Light and dark reside in me, but I will never let the darkness fully consume me.
—Amethyst Myers
Amethyst Xara Myers, also known by her name in Mando'a, Ame'shy'a, was a Force-sensitive Mandalorian female born into Clan Myers and was the apprentice of Darth Maul. During the Galactic Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Amethyst pledged her loyalty to the Mandalorian splinter group known as Death Watch, serving the group's leader, Pre Vizsla, as a lieutenant. She was also Bo-Katan Kryze's trusted lieutenant of the Nite Owls. She had a sister whose name was Raya, who had been lost for many years before she found her once again. When Death Watch discovered Darth Maul and his brother Savage Opress, she was very suspicious of Maul's intentions, while Death Watch and the two Sith planned to liberate Mandalore.
When Maul challenged Pre Vizsla to a duel for the throne of Mandalore and killed him, she and her devoted friend Bo-Katan Kryze, along with the other Nite Owls, refused to accept Maul's reign and rebelled. Together, they bailed Duchess Satine Kryze out of prison, allowing her to contact Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to help defeat Maul. Because of Mandalore's neutrality, Kenobi was forced to come alone, and then he was captured by Maul, who later killed Satine in front of him to get revenge.
Kenobi informed the Republic of the situation, and a few months later, the Siege of Mandalore took place, where she met the former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. They worked together to find and capture Maul, who had taken control of Mandalore. Amethyst and Tano succeeded in defeating Maul and freeing Mandalore from his control.
However, then Order 66 was executed, and everything changed. The clone troopers turned against both of them, and they had to go get Maul as a diversion. While Maul created several distractions, Amethyst and Tano removed the inhibitor chip from Captain Rex's brain, freeing him from the control of Order 66. With Rex's and, surprisingly with Maul's help, Amethyst and Tano were able to escape an on-the-verge-of-collision Star Destroyer. After making a grave for all the clones, Maul asked Amethyst to join him as his apprentice, and reluctantly, she accepted.
Early Life[]
Amethyst Myers, the daughter of Death Watch members Shoni Myers and Col Myers, was born on Concord Dawn in 50 BBY. She started training for Death Watch when she was three years old, and quickly proved herself to be a skilled warrior. Her parents weren't always around to help her train, so she had to train with a friend of their family, Cain Antares. Over the years, they became very close, like cousins. With his help, Amethyst honed her combat skills and mastered several weapons, but she often failed some things, diminishing her confidence in herself.
Because her parents were often away and not there for Amethyst when she reached important milestones, she often felt abandoned and alone, but she still loved her parents anyway. This helped her to learn to rely on herself and become self-sufficient at a young age, and she grew up with a strong sense of independence, still missing her parents at times.
Before The Final Day[]
Years later, at the age of fourteen, Amethyst underwent the verd'goten. Because of her parents' absence, she had to do it at fourteen instead of the normal age for Mandalorian children, which was thirteen. But unfortunately, her parents were on yet another mission and couldn't be there to guide her through the verd'goten, so Antares stepped in to take their place. With his help, Amethyst managed to make it through the verd'goten successfully until he had to stop guiding her during the final day of her verd'goten.
At some point before the final day, Amethyst went hunting for food, and as she made her way back to her temporary hut, she encountered a Fyrnock. It scratched her helmet, leaving three white marks on it as she defended herself from the Fyrnock. Soon, using her vibroknife, she focused her eyes and mind on her target, unknowingly using the Force to anticipate its movements and finally killing it.
Then, Amethyst arrived at her hut in the trees and bandaged her wounds before going to bed, exhausted from the day's events. As she lay in her makeshift bed, she thought about her close friends, Bo-Katan Kryze and Ursa Wren, knowing they would always be there for her when she needed them. And with that, she fell asleep, ready to face the final day of the verd'goten head-on.
The Last Challenge[]
After waking up, Amethyst packed her bags and left her hut to go to the place where she would endure the final challenge—facing a Rancor. Feeling afraid, Amethyst tried telling herself positive things, but she still felt nervous, remembering how she had failed some of her training. Once she reached the clearing where the Rancor was supposed to be, she heard it roaring and prepared herself for the fight.

