parts to replace his lost limbs with cybernetic parts on Polis Massa so Senator Bail Organa and Jedi Master Yoda suggested that Kenobi should escort Skywalker and Naberrie to Corellia where they would be safe from Palpatine. On their way there Kenobi heard news from a mining colony on Bandomeer and changed his mind. He decided to ask help from his old friend Si Treemba and took the Skywalker family to mining planet where he believed they would not be found.
Behind the scenes[]
Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are the two major characters in Dionne Jinn's story Alternative Universe: Vader Undone. Since the story begins from the Duel on Mustafar Skywalker's life has followed the canon until that point.