Star Wars Fanon

The Albierus (/ˌɑˈɛər.ʌs/, singular "Albier") were an aquatic race of sentients that lived on the planet Pughe.

Biology and appearance[]

Non-humanoid in construction, the Albierus were theorized by xenobiologists to have had a mutation which involved two legs (or, alternatively, to be evolving toward two legs); they had long tails, but rather than the single bone path common to ichthyoids (whose spines extended into their tails), Albier spines diverged into two bone paths in their tails. They had a pair of arms which ended in four-digit hands with strong claws. Albierus had spiny fins all over their bodies which allowed for easy maneuvering underwater.

The Albierus could function in deep or shallow water, and their four eyes were evolved to suit their needs. One pair of eyes saw best in low light, and could be closed at higher depths; the either pair saw best in more light and was usually open. Though they had lungs capable of sustaining them above water, the Albierus also had gills which enabled them to breathe underwater.

Albierus had had few teeth and three flaps of skin on all sides of their mouths, which could protect them from ingesting water into their lungs while underwater. Their powerful jaws allowed them to suck meat from various shellfish.

Society and culture[]

The Albierus had a very strict class system, believing once a person was assigned a station in life, he or she should work only for perfection in that station. They lived in bubble cities below the waves of Pughe, rarely venturing to the surface. Though experts at underwater combat and capable of fighting on the surface waves, the Albierus had no capability for fighting in the air and were biologically unsuited for space-based combat service.

Though neither monotheistic nor polytheistic, the Albierus had superstitions about the "deep ones" who lurked in the oceans beneath their own cities. The basis of this belief was unclear, but the Albierus themselves believed it enough to station guard patrols under their cities. Exploration missions by Royal scientists from the Golden Empire were inconclusive in investigating the traditions.


Though they had the ability to exist above the surface, no evidence existed to suggest the Albierus had ever made any attempt to build even amphibious structures on the surface of Pughe. Early separation of Albierus into groups based on their skill sets gave rise to the class system which came to dominate the species.

The caste system endured even as the Albierus themselves advanced technologically, creating fast-traveling underwater craft, lights, tools, and weapons. There were few struggles between the castes, who largely accepted the tradition, though two Albierus societies fought at least one major war in Pughe's history. The larger force was defeated by a better-coordinated, more cooperative smaller army.

Some Albierus attempted to fight the Golden Empire when its representatives arrived on Pughe, but the conflict was brief before the planet was absorbed into the Empire. Like the Zwushtu of Vytuia, the Albierus largely preferred to be left alone, although they traded with offworlders for specific minerals and creations. The Albierus and Laikeer's Laatls developed a cautious planetary exchange program, with members of each species visiting the other.