Amethyst about to complete the final challenge of her verd'goten―killing a rancor.
She engaged the beast with all her might, using her blasters and vibroblades to try and take it down. The Rancor was fierce and powerful, but Amethyst refused to back down. Amethyst was unable to defeat the Rancor with her initial attacks, so she had another plan in mind. She jumped on its back and stabbed its backside with her vibroknife, ultimately killing it.
Just then, Cain Antares came to pick her up in a Mandalorian Gauntlet fighter, congratulating her as he took her to Concordia, where she would pledge her loyalty to Death Watch. On their way, Amethyst asked about how her parents were, to which Antares told her that he didn't believe that they would be at her initiation. Still having hope that they would, Amethyst reassured herself that her parents were strong and resourceful, and they would find a way to be there.
Once they arrived at Concorida, Amethyst's initiation into Death Watch began. Pre Vizsla asked her if she was ready to commit her life to their cause, to which she confidently replied, even when he was a little threatening to her, with a firm "I do." Her parents, of course, weren't there, but Bo-Katan and Ursa were. After the initiation, Amethyst, Bo-Katan, and Ursa celebrated the night away, their bond as friends growing stronger with day.
First Mission[]
Gaining Confidence[]
Don't worry, Amethyst. He'll come around once he sees what you're capable of. Just focus on the mission at hand and show him what you're made of. We've got your back.
—Bo-Katan Kryze reassures Amethyst about Pre Vizsla doubting her abilities
Sometime after her initiation into Death Watch, just before her first mission, Amethyst dreamt about a memory from when she was twelve years of age, when she had failed a crucial training session and when she believed she wasn't good enough. Feeling the familiar sense of failure and unworthyness, Amethyst grew anxious as she prepared for herself for the upcoming mission.
Bo-Katan noticed Amethyst's anxiety, and she asked her if she was nervous about the mission. Amethyst admitted it, but Bo-Katan assured her that she had full faith in her abilities. Then Ursa woke up, and they got prepared for the briefing they had to attend.
Once they arrived at the briefing room, Pre Vizsla began to explain their mission. They had to go on a supply run on Corellia and ambush a delivery of weapons. Addressing the Nite Owls and seeming a bit hesitant when he said Amethyst's name, doubtful that she was capable of handling the mission, he told them that they would lead a squad of Mandalorians to intercept the weapons shipment.
After the group of Mandalorians left, only leaving Amethyst, Bo-Katan, and Ursa in the room, Vizsla looked towards Amethyst and warned her not to disappoint him and that failure was not an option, then left. Amethyst felt nervous as she watched Vizsla leave the room, his words echoing in her mind. Bo-Katan and Ursa reassured her that she was more than capable of handling the mission, reminding her of her skills and bravery, which helped calm Amethyst's nerves.
Just as they were about to leave the room, Amethyst saw her parents, Shoni and Col Myers, whom she hadn't seen in months. Feeling a rush of multiple emotions, Amethyst just stood there frozen. Shoni whispered her technically actual name in Mando'a, Ame'shy'a, as Amethyst processed the sight of her parents. The family embraced, and Amethyst's parents apologized for not being present at her initiation into Death Watch. She forgave them, although the lingering feeling of sadness was still present. After seeing her parents, Amethyst felt more confident in herself than she had in a long time.
But a member of Death Watch interrupted the family's tender moment, announcing that they were leaving immediately. In Mando'a, Shoni and Col said goodbye to their daughter, expressing their pride and love for her. After that, Amethyst, Bo-Katan, and Ursa left for Corellia, ready to take on the mission.
A Risky Operation[]
Soon, the Death Watch ships arrived on Corellia, and the mission began. Vizsla made sure everyone remembered the plan before they continued to fly near the docking port where the cargo was going to be delivered, but they ended up flying a little too close, and they were hailed by a couple of guard shuttles. Bo-Katan and Vizsla pondered about how they were going to get past them, but Amethyst already had an idea. Before Vizsla could object, she put her idea into action by saying charmingly that they were very low on fuel and needed a place to land. One of the other Mandalorians in the ship had doubted her plan, but after a brief moment of hesitation from the guards, they eventually let them through.
Landing far from the docking port, Vizsla ordered Zhan Haran, Vraaj Qurr, Ikah Maho, and Takkar Shien to come with them, while Rook Kast guarded the ship. After that, they started to make their way to the port, taking cover in alleyways to avoid the officers. As they turned a corner, a couple guards passed by, and after that, suddenly, the cargo ship arrived, and they continued moving. But the alleyway ended, and they would have less coverage and more guards on their tail. Amethyst tried suggesting a way to avoid being out in the open, but Vizsla dismissed her suggestions and concluded that they would have to run as fast as they could. In her head, Amethyst thought that was arrogant of Vizsla and that they could have lost a few of their people. Bo-Katan agreed with Amethyst's plan and tried to convince Vizsla to at least hear her out, but of course, he denied that.
The group ran out into the open and hid behind crates for protection, but Ikah Maho was slow to get to some cover, and she was spotted. The guards immediately called for backup just as Amethyst knocked him out, and Vizsla scolded Ikah. Soon, they reached the docking port, where they encountered more guards and began a firefight. Amethyst struggled to focus on her targets as she shot at them because there was too much noise, so she tried remembering what her mentor, Cain, said to her about blocking out the distractions and trusting her instincts. Using that as a motivator, she successfully shot down multiple guards.
After that, Amethyst, Bo-Katan, Vizsla, and the other Mandalorians seized the cargo ship containing the weapons. But before they could fly any farther, their ship's engines were breached by a missile that was set to go off in five minutes. Vizsla sent Amethyst to go fix it, even though she wasn't fully trained in disabling bombs, and threatened that she would die if she didn't do it. As she made her way to the engine room, Amethyst tried to remember some of the basic training on explosives, hoping that would help her. When she approached the breach, the air rushing out of the ship began to pull her away, but she was able to magnetize her boots before she could be sucked out. Amethyst disabled the missile by cutting the wires off from the power source and made a split-second decision to cut one of the wires with just seconds left.
Then, Amethyst rushed back to the cockpit to buckle herself in just before they crashed onto a separate island. Amethyst had cut her side, but other than that, she was unharmed. Vizsla contacted Rook Kast to come and pick them up and then ordered everyone to gather the weapon crates. Thankfully, their backup arrived quickly, and they were able to escape the crash site with Amethyst thinking about how crazy her first mission was.
An Old Wound[]
Cain, I feel like we shouldn't just ignore this. One of us might be in trouble, I... have a feeling-”
“Ame'shy'a, it's good that you don't want to abandon our own, but we can't go off just on a feeling. It could be something entirely different.
—Amethyst Myers and Cain Antares
At some point on Concordia, Cain Antares was teaching Amethyst how to fly a ship. She was doing pretty well, but she was also having fun scaring Antares when she purposefully made some reckless moves, such as nosediving towards a mountain and making sharp turns. Antares was screaming pretty much the whole time with every move she made, but he was also proud of her for learning quickly. Bo-Katan and Vizsla were watching them from below; Vizsla was not impressed with Amethyst. After Vizsla told Bo-Katan to have them come back down to the surface, Antares made sure Amethyst knew what to do so they could land properly. Amethyst confirmed what she knew and started to land the ship carefully onto the landing platform.
But just as she was about to land, an alarm started to go off. Amethyst thought she did something wrong, but Antares told her that it was a distress signal coming from a nearby moon. After Amethyst suggested that it could be one of their own, Antares reported their finding to Vizsla, who dismissed the situation as unimportant. Amethyst sensed that there was something wrong and remembered what her mother, Shoni, always said to her, which was, "We never leave our own behind. We stick together and protect each other no matter what." She told Antares that she had a feeling that it was one of their own, but Antares tried to reason with Amethyst, saying that they couldn't go off just on a feeling. But with a bit more convincing, Antares finally agreed to go check it out.
A Tense Reunion[]
Wait! We're Death Watch, we're allies! I'm-”
“Ame'shy'a Myers.
—Amethyst Myers discovers E'lara Viezer
As they traveled to the nearby moon, Antares taught Amethyst how to fly through hyperspace, successfully arriving unharmed. When they landed, Amethyst felt a strange connection with the planet, which she could not explain. They started to trek through the moon's forest, with Amethyst eventually tripping over part of a ship flat on her face. Once they identified that it came from the same ship that went missing, somebody suddenly started to shoot at them. The blaster bolt was just about to hit Antares, but Amethyst quickly pushed him out of the way, and they hid behind a tree. After getting a quick look at their attacker, Amethyst suggested that it was the missing member of Death Watch. She wanted to try to reason Mandalorian and tell them that they were not their enemy, but Antares thought she was crazy for suggesting to reason with them. Amethyst stepped out from behind the tree anyway and exclaimed that they were Death Watch and that they were allies.
To Amethyst's surprise, the Mandalorian knew Amethyst's name and revealed herself to be E'lara Viezer, Amethyst's old friend who had betrayed her. After having a flashback about the day E'lara had betrayed her by leaving her for dead, E'lara told her that she didn't expect to see her here. Antares asked what she was doing here, to which E'lara explained that she and her squad were sent to investigate a Mandalorian camp and recruit the Mandalorians to Death Watch, but they found them dead by the time she and her squad got there. Amethyst assumed it was E'lara that had killed those Mandalorians, but E'lara dismissed her assumption and told her coldly that it would have been a waste of her time to kill them and that something else had killed them. She also revealed that her squad was dead as well, because she left them behind. Amethyst was shocked at this and called her a monster, to which E'lara dismissed it as "survival of the fittest" and told her that they all had their dark sides, but she just handled hers differently, saying that she wasn't afraid to lose people to get what she wanted while Amethyst got attached to people too easily, and that was why Vizsla hated her. Amethyst retorted, saying that she may have cared too much, but at least she had a heart and cared about the people and their cause. E'lara mocked her, saying that she was weak, causing anger to bubble up inside Amethyst.
Amethyst knew she had to work on some things, but she also knew that if they were completely heartless, the people of Mandalore would turn against Death Watch. The two girls glared at each other for a moment before a loud roar came from the forest. They were about to run, but before they could, an undentified beast came out of the trees from behind them. Amethyst told them not to move; otherwise they might provoke it, but E'lara arrogantly said she could take it down and turned around. Amethyst pulled E'lara along despite her objections as the beast chased them through the forest, having a little fun while doing so. Amethyst argued about E'lara thinking she could defeat the beast on her own as they ran. Antares broke up the fight between them and threw a smoke bomb at the creature, letting them successfully escape.
Once they were out of danger, E'lara forcefully shoved Amethyst, complaining that she could have defeated it. Amethyst retorted coolly that she would have been lunch for it. Once again, Antares stopped them from arguing and said that they needed to work together and find a way off the moon, whether they liked it or not. After a bit of convincing, E'lara reluctantly agreed, leading them to a base camp that she had set up where they could get some rest and prepare for what lay ahead.
Later in the night, Amethyst couldn't stop thinking about when E'lara betrayed her, which prevented her from being able to sleep. She decided to get some fresh air and stepped outside, where she found E'lara sitting down on the grass nearby, staring at the forest in front of her. After a moment of hesitation, Amethyst sat next to E'lara and asked her why she betrayed her, but she just stayed silent. Then, Amethyst expressed her trust in her and her belief that she was her friend, which finally caused E'lara to lose her cool. She sharply stated that Amethyst didn't know her at all and that she was one of Death Watch's top-tier warriors, and she would keep it that way even if it meant betraying her, finally telling Amethyst that she was pathetic and always slowed her down. E'lara's words hit Amethyst like a physical blow as she tried reasoning with her by saying that she was already a great warrior and asking if power was worth more than friendship and honor. E'lara protested that she had honor, but it was a different kind of honor than she would understand. Then, after she told Amethyst that she would always be better than her in every way, she got up and left Amethyst alone in the cold of the night.
The Clone Wars[]
Catching A Rogue[]
I don't answer to you or your precious Nite Owls.
—A rogue Death Watch member, to Pre Vizsla.
Amethyst was on a mission on Mandalore, trying to track down a renegade Death Watch member who was trying to destroy the Death Watch and rule Mandalore themself. She used her rocket boots to skate effortlessly around the platforms, trying to locate the rogue. She then received a message from Pre Vizsla asking if she had come across the rogue yet, and she replied that she had not and continued her search.
Then she walked into a courtyard, where she had the strange feeling that someone was watching her. Then she noticed someone run by out of the corner of her eye, so she alerted the others in the group and asked for backup. After that, the rogue jumped on her, knocking her blasters from her hands. She saved herself a few seconds by kicking him. Luckily, her backup came just as the renegade punched Amethyst's helmet off.
Amethyst nodded and smiled when Bo-Katan asked if she was okay. Then Vizsla approached the rogue with an angry look on his face, telling him he had caused enough trouble. In reply, the rogue said tauntingly that he didn't answer to him or the Nite Owls, which made Vizsla clench his fists while telling the rogue that he would answer for his actions.
Amethyst let go of the rogue, and he was escorted away. Vizsla then declared in his speech that they needed to remain loyal to their cause and that any betrayal would be met with consequences.
Later, back on Zanbar, Amethyst and Bo-Katan were in their tents fixing some of their equipment when an alarm started sounding. They rushed outside to find out that the prisoner had escaped and that they needed to go look for him. They all hopped on their speeders and zoomed off into the forest. Soon, they found him on his own speeder, attempting to escape. Amethyst gave him one final warning, but he ignored it and reached for his blaster. Bo-Katan used the guns on her speeder to shoot the blaster out of the rogue's hand, causing him to fall off. Finally, the rogue surrendered, and he was brought back to the campsite, where he was interrogated and imprisoned.
Smuggler's Duty[]
Amethyst and Bo-Katan were trying to navigate Coruscant's streets as part of their assignment. They walked around the streets for a while, talking about the Holomap and Amethyst's long-lost sister. Then, they found an area where fog was settling in and continued to walk cautiously. After a minute, they heard a male Quarren call them. Amethyst and Bo-Katan held their blasters as the Quarren explained that he could use their skills for a job if they were willing to listen. Amethyst agreed to hear the Quarren out. The Quarren led them to an old, dusty cargo freighter and told them that he needed them to carry pure neutron star energy to Mon Cala; they would receive lots of credits, and it would help his family escape from some sort of prison. After careful consideration, they both agreed. Then the Quarren left the ship, saying to rendezvous back on Coruscant.
The Job[]
A few hours later, they arrived at Mon Cala's atmosphere when a guard ship contacted them, requesting identification and the reason for their visit. Amethyst gave them both fake names, hers being "Zerin" and Bo-Katan's being “Terie." They also lied about bringing guns and having authorization, which the guard did not believe. But after a bit, he allowed them to go on to a port in Dac City. Then, they met up with more security, who asked for their names. Amethyst realized they couldn't use their old fake names, so they both made new ones. Using her middle name and her father's name, Amethyst introduced herself as "Xara Col." And Bo-Katan introduced herself as "Vetine Vizkryze." After the guards reported their encounter, Amethyst asked if they could proceed, but the guard declined. She then persuaded the guard that if they wanted their cargo delivered on time, they should let them go. Finally, the guards let them pass. They strolled through the ports for a few minutes before the guards called them back, and then Amethyst and Bo-Katan ran when the guards discovered that their identities were not recorded.
Thankfully, after a while, they lost the security guards. They were getting farther away from their destination, so they kept going. A few minutes later, their Holomap started beeping. They arrived at an old warehouse, and as they entered, Amethyst had a feeling that something bad was about to happen. They called out to check if anyone was there, but no one answered. They continued walking through the warehouse until they heard footsteps. Suddenly, a cage dropped on top of them, locking them in. The same Quarren from before entered the room, mocked them, told them he had no use for them anymore, and then left.
Amethyst and Bo-Katan considered what to do and agreed to try melting the bars. Luckily, it worked. They raced out of the warehouse and chased the Quarren. They dashed through alleys and streets. Bo-Katan fired a rope at him and caught him just as he was about to run into a packed marketplace. Then they started to walk away from Quarren, certain that the authorities would find him shortly. As they did, Amethyst shouted in Mando'a, "Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade!" Which meant, in Galactic Standard, "Don't mess with Mandalorians!"
Captured By Pirates[]
Amethyst and Jodi Fallwen were in a cantina talking about what had happened on Vyke 31 when Hondo Ohnaka and his gang burst in and ordered everyone to get down on the ground. Hondo's men grabbed anyone who looked valuable, which included Amethyst. Jodi lied about being the princess of Corellia so that they would take her. Then he began asking who they had affiliations with. He recognized Nydo Kraken, a Nautolan and member of the Pyroclasm Alliance. Amethyst recognized the crime syndicate; they were the ones who murdered her parents.
While they were on their way to Florrum, Hondo asked for Amethyst's name. As soon as she said her name, Nydo recognized her. Then they arrived at Florrum, where they were put in a cell. Hondo negotiated with the Pyroclasm Alliance's leader about how much he wanted for their member; surprisingly, the leader wanted Amethyst too. They agreed to a price of 100,000 credits and that they would meet a day later. Hondo asked why they wanted Amethyst so much, and the leader responded that she would be a valuable addition to their team.
Meeting The Killer[]
I knew it had to be you the moment I heard your name. Couldn't even protect your own sister or parents, could you?”
“My sister's safety is not something you should concern yourself with. You'll regret underestimating me. How do you even know so much about me anyway? Who even are you?”
“I have my sources. Remember that night? the night of your parents' deaths? What would happen if I admitted to you that I killed them?
—Nydo Kraken and Amethyst Myers
After Hondo left, Nydo started to mock Amethyst about not being able to protect her family, and that he killed her parents, which started to fuel her anger. Then he pulled the final straw by telling her her parents were weak. Amethyst was about to attack, but Jodi stopped her. Hondo, overhearing the conversation, took Amethyst and Jodi to another cell where Nydo couldn't do any harm to them. Jodi comforted Amethyst after they were locked in the cell. Then, they started planning their escape.
Breaking Free[]
Their plan was to have Jodi act like she was sick, and while the guards were distracted, Amethyst would take them out and take the key. Luckily, it worked. Then, they tricked more guards that were in another room, saying Amethyst was injured. Jodi flung Amethyst at them, knocking them out. Then, they fought more pirates that came running to see what the commotion was. But then they were caught by Hondo Ohnaka and got knocked out, and afterwards they were taken back to their cell.
Amethyst shook Jodi awake, and when she woke up, they noticed Nydo Kraken rushing across the corridor. He paused and grabbed Amethyst, but she resisted. Nydo warned that if she didn't go with him, Jodi would die, so she reluctantly went with him, leaving Jodi behind in the cell. But she whispered that she was coming back for her. Amethyst convinced Nydo to explain why the Pyroclasm Alliance wanted her so much, but just as he was ready to tell her, Hondo and his men attacked them. Then she persuaded Nydo to trust her and let her go, and she protected both of them before knocking Nydo out and locking him in the closet. Then she went back for Jodi.
Amethyst set her free, and they rushed outside, fighting pirates on the way. They used a bantha from Hondo's stable to quickly get to the ships. Thankfully, they escaped the pirates, who were left outraged.
The Black Hole[]
Caught In The Pull[]
We aren't near the event horizon, right?”
“No, not yet anyway.
—Amethyst Myers and Pre Vizsla

