The Ambush outside Hijan City was the 7th battle of The Lepi Revolution. It took place in 3,976 BBY and came out with a small Lepi victory.
After the Raid on Hijan City's success Nar Shaddaa Hutt crime lord Jit'truga Filk'ae orbited the planet with his personal military fleet. He sent down a small attack force to Darth Xeldath's position as an ambush. Only seconds later mercenary Kyle Frixan came into the system on the opposite side of the planet from the Hutt fleet. He immediately warned Xeldath of the attack send reinforcements to help combat the Hutt forces in the process. After he contacted Xeldath he began to position his fleet toward Jit'truga Filk'ae's. At the arrival of the Hutt forces and Kyle's forces at nearly the same time Kyle's fighters shot down the mercenary transport and most of the fighters. Before the Hutt forces retreated then managed to kill about 800 Lepi and mercenary forces.
Hutt ambush prevented with medium losses on the Lepi's side. The Hutt's sustained high loses and retreat their forces into space.