Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

The Alliance to Restore the Republic, simply referred as the Alliance and Rebellion, was an organized successor state to the loosely organized rebellion founded in 14 BBY. It was also the first resistance movement to challenge the Empire publicly which the Alliance's mission was to remove the Empire from power and restore the Old Republic as well as resulting in the Galactic Civil War in 8 BBY.

The Alliance held a small military and both a small army and navy as well as a small starfighter corps. Like the rebellion, the Alliance didn't have much territory and ships to work with and left them relatively weak during the early conflicts, resulting in a lot of major setbacks and defeats against the much larger and powerful Imperial Military. With only ships like light cruisers and small frigates, the Alliance didn't stand much of a chance against the Empire and the forces they had already thought the same and so the leaders of the Alliance decided that it would be best to just remain hidden until they would see a chance to strike a large imperial target big enough for others to join them.

