Alluria Solios (née Quinn) was a former student of the Jedi teachings turned Sith Lady and vigo of the Merquise Syndicate of Nar Shaddaa. While an agent of the Syndicate she married Jarek Solios, with whom she had three children. Eventually consenting to Jarek's request to leave their life of crime behind, she became first a vine-coffeine farmer on Belsavis and later a security expert on Vall`to. Alluria was an ally of Rin Sakaros, Queen of the Golden Empire, and one of the earliest tutors and defenders of Rin's half-brother Nagarian.
On the Wrong Side of the Force[]
So much passion, even in one so young, is dangerous...
—Jedi Master Tam Sai
Born on Coruscant, one hundred fifteen years after the Battle of Yavin, Alluria Quinn only spent a few short years with her parents and her younger sister, Selina, before it was discovered that the girl had an affinity for the Force. When approached by a local Jedi Master who had come across the child playing outside of the small apartment her parents rented and told about Alluria's potential abilities, the Hapan couple reluctantly gave their elder daughter over to the Jedi Temple. It was their hope that their daughter might pursue a life more fulfilling than they could offer for her.
For the next several years, Alluria became an Initiate of the Jedi Order, where she learned all that she could from the overseeing masters, and proved herself to be quite talented at that. She quickly absorbed anything she was taught, and worked diligently until each technique was perfected. It was not long before her skill with a blade blossomed into a young, untrained art.
Some masters, however, found her ambition to be disconcerting. It was soon realized just how willing the girl was to go to any length to obtain what she desired, be it knowledge, possessions, or a number of other things. Masters were rarely able to catch Alluria in the act of breaking rules, though it was painfully obvious how many times she happened to be in the area when other students seemed to be in busily bending the rules to the breaking point, and beyond.
Despite the child's reputation as quite a challenge, a patient Jedi Master named Lilea Frey decided to take her on as a Padawan. She believed that Alluria's fiery temper and thirst for knowledge could be molded into something more productive, and if aimed in the right direction, she could become a wonderful Jedi.
A Child's Exile[]
All those in favor of the expulsion of Alluria Quinn from the Jedi Order…
—Jedi Master Yu-Sien Khel
For the next five years, Alluria learned from the passionate Zeltron woman, even if her passive ways of teaching made the young girl impatient and frustrated. By the time she was ten years old, however, the girl had learned to manipulate her fellow students into taking work from her, and often goaded them into starting fights with her if they did not do as she wished.
One such fight did not go quite as the girl had planned. While on a mission with her master and one other team of Jedi, Alluria started a debate with her fellow Padawan Corran Bujold. Rather than fold to her wishes, however, the strong-willed boy butted figurative heads with the girl and refused to back down. Soon, words turned to violence as the boy pulled his saber and attacked. Alluria retaliated. Though the fight was short, blood was spilled; Corran Bujold fell to the girl's blade. Within the day Alluria was taken back to Coruscant, and within the week, she was tried for the boy's murder. Despite her claim of self-defense, the Jedi Council found her guilty, and immediately expelled the child from the Jedi Order.
Unbeknownst to the majority of the council, the girl would not be fulfilling the obligations of her sentencing to Bandomeer. Instead, the ten-year-old girl found herself on Kessel, having been sold into slavery by three corrupt members of the Jedi Council; the rising threat of war with the Galactic Empire had strained Jedi resources and diminished oversight.
For the next six years, the child spent her life in a waking nightmare, enduring every torture and torment imaginable while she simply struggled to survive the unforgiving environment and the cruelty of both her captors, and the other slaves around her.
At the age of sixteen, the girl finally managed to do what very few before had: escape.
After an unexpected whipping caused her to accidentally break a large and expensive portion of glitterstim, her captor violently assaulted her. Terrified for her life and enraged that the Jedi had left her in the depths of the mines to die a violent and painful death, her connection to the Force sparked back to life and lashed out, throwing the man away from her and toppling several of the slaves in the tunnel. She stole the slaver's oxygen mask and ran far down into the tunnels, where she knew she would not be followed due to the energy spiders that inhabited the lower caves.
Knowing she could not risk going back to the cell that she called home, she used her own life force as bait to lure several of the arachnids up through the tunnels. Once they were close enough to the miners, Alluria ran, leaving the miner and workers to their own fate, as the spiders feasted on the buffet of energy. No one survived that attack, and it was assumed that Alluria had perished along with the rest. After hitching a ride with a smuggler off planet, she had her first taste of freedom since she was a child.
Sing for me, lovely...
— Alluria speaking to a cornered, disarmed Jedi.
