Star Wars Fanon

Alsakan, also known under the name of its planetwide city Sendac, was a terrestrial world and ecumenopolis in the the Alsakan system of the Core Worlds.

As the first world colonized by Humans and a Core Founder of the Galactic Republic, Alsakan was one of the Republic and galaxy's most influential and powerful worlds, sometimes being regarded as second only to Coruscant. Over the course of galactic history, Alsakan waged seventeen wars against Coruscant for dominance of the Republic and the galaxy. Alsakan was a member of the Eminent Eight, an informal grouping of planets which dominated the Galactic Republic.

The Alsakan system formed its own sector, the Alsaka sector. From 3636 BBY until 3622 BBY, the planet and its sector were represented in the Galactic Senate by the female Human senator Vasara Tanis, who was later elected as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and led the revolution against the Galactic Commonwealth with Jensen Hayledea.
