Star Wars Fanon

Alzir Ronarod was a human male Ambassador from the planet Jaatovi who was formerly a ranking

member of the Rebel Alliance, as well as an acquaintance to Bail Organa. However, Ronarod's tactics in the Rebellion were considered unorthodox, and the man was treated as an outcast.

This led to Ronarod making several trade and supply deals with the Galactic Empire. In addition to these deals, the Empire learned of the location of several Rebel Alliance bases and outposts, including the world of Inett, which was later assaulted by the Empire in 1 ABY.

Ronarod's sharing of top-secret intel eventually led to his assassination by Alliance operative Riv Kintar approximately one month and one week after the Battle of Yavin.


The 71st/Chapter Six (First appearance)