Amethyst trapped in a black hole's gravitational pull.
After a horrible dream of The Purge of Mandalore, an event that hadn't even happened yet, Bo-Katan shook her awake, and they went to their next briefing. They were picking up a few weapons from Corellia. They used Amethyst's ship, The Antares, and tested out a few gadgets before finally heading into hyperspace.
Then, their ship suddenly stopped. They looked at the ship's scanners and started guessing what the huge amount of energy was coming from, until Amethyst used her helmet shaders to look at it and found out it was a black hole.
The Antares began to drift toward the black hole before the ship began to fall apart. A part of the wall went into the black hole, causing Amethyst to fly with it. Luckily, she managed to hold onto part of the floor. Everyone magnetized their boots to keep them from flying away. After a bit of work, they were able to get Amethyst towards the cockpit; however, another piece of the ship was about to crash into her when Zhan Haran jumped out of his seat and pushed her out of the way just in time. But it hit his leg, knocking him unconscious. Some others caught him before he got pulled into the black hole.
Lost And Found[]
After getting Haran in a safe spot and Amethyst in the cockpit, they all agreed to use an escape pod. Amethyst was heartbroken to leave her ship, but she realized they had no option. Luckily, the idea worked, and they managed to escape the black hole's gravitational pull.
Later, after floating around in space for a while, they discovered an unknown planet that seemed promising. They crash-landed on it and wrapped everyone's wounds to make sure everyone was safe. Then Bo-Katan sent a distress signal.
At night, they started building a tent and a campfire, and then it became cold. They were inside their tent until they heard growling coming from wolves outside. One of the wolves burst through the tent, and everybody started fighting them. Then, their reinforcements came, and they escaped the wolves. Soon after, they headed back for Zanbar.
Rise Of The Shadow Collective[]
Rallying With Sith Lords[]
Are we prisoners?”
“No. Allies. They have much to offer, including their planet. They are strong, and unlike pirates, they possess honor.
—Savage Opress and Maul
When Death Watch was on their way back to Zanbar, they found a damaged shuttle floating in space. They boarded the ship, and there, lying unconscious, were Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Maul had strange three clawed legs, and Savage had lost an arm. Vizsla decided not to kill them, and they took them into their ship and went back to Zanbar, where they put the two Zabraks in a medical tent.

