Star Wars Fanon

Three Marines against a hundred Nerok. If those are imposing odds, than I'm a Kowakian monkey-lizard.
—Amil Braynk

Amil Braynk was a headstrong Imperial Marine who functioned as Krey Undran's second-in-command. Eventually he became the leader of the infamous Shadow Knife Squad, an elite group of Marines that were trained for covert operations.



Amil was one of the first Marinoids to be activated, seeing his first acton during the first Nerok uprising. Amil was the juggernaut type, using his powerful chain-gun and imposing bulk to shield his comrades, taking extreme damage in the process. After the second Nerok uprising, Amil decided that the Imperial Marines needed a unit that focused on guerrilla warfare. Soon after, Amil was picking through the records of every Imperial Marine unit, trying to find the perfect recruits: Ones that were both strong and quick-thinking. After three weeks of searching, he finally had enough recruits to start combat operations with his new guerrilla unit, which he and his men named the Shadow Knife Squad. Following the first missions of the Shadow Knife Squad,in which they knocked out numerous Nerok strongholds and captured key leaders, the name of this new unit was soon on the lips of every soldier in the Marines.


Amil died just the way he hoped he would: In battle. During the third Nerok uprising, Amil found himself and two other Marines surrounded by Nerok with no hope of rescue. With their weapons running out of ammo, the group of Marines fought to the death, until an orbital barrage finally killed them.

Personality and traits[]

Amil was headstrong, violent, talkative. He always ran into a fight, and used the simplest of tactics in battle... and somehow won. He was my second-in-command, my wingman, my best friend, my brother. The galaxy is a worse place without him.
—Krey Undran, at Amil's cremation