Star Wars Fanon
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Alluria Yorcot

Alluria Yorcot is a ghost and is the house ghost for Awanyu even if she stayed in Italy when she was on Earth but something drew her there to stay after it was built. But she is no ordinary wizarding ghost. She is a Force Ghost and originally was from the Jedi Order but she came to earth along with 6 other Jedi Masters wanting to marry but at that time it was forbidden for Jedis to marry so they used the mission to monitor Earth to reside on Earth permanently. She went to modern day Italy or at that time (1st century BC, when she was 21) the epicenter of the Roman Empire after they sent back a ship that only a droid is navigating. As far as any one knows that no Jedi's came to find the 6 that used the mission to come to Earth. She married a Roman wizard and for years they were very happy and Alluria was much happier being on Earth because she could be married and not worry about the Jedi code even if it ment hiding what she was from the majority of the population and only her husband knew that she was a Jedi. While she lived she had 8 children that were wizards. She didn't question it only because she didn't want her or her children to stick out like sore thumbs but she and the other Lords of Peace know to keep an eye on the wizarding community to see when a Jedi will return even if it isn't in their blood lines and how they would return. Upon her death in late 2nd century AD[1], she left a legacy behind and became one with the force allowing her to become a force ghost. She wsa the last of the Lords of Peace to die who also taught her how to be a force ghost and was the only one to die of old age/health related issues since she contracted Dragon-Pox and died from that while the rest died in a fight trying to save their hides once it was outed they were not wizards or muggles and everyone became paranoid of them.

What drew Alluria to Walpi School of Magic is unknown and was never known to be a seer in the Jedi realm or the wizarding realm. But people have speculated since the opening of Walpi and knowing that she is not a normal ghost on Earth they think that the spirit of Chosovi as he founded the orphan's house is what drew her in. Only she knows what drew her and how her descendants will eventually come here but neither her nor any ghosts at that time knew of that until they come in 2000-2001 year as 6th graders.


