Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Legacy era

Alexix Scarr was a human female Dark Jedi and former member of the New Jedi Order prior to 81 ABY.


Alexix Scarr was born the galactic capital planet of Coruscant in the year 63 ABY. During her childhood, her parents also had another daughter named Cydney, whom Alexix took a massive liking to. At the age of five, her parents left her and her sister late at night, and Alexix and Cydney were later forced to live in a run-down foster home in the Coruscant Underworld, often running into gangs and drug dealers. Around 73 ABY, when she was ten years old, Alexix was discovered to be Force-sensitive and brought willingly to the New Jedi Order for training, only to discover her sister did not make the cut because she wasn't Force-sensitive. While this upset Alexix, she was conforted knowing the fact she was in a safer orphanage close to the New Jedi Temple. She later became apprenticed to former Hapan Queen Mother and Jedi Master Allana Djo Solo.

Unfortunately, she got into a conflict with the a Jedi Padawan, resulting in her attacking him and being expelled from the Jedi Order. Heartbroken and enraged, she began to learn Dark Side techniques and became a Dark Jedi, but refused to give into Dark Side fully, and purposly avoiding the teachings of the Sith. She later rescued her sister after learning of a murderous criminal was near her orphanage, taking her along and living back in the Undercity of Coruscant, with the thought of if there was any chance to get off world being there ultimate aim. She began working as a bounty hunter and eventually constructing her own lightsaber to replace the one she lost. She later kept a TIE Defender, called the Huntress, inherited from and given by her grandfather, a former Imperial Storm Commando.

Personality and Traits[]

As a young, orphaned child in the Undercity of Coruscant, Alexix Scarr was raised to never fully trust anybody but her and her younger sister. When she became a Jedi trainee, she was dismayed to learn that her sister wasn't Force-sensitive, and thus she could not join the Order due to her lack of Force-sensitivity. As a Jedi, she was often prone to rash behavior and having a Darkness inside of her intentions when it came to conflict. After being caught in a fight with a Padawan, she was expelled from the Jedi and became a bounty hunter in order to make a living, bitterly angry at her master and the Jedi for expelling her. After falling to the Dark Side, she still kept her compassion for her sister and anyone she considers her friend, though has less care towards anybody else.

Scarr was also a capable pilot, being able to fly a TIE Hunter on missions off planet and was able to have the ship modified to support life.

After falling to the Dark Side, she managed to make her own lightsaber.

