Star Wars Fanon
Rebellion eraNew Republic eraLegacy era

There stands the next Queen of Naboo. If there ever is another Queen on Naboo.
Sabé Andierre

Amlé Oshina, born as Amlé Okrest, was the leader of the Naboo during the Yuuzhan Vong occupation of their planet, and the Queen following the Yuuzhan Vong war for eight years, as well as one of the planet's most influential individuals even after that. She was the daughter of Rebel Alliance commanders Ellé Okrest and Garven Dreis.


War Baby(0 BBY to 4 ABY)[]

Amlé had barely been conceived when her father was killed in the Battle of Yavin, which played a large part in Ellé Okrest's decision to keep her baby. She was born on the Padmé Amidala shortly after the rebels fled their base on Yavin IV. She was not yet a month old when she was provided with a stepmother in the form of Noirah Na, who married Ellé after the Battle of Skyrees. Both before and after this, however, she was considered to be the daughter of the Amidala's entire crew; she was nursed by Sabé Andierre, Yané Carinda, and Lané Votorina as well as by both her mothers, and looked after by whoever was most convenient. Because her mother was borderline-Force sensitive, she was tested for Force talent, but was found to have none.

During the evacuation of Hoth, Amlé was placed in the care of Noirah, as Ellé insisted on leaving on the final transport. This resulted in a longer separation than predicted, as Ellé's transport was captured by bounty hunters, and Noirah and Amlé's transport was very briefly believed to have been lost as well. Noirah and Amlé grew extremely close at this time, and this played a large part in Ellé choosing Noirah over Nick Rostu, with whom she had formed a new relationship, having believed Noirah to be dead.

During the Battle of Endor Amlé was hidden on Sullust with a number of children who like her had been born into the Alliance. Unfortunately one of the Emperor's Hands found them and killed most of them. One of the older children, Tanos Volkrie, was able to flee the planet with Amlé and ten other children, but the Hand continued to chase them. They were eventually saved by both Tanos and Wesley Janson, though the former gave his life in the process.

Initial Life on Naboo (4 ABY to 28 ABY)[]

After helping to liberate Naboo, Ellé and Noirah both retired from the Republic military. They spent a year living in the palace, then settled down in a house in Theed to raise their daughter. Amlé was given the best schooling, and eventually choose to go into the militia at the age of 14. She rose the ranks and by the time she was twenty-five had reached command level.

Leader of the Naboo (28 ABY to 38 ABY)[]

Amlé was nearly killed in the vain struggle to keep the Yuuzhan Vong off of Naboo. However, she proved the highest-ranking surviving military leader, and the population rallied behind her. She organized their temporary resettlement on other planets in the Chommell Sector while directing the sector's defense against further attacks. To this end she called for help from her two mothers, both of whom had joined the New Jedi Order, and who came to the sector's defense with several of their friends. Together they successfully held their space until the shifting of the war turned the Yuuzhan Vong's attention elsewhere.

On returning to Naboo, Amlé founded the new capital city of Oshina, and days later she was elected Queen by an overwhelming vote. Having no family regnal name, she took the city's name as her own. Even as Queen, she often did physical labor alongside her subjects as they worked to restore their once beautiful planet. She also supported her mother's efforts to form an educational Jedi enclave on Naboo. It was only on pressure from her mother that she accepted the services of five handmaidens.

Official Retirement(38 ABY to 91 ABY)[]

As with Queen Amidala fifty years previously, there was a movement to allow Amlé to stay on the throne for life, but like Amidala, she insisted on stepping down after eight years. She lived with the next two monarchs, however, and often gave them advice, which they usually took. It was almost certainly her decision that led Naboo to refuse the offers of reconstruction from the Yuuzhan Vong, leading to Naboo's recovery possibly taking longer, but also possibly to their being spared Imperial sabotage, as the Yuuzhan Vong-reconstructed planets having trouble worked better for their propaganda purposes.

Even after the third monarch threw her out, she lived the rest of her life in Oshina and was often a voice that was sought out or heard until her death in 91 ABY. How much of an influence she had in Naboo's long negotiations with the New Galactic Empire, which it joined a year after her death, is still unknown, but cannot be underestimated.
