Star Wars Fanon

 Alpha-47, or "Darin", was a Human clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett and an Alpha-class Advanced Recon Commando lieutenant who served during the Clone Wars. Later, he would desert alongside the Ridasi Volunteer Legion and eventually join the Alliance to Restore the Republic after the rise of the Galactic Empire.


Early Life[]

Like all Alpha ARCs, Darin was cloned from the DNA of Jango Fett, who also trained him, along with 99 other clones. When their training was complete, Darin and the ARCs were put in stasis on Kamino.

The Clone Wars[]

A couple months into the Clone Wars , the Separatists attacked Kamino, and in an attempt to help the defenders, the Kaminoans removed the Darin and the other ARCs from stasis. Darin fought directly in the planet's capital, Tipoca City, with a battalion of clone regulars, managing to push back the droid assault, helping to win the battle .

Throughout the rest of the Clone Wars, Darin was assigned as a GAR liaison to the Ridasi Volunteer Legion, accompanying them during several operations and battles.


Throughout his life, Darin had used his Phase 1 ARC armor, even in service of the Rebellion. During the Clone Wars, he used the WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle, but later abandoned it during the Rebellion and used the A-280 blaster rifle due to it being far more common.
