The Alternate Basic alphabet was an older system of alphanumeric characters used in handwritten documents or logos. It used to be the standard alphabet for Basic, but when the galaxy had digitized most of its documents and ceased to focus on handwriting, the Aurebesh alphabet, an alternative that had been made to be easier to represent in low resolution holograms, eventually rivaled and surpassed its usage in the Core Worlds. Though many territories still used the Alternate Basic alphabet, it was taught only in passing by most schools, as handwriting had become an obsolete skill.
Its influence on naming droids and vehicles remained apparent, as seen with ships such as the A-wing or names such as R2-D2. It was often used in identification codes.
1337 used this language to make a code that was virtually undecipherable by most people from the Core, who were usually not fluent in reading this alphabet, and had only a cursory understanding of it.
List of unique characters[]
- Aa
- Bb
- Cc
- Dd
- Ee
- Ff
- Gg
- Hh
- Ii
- Jj
- Kk
- Ll
- Mm
- Nn
- Oo
- Pp
- Rr
- Ss
- Tt
- Uu
- Vv
- Ww
- Xx
- Yy
- Zz
Behind the scenes[]
The story behind the disappearance of this alphabet is modeled after the story behind the disappearance of cursive in modern times. As affluent regions are switching to digital media, there is less need to use cursive to efficiently generate handwritten documents.