The Alliance of Free Planets, also known by its acronym AFP, was a democratic government that ruled the western third of the galaxy during the Great Interstellar War. It was formed by exiled political dissidents from the Galactic Empire in 182 IC, who were sent into the largely unexplored and uninhabited western regions of the galaxy. It was discovered by the Empire in 804 IC, beginning the Great Interstellar War, which became the bloodiest and longest conflict in galactic history.[1][2]
Following the reformation of the Galactic Federation into the Galactic Empire by Beorthram Althmark, many people rebelled against this change. Several purges occurred, during which millions were killed or sent to labor camps, but many also survived and went underground. Some of these were later captured and instead of being killed were sent off into unknown space in the western regions of the galaxy. Among them was Calis Yarko, the last minister of finance in the Federation government. He founded a colony on an uninhabited world which they named Haven, and later made contact with other colonies of dissidents and outcasts. These colonies grew over the centuries, aided by the flow of other republican dissidents from the Empire into their territory. The Alliance of Free Planets was born in Imperial Year 182.[1][2]
Government and politics[]
Head of state and government[]
The Alliance's head of state was the President. He had the power to appoint and dismiss members of the cabinet, ratify or reject proposals of the Alliance Parliament, authorize major military operations (as the commander-in-chief), and take measures regarding the economy and foreign affairs, among other powers. The President was elected in a popular vote across Alliance space, and he could appoint his Vice President once in office. The head of government was the Vice President, and his deputy was the Chairman of the Parliament.[1][3]
Each sector elected a delegate to the Alliance Parliament, the government's legislature. It could purpose and pass laws, and was led by the Chairman, who was elected by members of parliament. A vote by the parliament could also convene special military tribunals for members of the armed forces suspected of treasonous activities.[1]
Armed forces[]
Foreign affairs[]
The Alliance's role in galactic affairs was limited by the fact that the larger Galactic Empire did not recognize it and pressured what few "independent" governments there were left to do the same. The Alliance did maintain an embassy on Zoranel, a planet nominally part of the Empire but de facto neutral and independent.[3]
Society and culture[]
According to the 900 IC census, the total population of the Alliance was about 2.5 trillion.