Maul and Pre Vizsla.
The medical droids that Amethyst had programmed healed Maul and Savage. When Maul woke up, Vizsla, Amethyst, and Bo-Katan entered the tent. Vizsla began to interrogate Maul, and when he refused to answer, Bo-Katan threatened that she would kill Savage. So then he finally responded to their questions. He told them that they were Sith Lords, causing Vizsla to ask about their connections to Count Dooku. Maul stated firmly that they served no one and that they were brothers. Then Maul told them their ship had been destroyed by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Finally, Vizsla asked what they sought, and Maul replied that it was fortune and power.
Later, Maul was led to the meeting tent. And as Amethyst entered, she noticed Maul giving her a quick glance before the Death Watch member behind him shoved him forward. Maul sat down as Vizsla offered him tea from a cassius tree, which Maul accepted. Maul asked about his mark, and Vizsla explained his clan and then told him about Death Watch's struggles with Duchess Satine and her pacifist government and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maul proposed an alliance with Vizsla and Death Watch. Bo-Katan opposed him, saying that they had been betrayed and that the Sith were no better than the Jedi.
Furious, Maul used the Force to choke Bo-Katan, causing Amethyst and the others to raise their blasters at him, alarmed. Maul claimed that with their alliance, Mandalore would be theirs and all their enemies would fall. Then he put her down. Amethyst ran to Bo-Katan, asking if she was alright. After that, Vizsla told Maul to go check on his brother while they put it to a vote.
After discussing the situation further, Vizsla, Amethyst, and Bo-Katan went inside the medical tent, where they found Maul standing beside Savage. Vizsla told them that they accepted Maul's offer to join them in their quest for Mandalore's liberation.
More Crimminals[]
The Black Sun[]
Later, Amethyst was training with Haran outside of the tents when she looked at Maul. She didn't trust him yet and felt suspicious of his intentions. Then, they were alerted that they would be heading to Mustafar to get the Black Sun to join them.
Once Death Watch arrived at Mustafar, they were met with a member of the Black Sun, who agreed to let Maul, Vizsla, and Savage negotiate with their leaders while the rest waited outside. Later, after they negotiated, the Black Sun agreed to join them.
The Pykes[]
Later, Death Watch was back on Zanbar. Amethyst, Maul, Vizsla, and Bo-Katan were looking at a hologram of Mandalore until a few Pyke ships landed. The Pykes knew they were forming an army, and they expressed interest in joining forces with Death Watch. Vizsla accepted their request to join forces, knowing that the Pykes' resources and troops would be valuable in their fight to take over Mandalore.
The Hutts[]

With the Black Sun and the Pykes now on their side, Death Watch knew they were one step closer to achieving their goal. Then, they proceeded to go to Nal Hutta to meet with the Hutt families and get them to join the Shadow Collective. Once they met with the Hutt Council, the Hutts refused to join them because they had nothing to offer. Death Watch battled the bounty hunters that the Hutts hired to try and stop them, and after a long fight, Death Watch came out victorious.
Maul interrogated Oruba the Hutt, whom the Nite Owls had captured. Oruba replied with Tatooine, which Vizsla clarified was Jabba's palace. Maul, who was disappointed with the obvious information, motioned for Savage to execute the Hutt. Then, they went to Jabba's palace, where they finally got Jabba and the Hutt families to join them.
Take Over Of Mandalore[]
Launching The Assault[]
I will use my army of crime lords to attack different targets across Sundari and sow chaos to undermine the Duchess's rule. Our gangsters will make her look too weak to maintain control. Then you and your Death Watch will capture and arrest us, bringing order where Satine's weak government could not.
—Maul explaining his plan
The Shadow Collective were in the meeting tent in Death Watch's camp on Zanbar discussing their plan to liberate Mandalore from the grip of Satine's government. Maul devised that he would use his army of gangsters to attack key points in Sundari, and then Death Watch would save the people of Mandalore, making them the saviors. Vizsla agreed with the plan and then left the tent with Amethyst and Bo-Katan.
Bo-Katan told Vizsla that it was a risk to trust Maul and Savage and asked him how he knew they would keep their end of the bargain. Then Vizsla told her that once they were done with them and he had the throne, he would execute Maul, Savage, and the other thugs. Bo-Katan smirked, and then she and Amethyst continued to gather up their forces.
Later, the thugs arrived at Sundari, hidden in cargo crates. When the New Mandalorians opened the crates, they were shocked to find members of the Black Sun and Pykes. The thugs attacked the unsuspecting New Mandalorians. Lom Pyke took over Peace Park, while Savage led a group of thugs through a bank heist. All of the attacks caused chaos across Sundari, leaving many innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.
A crowd gathered in front of the palace, demanding that Duchess Satine do something about it. Satine tried to calm them down, but the anger and fear in their eyes were noticeable. Vizsla, Bo-Katan, Amethyst, and Zhan Haran appeared, hovering above Satine with their jetpacks. Vizsla shouted to the people that Satine had led them to ruin.

Vizsla saying his speech to the people of Sundari.
Satine demanded to know if he was behind the attacks, to which Vizsla told her that he was not, but he had a solution. Vizsla turned to the people and introduced himself, then told them that Death Watch would defeat the gangsters and win the war that was raging in the city. Satine objected, saying that his war would be the end of Mandalore. He yelled that there was no time for discussion and that the name Mandalore would set fear into the hearts of the attackers. Then he and Death Watch took off, the people cheering Vizsla's name below them.
Later, as Amethyst was fighting the crime syndicates' thugs, she found a Mandalorian child looking for his parents. Amethyst defeated the thug that was about to hurt him and reassured the child that she would help him find his parents. She lifted him up and skated around the place until she found his parents. The parents thanked her as they held their boy in their arms, and Amethyst walked away feeling a sense of joy and fulfillment.
The following night, Death Watch had "arrested" Savage and the rest of the thugs, and the crowd continued to cheer for Vizsla. Death Watch invaded the palace and had Satine and her guards imprisoned, then Vizsla claimed the throne of Mandalore, as Mand'alor.
In front of the palace, there was a crowd again as Bo-Katan showed that they had "captured" the leaders of the Shadow Collective and began falsely accusing Satine of fleeing from the battle. Then, she introduced Pre Vizsla as the new prime minister, which made the crowds cheer even louder.