After nursing herself back to health, Alluria could not shake the seething rage that burned more brightly than a sun in the back of her mind. In her eyes, the Jedi had put her through the last six years of tortures that would claim the life of most full grown men. It only made sense to make them suffer as she had. Years in captivity had, some would say, left her somewhat mad.
At first, it was more luck than skill that allowed her to sate her lust for revenge. She would surprise young Knights who had fled from the reign of the One Sith, or stun them from a distance before killing them. She spent hours training herself with the lightsabers she collected from injured or fallen Jedi, often starting fights in various cantinas along Outer Rim worlds in order to practice fighting against multiple targets.
Like a predator, she became quite capable of picking warriors out of the crowd. Each time she found one worth following, she learned all that she could about them before approaching with a request that they teach her something. Many times, she was denied. Others, however, found it interesting that the young woman wished to learn so much and obliged.
With her skills growing, the woman was able to hunt larger "prey", and when she heard of a Jedi Academy opening on Nar Shaddaa the temptation was far too great for her to bear. There, she continued her hunt, though she had taken up a new tactic, goading the Jedi into making the first move just to add insult to injury. Many times, Alluria was badly injured in a losing battle, leaving her on the mend for days, if not weeks, with little or no treatment. The woman did not fear death, and accepted that if a Jedi killed her, she would, at the very least, take them down with her.
From Dark Jedi to Sith Apprentice[]
At the end of her teenage years, Alluria's research turned up something she found rather interesting. She realized, with some amount of excitement, that a former Sith Lord named Tak Sakaros had taken up residence on Nar Shaddaa. The young woman spent weeks tracking the man's movements and learning anything she could of his history before finally approaching him on his walk over the catwalks of Nar Shaddaa. She asked him to mentor her; not only in the ways of the Force, but in the ways of the Sith as well, though he initially brushed her question away with a denial that he had anything of worth to teach. Alluria, however, was undeterred, and pointed out that she was not so blind as the rest of the Smuggler's Moon. The young Hapan knew exactly who he was and what he was capable of, and (most of all) wanted to learn from him. With his request, she left him after that, giving him a full rotation to think about his final decision.
As promised, she met him on the next rotation at a warehouse used by the Merquise Syndicate, seeking the answer she desired. Tak warned her that it would not be an easy road to follow, but agreed to accept her as his student. Because she already possessed basic training in the Force and lightsaber combat, he focused on refining those skills while achieving cold Sith detachment in place of the intense rage that had carried her thus far. The two also became occasional lovers, and worked together to turn former Imperial Knight Reiko Kaytana away from Nar Shaddaa's Jedi Master, Souv Tanake.
In order to keep her close, he convinced the crime boss Ara Merquise to allow the young woman into her Syndicate, which became quite useful when it was revealed that the Sith Lord Vegal Ein was the secret backer to the Merquise Syndicate's rampant success throughout the Outer Rim.
In the chaos of the following months, Ara Merquise was killed in a fight for her life, leaving Tak as the new Boss of the Merquise Syndicate. Alluria flayed alive the Gotal who had betrayed Ara to Vegal's Black Sun confederates, and Tak appointed Alluria Vigo of Operations. This was where the young Sith first became the teacher, rather than the student. With her master's help, they trained scores of Elite Guards for the syndicate, and commanded them on various missions and assaults during the gang war that constantly raged on between the Hutts and Merquise Syndicate. Alluria grudgingly accepted her master's truce with Nar Shaddaa's Jedi, though she continued to dislike Souv Tanake personally.
Eventually Alluria told Tak the story of her exile from the Jedi and enslavement on Kessel. A former slave himself, Tak sympathized, but he also put in motion a plan for revenge. Some of the Jedi responsible had been killed in the Massacre at Ossus, but the two Sith were able to lure others to Nar Shaddaa and murder them.
When the Force Close a Hatch…[]
Tak reformed the Syndicate in many ways, opening his door to the people of Nar Shaddaa's Entertainment District and protecting them against the Hutts. However, his reign was short-lived. In 139 ABY, the Sith Lord Gav Daragon attacked Nar Shaddaa, seeking a reckoning with his former friend and longtime enemy Tak. Tak planned to duel Gav, and Alluria was offended when he announced his intention to take Souv as his second. However, since Ara's death, Reiko had become pregnant with Tak's child. Tak informed Alluria that he was leaving her behind because, if he fell, Souv would undoubtedly try to protect the child, but Alluria would kill every living thing on Nar Shaddaa to safeguard him.
