Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy eraPost-Legacy era

Amelthia Starfall was a female Drakonus who resided on the planet Klesk, and served as a go-between for Klesk and Rykar.


Amelthia was born Amelthia Falluk in 287 BBY on Klesk. She loved the idea of flight, but was never satisfied with her own people's abilities. She felt they were confining and wanted to do more.

As soon as she was old enough, Amelthia began to travel to Rykar and back. Sometimes it was for supplies, other times to deliver messages. She loved her work and by 185 BBY she had purchased her own ship. Amelthia stayed mostly aboard her own craft, not bothering with an apartment or home. She did stay with her sister Vesseera from time to time, and thanks to her work she helped pay to create the Starfall Clan. Liking the name and feeling closer to her sister than any of her other family, Amelthia took on the name herself.

Amelthia continued to travel until 112 ABY, when the civil war on Klesk made it seem too unsafe to return. She remained on Rykar as the Mort Sora virus devastated Klesk. She believed her entire family had died, although her niece Kyriel Windrunner survived on Ruusan.

At some point, Amelthia succumbed to the feral disease and escaped into the wilds of Rykar. Unknowing, she attacked Kyriel and the Chiss Centurion Vos'elk'eetash in 153 ABY. Selkee killed her with a sai cha vault.

Appearance and personality[]

Amelthia, in Human form, was 1.73 meters tall with muddy brown hair she usually kept short. Her eyes were golden yellow and she had olive skin. In Drakonus form, Amelthia was amethyst with pebbly skin. A row of small spikes ran from her shoulders to the end of her tail.

Amelthia was stubborn by nature and was known to start fights if provoked. Her love of traveling was one of the few things that kept the woman calm.