The Nite Owls arresting Maul.
Later, Amethyst, Bo-Katan, and Ursa Wren brought Maul into the throne room to meet Vizsla. He told Maul that the transition of power would be seamless and that they had Satine as bait for Kenobi, and with Kenobi dead, it would be the end of their deal. Maul disagreed, stating that his oversight needed correction and that they had the means to expand to other neutral systems. Then Vizsla revealed his true intentions, telling him that it was not an oversight, that he was not interested in expanding to other systems, and that his vision no longer mattered. The Nite Owls restrained Maul as Vizsla mocked him, saying that he would deal with Kenobi and that he would obey him. Maul growled at Vizsla, his eyes burning with anger.
Later that night, the crowd gathered again to hear the news Vizsla had. The Nite Owls brought out Maul as Vizsla said his speech, saying that the violence was over, and that pacifism only encouraged the attacks. Then he finally declared that no one would threaten them ever again.
The Battle For The Throne[]
I challenge you, one warrior to another, and only the strongest shall rule Mandalore.
—Maul challenging Pre Vizsla

Maul and Pre Vizsla battled for the throne.
In the throne room, Vizsla was sitting on the throne, while Amethyst was looking out the window at the city until they received a message from a Mandalorian that got force-choked. Then, Maul, Savage, and Almec stepped through the door. Amethyst was shocked to see Almec standing alongside Maul and Savage. Maul stepped forward and challenged Vizsla to a duel for Mandalore's throne, which Vizsla couldn't refuse. Bo-Katan gave Maul his weapon as Vizsla ignited the Dark Saber, ready to defend his claim to the throne. Vizsla shouted, "For Mandalore!" Then charged at Maul.
The two warriors clashed fiercely, their sabers glowing brightly in the dimly lit throne room. Sparks flew as they exchanged blows, each one determined to emerge victorious. Amethyst and the others watched as the intense battle unfolded before them. Vizsla was able to stand up to Maul for a while, but when he used his jetpack for the second time, Maul used the Force to knock him down.

Maul beheads Pre Vizsla in front of everyone.
Vizsla crawled away as his soldiers looked down on him with shame. Maul kicked him a few times as he tried getting up. Then, Maul stepped over him to get to the throne and used the Force to take the Dark Saber, which he ignited.
Amethyst and Bo-Katan watched in horror as Maul claimed the Dark Saber as his own and raised it above Vizsla's head. Vizsla accepted his defeat and said his final words; then Maul beheaded him.
On The Run[]
Amethyst and Bo-Katan watched in horror as Maul picked up the Dark Saber, ignited it, and claimed it as his own. Most of the Death Watch submitted to Maul's rule, while the Nite Owls refused to accept his rule.
As the Nite Owls were starting to leave, Amethyst had a choice to make. She could either follow her best friend and stand with the Nite Owls against Maul, or she could stay and join Maul's forces. Then, she made her decision. She followed the Nite Owls outside, and they fled into hiding. Amethyst and Bo-Katan knew they would have to gather allies and form a plan to take back the Dark Saber and restore Mandalore to its rightful ruler.
They scrambled into their ship and took off, but soon they heard thumping coming from a closet. They opened it and found Jodi Fallwen inside. She explained that she was there for a day and asked what happened. Bo-Katan told her what happened, and then explained what their plan was. Their plan was that they were going to gather some people and then break the duchess out of prison, where she was being held by Maul's forces.
Saving The Duchess[]
Grouping Up[]
First, they went to get Korkie Kryze, the nephew of Bo-Katan and Duchess Satine. They found him walking on a platform in the city. Bo-Katan, Amethyst, and the Nite Owls quickly approached him, explaining the situation and their plan to save the Duchess. Korkie immediately agreed to join them, eager to help rescue his aunt. Bo-Katan introduced Korkie to Amethyst. Amethyst was impressed by Korkie's determination and loyalty to his family. But they still needed two more people.
Then they went to Khi Hevana and Thi Hevana's apartment. Khi opened the door and let them in, and Bo-Katan explained the situation and their role in the mission to rescue Duchess Satine. Khi and Thi listened intently, nodding in agreement as Bo-Katan outlined the plan. The siblings were hesitant at first, but after hearing Bo-Katan's urgency, they agreed to join the team. With their team complete, Bo-Katan felt confident that they had a strong chance of successfully rescuing Duchess Satine from Maul's clutches.
The Plan[]
Break Out[]
They arrived at the prisons and split up into different teams. Amethyst had to hack into the security system. Once they all checked in and were at their posts, their plan began. Amethyst found a secret compartment with a lot of tech and quickly hacked into the security system. With each successful hack, alarms were disabled, doors unlocked, and guards confused. She also found a map of the prisons and where the guards were located. Then she tried contacting Bo-Katan, but the communications were jammed. Bo-Katan explained the next part of their mission when Amethyst came back to them.
After Korkie took care of the Death Watch member who was holding Satine captive, Amethyst and Bo-Katan entered the prison. Satine was startled to see more Death Watch, but Bo-Katan and Amethyst took off their helmets while Korkie reassured her that they were there to rescue her. Bo-Katan introduced Amethyst to Satine, saying that she was a friend of the family and someone they could trust.
They made their way out of the prison. Satine told them they needed to contact the Jedi Council, and Korkie handed her her comlink, but the communications were jammed, so they had to get out of the city as quickly as possible.
A Strategy Gone Wrong[]
Once they were on their way, Maul's forces caught up to them. The Nite Owls fought them off while Satine and the others kept flying in their speeder.

Satine contacts the Jedi Council.
While Amethyst was fighting one of them, she found out that they were one of her old friends, Tuvio Lorian. She quickly defeated him with a heavy heart and joined Bo-Katan and Haran to defend the others while Satine contacted the Council. But soon, she lost Bo-Katan and Haran, and one of them tazed her, knocking her out.
Later, Amethyst woke up and realized Satine was gone. Calling out Korkie's name, she realized their plan had gone horribly wrong. She found Korkie, and he told her that they had captured her and that they needed to save her before it was too late.
Demise of The Duchess[]
Watching from above, Amethyst figured that Satine had called Obi-Wan Kenobi to help her. Bo-Katan agreed and said that he would come soon, but they had to hide for the time being to avoid risking Obi-Wan's rescue mission. They watched as he later arrived, hoping he would succeed.
Obi-Wan broke into the prison, but the rescue mission failed when he and Satine were caught and brought before Maul, who killed Satine in