Alluria was baited into a rescue attempt of supposed slaves, but captured after a duel with Daragon's cyborg second-in-command, a being called Grievous, in memory of the original. Tak and Souv joined forces to rescue her, but Tak fell into a duel with Gav. Alluria and Souv returned to what had become the Battle of the Ziggurat, helping to wipe out Grievous's forces. Alluria sensed Tak's death, but as he died he telekinetically slapped her on the back of her head to make her focus, and she made a deflection she might otherwise have missed.
In the aftermath of the battle, Ventresca Tan became the Syndicate's new Boss, and Alluria consented to stay on as Vigo of Operations, leading the Elite Guard along with Tyr Felidoron. Alluria and Ventresca threw a funeral for Tak, but Alluria was annoyed when the final procession of Tak's casket was interrupted by two dark-garbed figures. Her fury turned to astonishment when she discovered they were Rin and Tariun Sakaros, Tak's children.
Rin, it transpired, had been forging the Golden Empire in the Unknown Regions. Sensing the baby in Reiko's womb, she offered them all safety in the Empire, but they elected to remain in the known galaxy for the time being. From then on Rin became a shadow patron of the Syndicate in general and Reiko and Alluria in particular.
Reiko gave birth to a boy, Nagarian Sakaros, at the end of 139 ABY. Alluria kept mother and child safely within the ziggurat, and rarely exposed Nagarian to anyone outside her own Elite Guard.
Shortly before Nagarian's birth, a Coruscanti gun-for-hire named Jarek Solios came to the ziggurat, looking for Tak. He was distraught when Alluria told him Tak had died, but signed on to work for the Syndicate nonetheless. Alluria sensed he was holding something back, and probed at him over the following months. Despite his distaste for killing or protection rackets, he was a skilled fighter, and eventually admitted he was trained in the Force. Though he was not Alluria's equal with Force or blade, she promoted him to the Elite Guard anyway.
Alluria could tell that Jarek was protective of Nagarian, though she did not know why. Eventually Tariun returned to visit, accompanied by four of his Royal Guards, and finally deduced the connection—Jarek was a descendant of Khrado Ragnos, who had been blood brother to Tak Sakaros, and thus considered himself family to Rin, Tariun, and Nagarian. In return for Tariun's help extracting Jarek's grandmother, Andromeda Keane, from Coruscant, Jarek agreed to remain with the Syndicate as one of Nagarian's protectors.
Alluria enjoyed teasing Jarek, finding his moral compass both amusing and intriguing in a mercenary. He resisted her attempts to make him one of her conquests, but the two eventually started dating monogamously. The slow progress of their relationship was novel and occasionally frustrating for Alluria, but she found herself coming to genuinely care for Jarek too.
Strange Bedfellows[]
In 140 ABY, Rin invited Jedi Masters Jextar Cyern-Star and Souv Tanake to parley at the Denarii Nova; she had perceived Souv's growing suspicion of Rin's involvement, and decided to preempt the matter by forging an alliance. Rin also invited Alluria, as well as Souv's former Padawan Odala Van Meer, who had recently failed her Jedi Trials. Though Rin and Souv did ally, Odala was the major player for Alluria; after the parley, Rin tacitly acknowledged Alluria as a full Sith Lord, and Odala became Alluria's Sith Apprentice.
Meanwhile, in light of the new alliance, Jarek began receiving tutelage in both the Force and Soresu from Souv. Alluria still distrusted the Jedi and disliked sharing Jarek, but she found no gracious way to refuse, and so she endured the situation.
Alluria's sister Selina also showed up on Nar Shaddaa, to Alluria's surprise. A career thief, she did occasional work for the Syndicate. Her parents had not surrendered her to the Jedi, and so while she had strength in the Force, she was untrained. To Alluria's bemusement, Jarek began training her from time to time. Selina also revealed that, after Alluria was given over to the Jedi, the Quinns had experienced extraordinary success in their textile business. Alluria went to visit them with Jarek, but the experience was uncomfortable for all involved, and she did not return.
Over the following years, remnants of the One Sith occasionally made their way to Nar Shaddaa, and Alluria and her Elite Guard often joined forces with Souv and her Jedi to repel or kill them; where the Jedi opposed the Sith on principle and Jarek nursed a grudge against them for killing his brother Mirum, Alluria simply wanted to wipe out any threats to Nagarian. Rin's Centurions occasionally joined them as well.
