Am was the official language of the inner culture of Am'sz, though they spoke Galactic Basic to outsiders.
It consisted of small words combined into larger words. The largest words had the greatest meaning, while the smallest were next to insignificant. Am'sze prided themselves on using large words. However, this did not mean that having a larger name meant having greater status, as many of the kings and queens of the planet had short Basic names (e.g. Klia, Selris).
Basic Words and Phrases[]
- Apsiue-suese - "Sunrise"
- Aueussi! (yoosie) - "Traitor!"
- Busesi-oufs - "Shameful"
- Criaie. - "Nobody"
- Cuane-lais-wusisuus - "Life"
- Cueos-poso - "Outsiders"
- Disem-eus - "To death"
- Guaseus-seisse-use - "I cast upon thee."
- Hesua. - Expletive
- Laisessisi-namsiue - "Live forever."
- Maus-useusie - "Gifted"
- Pauiseu-suehe - "With the planets"
- Twiaus-sneis-heush - "Praise our ruler."
- Zwhaissuess-nssie-gisueius - "In the name of the gods"
- Ampsi
- Bausie
- Cianse
- Dpseis
- Feis
- Ghaius
- Hsuse
- Isue
- Laisu
- Mansu
- Naise
- Paose
- Quanze
- Rianse
- Susse
- Tanse
- Unsie
- Vinse
- Wnsie
- Xinme
- Zsmeiu
J, K and Y did not exist in the amphabet. S was of particular significance to any word and denoted importance.