Alderaan, known to the Killiks as Oroboro, was a terrestrial planet in the Alderaan system of the Core Worlds. It was well-known across the galaxy for its unspoiled landscapes and was a popular tourist destination in the Core Worlds.
The Alderaanian people had a reputation for being conservationists, doing their best to preserve as much of their planet's nature as possible. The Alderaanians were also known for commitment to peace, although they took a militaristic stance after the Sith Empire sacked the world. Despite its relatively small population, Alderaan was home to many well-known figures in galactic history, including Ulic Qel-Droma, Luke Antilles, Leia Organa and Bail Organa.
Originally populated only by the insectoid Killiks, Alderaan was later conquered by Humanity and was one of the 28 Core Founders of the Galactic Republic. For thousands of years Alderaan was governed by an elected, constitutional monarchy. This monarchy was overthrown in a violent revolution in 3614 BBY, caused by the preceding Alderaanian Civil War, which had ravaged the world for decades.
Alderaan was destroyed by the Galactic Empire under the orders of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, who had the Death Star fire the superlaser at the world, destroying it instantly.