In 141 ABY, Jarek proposed to Alluria. As the wedding drew near, however, a Dark Jedi calling herself Naiya began to terrorize them, going so far as to infiltrate Jarek's bachelor party and threaten him. Jarek and Alluria honeymooned in the Hapes Cluster; when Alluria asked, Jarek admitted he had wanted to put a few thousand light years between Alluria and Naiya. Naiya confronted and seriously injured Odala, branding her with her lightsaber and cutting her off from the Force, but far from being intimidated, Alluria sought to face Naiya herself and put an end to the threat facing her apprentice and her husband.
In the end, however, it was Jarek who confronted Naiya, dueling her over Nar Shaddaa's catwalks. He killed her by stabbing her through the throat—a Makashi move he had learned from Alluria. After the Zeltron's death, Alluria discovered she was Lilea Frey, Alluria's former Jedi Master; distrusted by the Jedi after Alluria's disgrace and exile, Lilea had fallen to the dark side and set out for revenge against Alluria.
A Reason to Fight[]
The Merquise Syndicate fought a years-long, off-and-on gang war with the Desilijic kajidic, occasionally backed by short-term allies. Meanwhile, the Elite Guard continued its private fight against One Sith and Dark Jedi who came to Nar Shaddaa.
In the midst of it all, Alluria became pregnant with her first child. Her daughter Octavia was born in 143 ABY, only a few days before Odala's daughter, Azalyn Kass`l. Though Alluria was immediately in love with her baby girl, she was even more protective, now having three children to safeguard. Her wariness was not helped when Rin had a vision of Octavia which she would not share, and Tariun referred to Octavia as "the little ticking time bomb".
Rin had also restored Odala's connection to the Force, but in the process had dredged up all the memories Odala had repressed. Remembering the Jedi she had been and contrasting that against the Sith she had become, Odala endured a great crisis of conscience, and her commitment to the dark side was halfhearted thereafter.
A Killer at Rest[]
In 145 ABY, Alluria made her first visit to the Golden Empire, to attend Tariun's wedding to Breek Zagrev.
Over time, Jarek began to weary of the constant violence and intrigues of Nar Shaddaa, and asked Alluria to relocate somewhere more peaceful. Alluria, who felt entirely at home on the Smuggler's Moon, refused, citing the enormous protection afforded by the ziggurat. Reiko, on the other hand, was happy to have Nagarian out of danger. Together, they slowly wore Alluria down over the following years, and in the end Alluria grudgingly conceded.
The blended family—Jarek, Alluria, Octavia, Reiko, Nagarian, Reiko's adopted son Kylar and her wife Sigea, Odala, her husband Veli Kass`l, Azalyn, and Veli's brother Broll—all bought a compound on Belsavis. They refurbished a complex in one of Belsavis's rift valleys and began growing vine-coffee. Farming was a far cry from Alluria's old life, and she took it with no small amount of griping, but she enjoyed being able to be safe with Jarek. She also continued sparring with Reiko, Odala, and Jarek, and trained Nagarian and her daughter in the Force.
After they were settled on Belsavis, Reiko confessed to Alluria (and, separately, to Jarek) a truth she had been hiding for years—Rin had foreseen her death if she remained in the known galaxy. Alluria was annoyed by the prospect, but resolved to continue her training to prevent it if possible, and protect Nagarian in any case.
Dromund Kaas[]
In 148 ABY, Alluria, Odala, Veli, and Tae took an offworld trip to Dantooine. There the women were captured by Darth Havok and Saarai, though Odala had mind-tricked Veli and Tae into escaping. The two were taken to Dromund Kaas and subjected to the Force experimentation of Darth Maladi.
Rin Sakaros herself led a strike team of Centurions to free them, assisted by Jarek and Reiko. Odala succumbed to Maladi's poisons, but Reiko used her dark transfer power to heal Alluria, and Rin killed Darth Nihl in a duel. In the aftermath of Odala's death, the Belsavis family laid her to rest in a grotto in their rift valley. Azalyn had already become a Novice of the Order of Keltrayu, but Alluria stepped up her efforts to teach Odala's young son Tae to fight to honor her apprentice's memory.
The Oncoming Storm[]
In 149 ABY, Selina arrived on Belsavis, having been crippled by having her hands repeatedly broken. Alluria vowed to protect her and Jarek helped her deepen her Force abilities. The next year, Rin visited with Tillandra Moraes and Rayne Turgachia, who healed Selina's injuries. Alluria and Selina set out to slaughter the people who had betrayed and hurt Selina, and even Jarek looked the other way, feeling the punitive expedition was justified.
Not long after Selina's arrival, Alluria had two more children—the twins Orion and Reia. She and Jarek briefly considered giving one or both of the twins to the Order of Keltrayu in gratitude to Rin, but ultimately elected to wait the matter out.