The Nite Owls observe Obi-Wan Kenobi's arrival on Mandalore.
front of Obi-Wan. Bo-Katan had heard what had happened from one of their spies and told the group that Satine had been killed. Amethyst expressed her condolences, her shock, and her sadness at the tragic turn of events.
Then, they went to help Obi-Wan escape from Maul's clutches. They took out the guards quickly, introduced themselves, gave him back his lightsaber, and gave him a jetpack to make his escape easier. They all blasted away from the platform as more and more of Maul's forces pursued them.
Once they got to a Kom'rk-class fighter, Bo-Katan told Obi-Wan to tell the Republic of what happened on Mandalore and spread the word of Satine's cruel death at the hands of Maul. Obi-Wan warned them that it would likely lead to an invasion of Mandalore, but Bo-Katan assured him they would survive. Obi-Wan, realizing that Bo-Katan was Satine's sister, said his condolences, then went inside the ship.
The Nite Owls and the loyalists escaped into Zhan Haran's ship and a few other ships, taking off into the sky as blaster fire continued to rain down on them. Amethyst silently prayed for the Mandalorians as they made their daring escape, hoping that they would find safety and comfort in the midst of the chaos.
While traveling to the D'Astan sector, the Nite Owls got lost and ended up in Bothan Space. After finding that out, Amethyst and Haran argued for a while about not following directions. After their argument ended, they decided to go to sleep. After getting comfortable, she started to think about what happened to Satine and Mandalore, but just as she was about to doze off, Haran started snoring. They all woke up and tried to stop him from snoring before eventually waking him up. After that, they heard a help signal blaring and decided to go check out what was happening.
Helping Strangers[]
Once they were inside the damaged ship that was sending out the distress signal, they found a man and a woman, whos name was Selene, seeking help to find their daughter. When Amethyst asked for details about their daughter, she found out that the description fit her lost sister, Raya. Their daughter even had the same name. Hearing that, Amethyst became suspicious of the couple that they were the people who kidnapped her all those years ago. But she put those questions aside and decided to keep helping them.
Amethyst then asked what her favorite places were, and the couple told them that she loved to go to Carlac. Once they arrived there, they called out Raya's name, but there were no responses. After hours of searching, they decided to take a break in a cave. They went inside the icy cave and found a campfire and a young teenage girl sitting next to it.
Saving Raya[]
She wasn't alone in that tent; I was there. My name is Amethyst Myers, and I'm her sister. Her real parents are Shoni and Col Myers; we were Death Watch.
—Amethyst Myers confronts her sister's kidnappers
The girl recognized the couple and Amethyst, confirming it was Raya. Amethyst asked about where they got Raya, which made the couple go silent. Then, Raya told Amethyst about what happened the night she was kidnapped from her point of view and the lies that the couple had told her, such as how they told her that Amethyst had died in an attack. When Selene asked about how Raya knew her, she revealed to them that she was her sister and that she wasn't alone in the tent. The couple tried to convince Raya that Amethyst was lying and that it was either her or them. Then, when Raya chose to stay with Amethyst, Selene pulled out a blaster and almost shot Raya with it, but thankfully, Amethyst got in the way with her combat shield. They escaped the couple and left the planet; then, Amethyst warmly introduced Raya to the Nite Owls with a smile of relief.
The Siege Of Mandalore[]
Geting Help[]
Don't Worry, Death Watch is gone. And now, you and I have a common enemy.”
“We need your help. Once we are underway, I will explain everything, you have five minutes to decide.
— Bo-Katan Kryze and Ahsoka Tano
Months after, The Nite Owls planned that if they were to defeat Maul, they needed some help from Ahsoka Tano. So, they headed to the planet where Bo-Katan last detected her ship on. Months later, the Nite Owls planned that, if they were to defeat Maul, they would need some help from Ahsoka Tano. So, they headed to the planet where Bo-Katan last detected her ship, which was Oba Diah. When they arrived, Amethyst used her rangefinder to see Trace Martez and Rafa Martez being pushed aboard a ship and being ordered to bring back some spice. But she didn't scan Tano leaving with them. After reporting that to Bo-Katan and Ursa, she and Ursa went to their ship to know the instant Tano left the citadel.

The Nite Owls watch over Ahsoka Tano.
Later, as they watched the citadel burn, they spotted Tano, Trace, and Rafa running from some pykes. The Nite Owls went inside their ship and followed them along with the other ships that were chasing them as well. Once they lost the pykes, they continued to follow them to Coruscant, where they saw Tano saying goodbye to the sisters. At first, the three were alarmed about the Nite Owls, but soon, Bo-Katan was able to get Tano to help by negotiating that they had a common enemy—Maul.
Amethyst, Bo-Katan, and Tano contacted the Jedi through a hologram, where Tano spoke with her master, Anakin Skywalker, once again. Tano reported that the three of them had located the renegade Sith Lord, Maul, on Mandalore. And she believed that they could capture him. After that, Tano, the Nite Owls, and the remaining loyalists met up on The Tribunal, where they discussed their plans to capture Maul. Bo-Katan's plan was that, with their forces and the republic's, they would launch a siege on Mandalore, which would lockdown the city, preventing Maul from escaping. Obi-Wan warned her that it would likely cause another war between the Mandalorians and the republic. But Bo-Katan just smirked and disregarded his worries. Amethyst agreed, saying that if they let Maul get away again, he would just cause more trouble and that it was a risk they had to take. Obi-Wan decided to speak to the council about the matter. Bo-Katan insisted that there was no time, and that Maul killed their ruler and her sister, Satine, and questioned about whether she meant something to him or not. Obi-Wan replied that he still did, but he couldn't let his feelings cloud his judgement. After that, Bo-Katan, Amethyst, and Haran left the room.
Bo-Katan's request was granted, and they had received a clone division led by Tano and Commander Rex. The Siege of Mandalore had started. While they were on their way to Sundari, they were contacted by Prime Minister Almec, asking about the meaning behind the invasion. Bo-Katan and Amethyst retorted that they were coming for Maul and that he'd better watch out. Recognizing that the duo was behind the siege, Almec taunted them, saying that they would be enemies in the eyes of the people. As they made landfall, they were attacked by Maul's forces. They fought side-by-side as they all met up on the palace's balcony. Bo-Katan told Amethyst to go find Maul with Tano while she went after Almec and his loyalists.
Confrontation In The Undercity[]
Ahsoka... Tano, is it? I can't say yours is a name familiar to me. You, however, I know very well.”
“Hello again, Maul. It has been a while.”
“Indeed. I never forget a face, especially one as memorable as yours.
—Maul and Amethyst Myers
Amethyst and Tano went down to the tunnels, where they were informed by Captain Vaughn that the clones had a fight in one of the tunnels to the undercity with one of the leaders of the Shadow Collective, Gar Saxon. Tano, Amethyst, and the other clones moved into the tunnels and started looking for Maul. After a while of searching, not knowing they were walking into a trap, Rook Kast suddenly sent a rocket at them, but thankfully, Tano diverted it with the Force. Amethyst checked on Tano, making sure she was okay. Then, Vaughn and the clones started going after Kast, leaving the two behind. They both tried catching up with them, but soon they heard screams and shouts. After they finally reached the room where the voices were coming from, they found Vaughn and several of the clones lying on the ground, some dead and some injured. Vaughn apologized and died holding their hands.

Amethyst and Tano are ambushed by Maul and his super commandos.
After that, they were surrounded by Maul's forces, and Maul suddenly emerged from the shadows. He told them that he was hoping for Obi-Wan Kenobi and asked why they were there. The two stayed silent as Maul continued to say that he did not know Tano, but he did know Amethyst very well. Amethyst greeted Maul with a stern and annoyed tone, crossing her arms and saying that it had been a while. Maul agreed, then said he never forgot a face, especially one as memorable as hers. Tano then said that she knew him, to which Maul replied that he imagined they had several mutual friends as he circled them.
Tano pressed a button on her comlink, alerting the clones. Maul explained that he was certain that Obi-Wan would have come and brought Skywalker. Ahsoka told him Obi-Wan had a more important engagement. Maul said that he wonders if the moment his master's plan would commence was there. Then he asked why he sent Tano. Tano told him to surrender, then they would ask, but Maul just scoffed and told them that surrendering would be pointless and that the Jedi and the Republic would no longer be the controlling interests in the galaxy. Tano asked if he would be in control, to which Maul disagreed and said, "Darth Sidious."
Just then, the clones came in and shot down some of the super commandos. Tano and Amethyst attacked Maul, but soon, he used the Force and threw them and Rex to the wall, allowing him to escape. Once they got up, they chased after Maul. Using her rocket boots to her advantage, she skated across the tunnels swiftly, but still couldn't find the Sith Lord.
Getting Information[]
Later, Amethyst, Tano, and Commander Rex reported their findings to Obi-Wan Kenobi in the palace's throne room. Obi-Wan told them the council's suspicions about Darth Sidious, saying that they suspected him to be the Sith Lord that orchestrated the Clone Wars. Then, they found out that Skywalker killed Count Dooku just recently, which shocked Tano. Obi-Wan explained that if they captured Maul, he could provide the missing pieces to the puzzle now that Dooku was gone. Tano requested more men, but Obi-Wan unfortunately couldn't, because he was hunting down General Grevious on Utapau. Then, when she asked about Anakin, Obi-Wan asked if he could speak to Tano alone. So, everyone left, not knowing what was going on.
Then, there was an attack. After Rex went to get Tano, she and Amethyst investigated the attack in the tunnels. A clone told them what happened—that they were ambushed. Then, the two found a heavily injured clone who explained that Maul took Jesse alive with a look of fear in his eyes while Amethyst cleaned his wounds as best as she could.
Visiting The Prime Minister[]
Maul had a vision. A dream. The name came to him.”
“What name?”
—Almec and Ahsoka Tano
Amethyst, Tano, and Bo-Katan went to Almec's cell, hoping to get more information from him. Bo-Katan asked sternly what Maul's plan was and how he was going to escape, to which Almec replied that he wasn't trying to escape because he saw no point in doing so. Bo-Katan and Amethyst thought that Maul believed he could defeat them, but then Almec disagreed and told them that for weeks he was consumed by a strange sense of dread. Then, Tano asked if he mentioned Sidious, but Almec didn't recall that he did. When Bo-Katan inquired about why Maul wanted Kenobi there, Almec revealed that he wasn't just interested in Kenobi, but Almec stubbornly claimed he couldn't recall the name. But after Bo-Katan and Amethyst intimidated him, he was about to tell them the name, but he got shot by Gar Saxon. Bo-Katan went after him while Amethyst tried to help Almec stay alive while they found out it was Anakin Skywalker, whom he was also interested in. After that, he died.
Capturing Maul[]
The Choice[]
The time of the Jedi has passed; they cannot defeat Sidious. But together, you and I can. Every choice you have made… has led you to this moment. I sense the Force in you, Amethyst. Join me.
—Maul asking Amethyst to join him.
Sometime after, as Amethyst, Bo-Katan, Tano, and Rex entered the palace, When Bo-Katan told Tano that the occupation couldn't last much longer and that she and the people would not stand for it, Tano reassured her that once they captured Maul, the republic's forces would depart, and then she would have her chance to lead. Just then, Maul, who was sitting on the throne, said he agreed. When Bo-Katan saw Maul, she ran at him, trying to shoot him, but he restrained her with the Force before handing Jesse, who was sitting on the ground next to the throne, handcuffed, to them as a sign of "good faith."

