Star Wars Fanon

Amaka Utree was a Human male from Nar Shaddaa, and a pilot for the Rebel Alliance in 3 ABY.


Darth Slayer's enemy[]

In 2 BBY, while smuggling an illegal shipment of Spice along the Kessel Run, Amaka Utree met Darth Slayer. Slayer, who was interested only in his own wealth, attacked Utree and damaged his ship severely. Once Utree had repaired his vessel, he vowed to hunt down and destroy Darth Slayer. After chasing him down for nearly three years, Utree finally caught up to Slayer at Corellia, in 2 ABY. When Utree boarded the Stone Hand he met Slayer on the ship's bridge. After a bloody battle, Utree killed Slayer with his own lightsaber. Despite his victory, Utree's ship was destroyed and he lost his left arm in the battle.


Amaka joined the Rebellion after his home planet was destroyed by the Imperials. In 4 ABY, he was sent to command a force to take Tristan back into Rebel control.

It was discovered that Tristan was now being used an Imperial weapons testing ground. They had enslaved the Gungans, and were forcing them to build a new Living Death Star with their special technology. Amaka arrived, and the Second Battle of Tristan began. In the end of the battle, Amaka Utree sacrificed himself to destroy the superweapon.