As Nagarian became a teenager, Alluria pressed him harder in training, determined to forge him into a warrior worthy of his father and able to defend himself against any threat. She knew her daughter Octavia had a crush on Nagarian, and had many a chat with Octavia as the young girl expressed her vague disapproval of Nagarian's various girlfriends.
The Decision[]
Reiko was assassinated by Imperial Knights in 157 ABY, fulfilling Rin's prophecy. The Knights nearly killed Nagarian as well, but both Jarek and Alluria sensed the killing, and arrived on the scene with the Kass`l twins to prevent the fight from escalating. While Jarek warned the Knights that their duty was done and they should leave without further conflict, Alluria instead told Nagarian that the time was not right for vengeance.
In the wake of the assassination, the family split. Broll and Veli were determined to return to Firefist on a personal mission, taking Tae with them, and Selina elected to go too. Depressed, Sigea Tanake left the family. Tariun arrived shortly after Reiko's murder to take Nagarian and Kylar to the Golden Empire. Knowing they might be marked as enemies, Jarek and Alluria took their children to the Empire as well.
The Empire[]
With Rin's support, the Solioses established themselves in Narusark City on Vall`to. Jarek began work as a spaceport manager, while Alluria took a job as a security consultant, testing and breaking security systems and advising clients on ways to improve.
The Solioses attended the funeral of Eskol Kaartinen at the end of 157 ABY. Over the following years, Octavia began to express interest in becoming a Centurion. Both Jarek and Alluria worried that she wanted to join not because of any desire to serve the Empire or even from loyalty to Rin, but to be closer to Nagarian. She persisted in her requests, however, and after a visit from Jarek's sister, the Centurion Axelia Solios, Alluria finally consented to her daughter joining the Order as a Novice in 160 ABY.
Powers and Abilities[]
Alluria had an eclectic approach to the Force, having been trained as a Jedi and developed her powers alone as a dark sider before becoming Tak Sakaros's Sith apprentice. Due to her experiences and Tak's tutelage, she had a strong command of the dark side. Though not as strong in the Force as some, she channeled her powers into combat, and both Tak and his daughter Rin considered Alluria a skillful warrior. She was capable of conjuring Force lightning and using a variety of telekinetic powers such as Force choke, though she preferred direct combat. Though never the strongest telepath, Alluria shared a tight connection with Jarek, and each could usually sense the other's emotions.
Alluria devoted herself to Makashi, desiring most of all to kill Jedi. Even after she accepted an alliance with the Nar Shaddaan Jedi faction and the One Sith entered the picture, her deadliest enemies remained Force-sensitives and she had plenty of opportunities to test her blade against theirs. She had some training in Juyo as well. Thousands of hours practicing with Reiko and Jarek gave her strong defenses against Juyo and Soresu, as well as the Imperial Knight styles.
Both hunting down Jedi and serving the Merquise Syndicate gave Alluria other skills, such as stealth, infiltration, espionage, and demolitions. She was trained in the use of a wide variety of weapons, and Tak taught her to improvise weapons of opportunity from her surroundings. She was a proficient torturer, able to keep subjects alive through hours of brutality. She could also endure torture and hard conditions herself, and was skilled in the crucitorn ability of pain suppression.
Appearance and Personality[]
A Hapan by blood, Alluria was considered beautiful by most other humanoids, although many remarked that she had a malevolent look around her dark brown eyes. She had fair skin and black hair, which she kept short. She stood 1.73 meters (5'8") tall and had a lithely athletic build. She carried a single, curved-hilt lightsaber with a Sith red blade.
Many beings saw a dichotomy in Alluria's personality. To her enemies she was ruthless and sadistic, and capable of breathtaking brutality, often simply for the purpose of making her enemies suffer. To her family, on the other hand, she was supportive and protective, though she did not allow them to become weak or complacent. Many beings who knew the two of them felt Jarek Solios had some unusual gift to bring out what they saw as Alluria's very small, but redeeming, good side. Alluria, though unrepentant about her many depravities in service to both Tak and the Syndicate, kept the details from Jarek, knowing they would upset him. Over the years of their marriage he softened her slightly; though she was still capable of wrath when roused, her cruelty was more constrained and it took more to draw it out.
Having been betrayed early in life, Alluria was constantly wary as an adult, alert for danger and suspicious of everyone except her closest family. On Belsavis, Jarek often left his lightsaber at home, but Alluria always carried hers concealed outside the house. With Rin's consent, she continued the habit in the Golden Empire.
Behind the Scenes[]
Alluria's appearance was inspired in part by Canadian actress Noelle DuBois.