Maul asked Amethyst to join him in defeating Darth Sidious.
Amethyst glared at Maul as he just sinisterly smiled back at her. Then, explosions started happening. Tano asked Bo-Katan and Rex to leave, while Amethyst stayed, which was just what Maul wanted. Maul looked out the window and noted how ignorant all the warriors outside were. Then Tano asked if he was doing this for her and Amethyst to hear, or the council. Maul stated that he specifically wished to speak to them, and then mentioned Tano's ordeal of being cast out of the Jedi Order and Amethyst being mistreated by Pre Vizsla. Tano sternly stated that she left voluntarily, while Amethyst stayed silent. After reminding Tano about the hypocrisy of the Jedi, he asked Amethyst if she was happy that he killed Vizsla, to which Amethyst replied that he never treated her right, but that he didn't have to kill him. Then Maul sighed and said that they were all tools for greater powers.
Tano declared that they were there to bring him to justice as she and Amethyst stepped forward. Maul claimed that what she called justice was merely the construct of the current power base's morals and told them that he believed that the republic would soon fall, which made Tano ask if it was Sidious who was behind it. Then, Maul explained that Sidious was behind everything and that he would reveal himself soon. Amethyst tried reassuring Maul that they and the Jedi could stop Sidious before it was too late, to which Maul replied, saying that the republic already fell and they just couldn't see it, and that the Jedi couldn't stop Sidious. Then, he looked to Amethyst and told her that together, he and she could, went on to tell her that every choice she had made led her to this moment, and finally told her that he sensed the Force in her and asked her to join him. Amethyst was shocked at Maul's revelation; she couldn't imagine herself being force-sensitive. She contemplated Maul's offer with a conflicted mind, her thoughts racing with questions.
Tano sensed Amethyst's conflict, bought her some time to think, and said to Maul that before Amethyst answered that, she wanted some answers. She asked about what he wanted with Anakin Skywalker, to which Maul explained to her that he was the key to everything, not to bring balance to the Force but to destroy it. And that he was to become Darth Sidious's new apprentice. Tano didn't believe Maul, which led to her igniting her lightsabers and ordering Amethyst to go and get her people to safety while she fought Maul.
Maul's Arrest[]
You actually captured him, I'm impressed.”
“It is what the council wanted.”
“Still, you have succeeded where many have failed.
—Bo-Katan Kryze and Ahsoka Tano
Outside, Amethyst fought alongside Bo-Katan against Gar Saxon and his forces. After they cornered Saxon, he tried to trick them into thinking he was going to surrender. Just as he was about to stab Amethyst, Bo-Katan blocked his attack with her knife. Amethyst eventually struck him down with her vibro-knife, and the clones took him away.
Rex and his men saw Maul and Tano fighting on some support beams, so he and everyone else went into the gunships to help. Just as they got there, they saw Maul fall and get caught by Tano. Maul shouted that they were all going to burn and die and that they didn't know what they were doing. After that, the clones tazed him and tied him up, then took him away in the gunship. When they were back on the ground, Bo-Katan said to Tano that she was impressed that she had actually captured Maul. Tano replied, saying that it was what the council wanted. Bo-Katan assured her that she succeeded where many failed, to which Tano replied, saying that she learned from the best, including Bo-Katan and Amethyst. Then, a minute later, Tano got a call from the council, and Tano left to go answer it.
Later, Maul was imprisoned inside a mandalorian vault. Tano suspected that even Maul couldn't get out of there. Then, after saying goodbye to Bo-Katan, she turned to Amethyst and asked if she was able to come with her. Amethyst was hesitant at first, but after Bo-Katan said that she should go in case she needed extra backup, she agreed to go. After saying goodbye to Bo-Katan, Tano and Amethyst went inside the ship after Maul was loaded in, and then they left, with Maul in their captivity.
Order 66[]
A while later, The Tribunal was on its way to Coruscant. Amethyst, Tano, and Rex were looking out the bridge's window when Rex asked what Tano was thinking. Tano explained that the Jedi were supposed to be peacekeepers, but all her life she'd been a soldier. Then Rex told her that the war was all the clones ever knew and that it caused mixed feelings about it between them because, without it, the clones wouldn't have existed. Tano assured Rex that it was a good thing then and that the republic couldn't ask for better soldiers or herself a better friend. After a salute, a clone came in and told Rex that the latest briefing had been received. A couple minutes after Rex left, Amethyst and Tano sensed the deaths of millions of Jedi. Then, Rex came in, and Tano ran to him and told him what she sensed about Skywalker. But instead of listening, he pulled out his blasters and aimed them at the two of them. Then he started telling them to find CT-5555, aka Fives, before starting to shoot at them. They escaped by closing a door behind the clones, trapping the attackers in, and then once they got in, Tano cut a hole in the ceiling, and the two jumped up as smoke filled the clones' eyes, leaving the clones confused.
Releasing The Sith[]
You... you two survived.”
“Is this your doing? Choose your words carefully.”
“No, no. It was not my doing. I don't know what has occurred. But surely, you have felt it. The voices crying out. The death.
—Ahsoka Tano interrogating Maul.

Maul requests a fighting chance.
While in the vents, Amethyst suggested that they go get Maul, saying that he might be able to help them. So, they went to Maul's cell. Just then, two clones entered his cell and attempted to execute him, but just before that could happen, Tano and Amethyst took out the clones. After that, they let him out. Maul was surprised that they survived. Tano put her lightsaber up to his neck and asked if he made the clones turn on them, to which he replied, saying that he did not, and he didn't know what was happening. Then he continued to say that they must have heard the voices crying out and the death of the Jedi. Tano explained to Maul what happened, and he immediately knew what was happening. He told them that it was his master's plan to turn the Jedi's own army against them.
Then Tano told Maul that it was Amethyst's idea to release him. Maul looked at Amethyst for a moment before he got up and told them that they made the right choice by coming to him and that only together they could survive, then told him to follow his lead. But Tano cut him off and told him they weren't there to team up with him and that they needed him to be a distraction to the clones. Maul agreed, but once they were out of the cell, he asked for a fighting chance, to which Tano said that they weren't rooting for him. Just as he was leaving, he looked at Amethyst, most likely thinking of having her come with him, but before he got the chance, Tano told him not to think about it.
Helping Rex[]
After that, they got some help from R7 and some other astromechs. With their help, they were able to figure out what was happening. They brought up some videos where Nala Se and Rex reported about inhibitor chips and found out that the clones were being programmed to destroy the Jedi. After that, they cut off Rex from the other clones by using the astromechs as a distraction. The astromechs showed Rex a message from Tano, and then they knocked him out. Once they were in a medbay, Tano scanned him for the inhibitor chip, but it wasn't working. Then the clones were at the door, trying to break in. As their time was running out, Tano recited part of Guardian's Mantra while relying on the Force to find the inhibitor chip. It worked, and they were able to find the chip. They started the surgery, and as it finished, the clones broke through. But luckily, Rex woke up and shot the clones down, and one of the astromechs resealed the door.
Amethyst, Tano, and Rex fought side-by-side through the clones until they were sealed off from the rest of the clones. Tano suggested that they take a shuttle, saying that it was their best bet. After that, Rex asked Amethyst and Tano if they heard that Maul escaped, to which Tano replied that they let him out and then told him that they needed him as a diversion. After that, they kept running.
Collision Course[]
Before they got to the control room, alarms started blaring and the ship started to shake. Once they did, the astromechs started to prepare the shuttle and found out what happened to the ship. They found out that Maul had destroyed the hyperdrive generators, that they were caught in a moon's gravitational field, and that they were on a collision course. The astromechs opened up some of the hangar's doors, revealing the ships and the clones that were waiting for them. They discussed what they were going to do next, and Tano told Rex that she didn't want to hurt him. But then Rex said that they didn't care and that they were willing to go down with the ship and take them with them. After Tano comforted Rex, saying that he and the clones were good soldiers and that she was not going to be the one to kill them, she came up with a plan.
Rex pretended to capture Amethyst and Tano and took them to the clones, and then he tried to talk them out of executing them, saying that Tano was no longer a Jedi, Amethyst was a death watch member, she only learned recently that she was force-sensitive, and that she was in league with Tano because she needed to save her planet. While Rex said all this, the astromechs prepared the ships secretly without the clones noticing. But sadly, the trick didn't work. Jesse told him that he was in violation of Order 66 and that he was going to be executed along with Amethyst and Tano.
An Unexpected Ally[]
Should we take off without him? I mean, he's a Sith. He must be planning something.”
“No, we can't leave him behind. He may be a Sith, but he's our ally for now. We have to give him a chance.
—Rex and Amethyst Myers on Maul
They fought the clones once again, until Maul ran in and tried going after the shuttle. Amethyst, Tano, and Rex went after him. Then Maul stopped and threw crates at them as he said that they wanted this chaos. Tano leaped at him, and Amethyst kicked him down, pinning him to the ground. Seeing her aggressiveness towards Maul, Amethyst convinced Tano that he was valuable to them. Maul was surprised that Amethyst had defended him, and something clicked in him that made him decide to help her. Maul then got up and took out some of the clones with his lightsaber before they could react. The three were surprised that Maul was helping them, and Tano asked why he was helping. Maul simply said that he had his reasons but didn't share them. Then Rex got shot in the leg, and Amethyst and Tano dropped what they were doing to help him while Maul shielded them.
Then Maul shouted to them to get to the shuttle and that he would cover them. Amethyst asked if he would be okay, to which he replied with a grin that he survived worse, then told her to go before giving her part of his lightsaber, a symbol of his trust in her. She was nervous because she was unsure of how to wield it properly. Maul reassured her by telling her to trust in the Force and saying that she was stronger than she knew. After a nod, Amethyst boarded the ship. Rex asked if they should leave him behind because he's a Sith, to which Amethyst disagreed, saying that he was their ally now and that they should give him a chance. Tano and Rex agreed, and Maul finally boarded and took a seat.
Maul's Final Offer[]
We will meet again, Amethyst Myers. Unless...”
“Unless what?”
“Unless you join me.
—Maul and Amethyst Myers
The group thankfully escaped the disaster, and they watched The Tribunal plunge into the surface of the moon. Later, Tano, Amethyst, and Rex made graves for all the fallen clones. After the three paid their respects, Rex suggested that they should go. Just as they were about to leave, Maul said to Amethyst that they would meet again unless she joined him. As Amethyst considered his offer, she thought about all the destruction he had caused. But then she sensed a bit of goodness somewhere underneath all the darkness. So, she decided to give him a chance and accepted. But she told him that she would join him on one condition: that he tell her, Tano, and Rex more about Darth Sidious. Maul agreed.
Tano and Rex were shocked when they heard that Amethyst had joined Maul. But Tano said that, as long as she didn't turn against her, she would be okay with it. Amethyst told her she would never. Maul told the group all he knew about Darth Sidious, including his plans to take over the galaxy and eliminate the Jedi. Then, after a final goodbye, Amethyst and Maul set off on their mission to stop Darth Sidious and his evil plans. This started their relationship as master and apprentice.
Skills And Abilities[]
Amethyst Myers was effective at using blasters, daggers, and explosives, and she also had a talent for hand-to-hand combat. During her time with Death Watch and after, she would mainly use dual WESTAR-35 blaster pistols. But at times, she liked using larger guns, such as a RPS-6 blaster cannon, a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, and many more. She was also great at being a sniper when needed, often taking out enemies from a distance with precision.
Amethyst also liked blowing things up when she could, such as huge mountains or abandoned buildings. She could also build her own weapons and explosives, using her knowledge of chemistry and engineering to create unique and powerful devices. Her skills in weaponry and explosives made her a valuable asset in combat situations, as she could adapt to any situation with ease.
Force Abilities[]
Even before she knew she was force-sensitive, Amethyst had a strong connection to the Force. She could always sense when danger was near, when someone was in danger, sense presences, or sometimes have visions of what might happen. It always confused her, and she always just brushed it off as intuition or luck until the Siege of Mandalore, when Maul revealed to her that she, in fact, was force-sensitive.
Amethyst wore black and purple mandalorian armor decorated with detailed designs and symbols that represented her clan. She used mandalorian vambraces that had wrist blasters, wrist vibroblades, and a combat shield. She was also good at flying with a jetpack, which she used to maneuver through the battlefield with agility and precision.
She also modified her helmet, giving it night vision, heat detection capabilities, a music player, and a commlink for communication with her fellow comrades. She also had rocket boots that allowed her to skate across the ground at high speeds, easily outmaneuvering her opponents in combat.
Personality And Traits[]
Amethyst Myers was a Mandalorian female who had a mixture of purple and brown eyes, light skin, and black hair, which she later added purple treatment to, and she also wore black and purple armor that matched her unique appearance. Her armor was decorated with intricate designs that set her apart from other Mandalorians.

Amethyst Myers was a Nite Owl and a member of Death Watch.
When she was younger and still training as a member of Death Watch, she often felt downhearted due to her parents never attending her important milestones, like her verd'goten or her first solo mission.
Amethyst was close friends with Bo-Katan Kryze, the leader of the Nite Owls, who had been her childhood friend. Together, they made an unstoppable duo, always pushing each other to be the best warriors they could be.
After her parents died when she was a teenager, she was more protective and cautious, especially with her younger sister, Raya Myers. But when her sister was kidnapped, she was determined to rescue her, no matter the cost. Amethyst was at times sarcastic, cocky, and fiercely independent, but deep down she carried a deep sense of loyalty and love for her family. She was also generous and compassionate. Often, she wouldn't agree with Death Watch's ways of dealing with things, but she complied anyway.
During her years with Death Watch, while Pre Vizsla was still alive, he would often mistreat her and question her loyalty. Despite this, Amethyst remained strong and continued to fight for what she believed in. She never let anyone, not even Pre Vizsla, break her spirit or shake her resolve. She was also brave and fearless in the face of danger, and her determination never wavered.
During the final days of the Clone Wars, she showed mercy and compassion towards her enemies, choosing to spare their lives instead of taking them. Such as defending Maul when Ahsoka Tano was about to strike him down. She also gave Maul a chance by accepting his offer to be his apprentice, hoping that he could redeem himself and be guided towards the light side of the Force.