Star Wars Fanon

No one would go here if it was not for the crystals.
Mara Jade Skywalker

Akuria II, commonly called Akuria, was an ice planet in the Akuria system of the Oplovis Sector. The world was dominated by native Akurians, but had several human colonies. It had extensive crystal mines, which made it a target during the Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, Thrawn campaign, and in other conflicts. The special crystals were able to produce energy that could power vehicles and blasters.

Akuria's regions were dominated by 12 different tribes, each of which had a chief on the tribal council. One was elected as the High Chief, ruler of the planet, with the other 11 as his advisors and tribe representatives. Akurians had long lifespans, so usually one chief was able to stay in power for a long time. The most notable was Fafnir, High Chief from 52 BBY to 46 ABY. The tribal council was headquartered at the capitol, Ithaqua, in the equatorial regions.

The planet came into the galactic spotlight mainly after the Battle of Akuria II, a Yuuzhan Vong attempt to take over Akuria and harness the power of the energy crystals. It was one of the first major victories in the Yuuzhan Vong, since the Akurian army managed to defend Akuria II successfully from the Ving invaders. It raised morale of troops fighting across the galaxy, and was propagandized by both the New Republic and Imperial Remnant.


Akuria II had a cold climate (though not as cold as Hoth) and was covered in ice, snow and geysers. The land was referred to as "the Polar Wastes" by the natives. There was only one major body of water on Akuria, the Geyser Sea. It was heated by hot geysers beneath it that also seemed to have an effect on the water color, turning the liquid into an orange hue. When the Empire built a base on Akuria II, it was located near the sea, being the main source of heating.

The capitol was a spaceport called Ithaqua, located in the equatorial regions of the planet. Not too far south was Ryuqa, the second largest settlement. The entire planet was speckled by small villages, with an occasional minor town. They had small path networks connecting them, though more remote villages did not. The Imperial garrison was headquartered at Polar Base, an installation about a kilometer outside of Ithaqua.



Akuria II was originally discovered around 32,850 BBY by Rakatan scouts, which was followed by an occupation under the Infinite Empire. The native Akurians fought back, but their primitive technology was no match for the advanced tech of the Rakatan invaders.


The outskirts of Ithaqua, the capitol.

They enslaved the Akurians to mine the massive amounts of crystals that the planet's crust, mantle, and core contained, which were able to produce energy. They did so as Rakatans built several temples and bases not far from Ithaqua, the planetary capitol. The majority of what the slave Akurians mined could not be extracted before the mass revolts of slave species across the galaxy. The Akurians took part. Noticing large amounts of Rakatan troops leaving their planet, they overthrew the small garrison and confiscated their starships and weapons.


Gaining more advanced technology, the large, Wampa-like Akurians managed to put it to use, but not reverse engineer it for many years. The planet remained untouched for many years. During the wars of the Sith against the Jedi, several Republic Scouts rediscovered the planet. Their scientists aided the natives in building more advanced equipment, ships, weapons, and structures, which were then made using outdated Rakatan technology. A large vehicle known as the War Sled was developed, a mobile command center for government defense forces.

When the Sith Empire invaded, however, their new technology was not enough to hold them back. They became enslaved by the Sith for the same purpose as they were by the Rakatans. Crystals were exported to Dromund Kaas, but the Akurians rose up again and overthrew the Sith, with the help of troops from the Galactic Republic.

Member of Galactic Community[]

Akuria received it's own senator on the Galactic Senate around 1,000 BBY, becoming a member of the Republic. The Trade Federation asked if it could export crystals to much more planets than Akuria II currently was exporting to, but they refused. This would lead to tensions further on with the Federation. Akuria continued to receive little visitors despite the crystals, mainly people passing through the system and needing a place to rest. There were less than 2 million Akurians living on the planet as of then. The world gained much credits from sales of their energy crystals.


Fafnir, leader of the Akurian tribal council.

In 52 BBY, Fafnir became the high chief. He held the title for many years, and some offworlders went on to call him "the Palpatine of Akuria". However, that often misled people since Fafnir was a fair and relatively peaceful ruler, with the term referencing that both of them managed to stay in power for a long time. He actively improved the Akurian army's technology, organization, and training during his time.

Clone Wars[]

This cold temperature is freezing my circuits. Why didn't they just send snow droids?
—Anonymous battle droid

At the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Akuria found itself in Separatist space, though was officially still part of the Republic. Fafnir listened to Akurian public opinion, which was mainly pro-Republic. However, in 22 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems invaded the planet. The Confederate Navy wanted to use Akuria II's crystals to power it's vessels. As a result, the Separatist Droid Army deployed several units to the planet. The Akurian army fought back, but the Separatists had numbers on their side. Ultimately, they were triumphant.

In 21 BBY, the Grand Army of the Republic sent the 501st Legion to retake the planet, under command of Jedi Master Adi Gallia. They warred the CIS troops in the capitol and several other cities, with the help of the Akurian army. The government and Republic troops overthrew the occupation force, killing Geonosian Colonel Odan, the CIS garrison commanding officer.

Afterwards, the Republic Navy left three Venator-class Star Destroyers in the system to protect from other CIS invasions. None followed. In retribution, many Akurians and local humans enlisted in the Republic Volunteer Corps, to fight against the CIS. After the Battle of Utapau and Order 66, they returned to Akuria, considering the Republic victory as a job well done. A military parade with Akurian army and clone units was conducted in Ithaqua, with many spectators. Fafnir gave a speech at the event.

Galactic Civil War[]

The Imperial Navy is powering their vessels with crystals gathered from Akuria Two.
Rebel Navy officer

With the rise of the New Order, Akuria II joined the Empire. Several years into it's reign, Imperial Navy Grand Admiral Zaarin demanded the confiscation of the planet's crystals to power Star Destroyers. As the Imperial Senate disbanded, there was almost no one who found out of what happened next. The Empire claimed they thwarted an attempted invasion by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and used it as a justification to basically enslave the Akurians. A headquarters known as Polar Base was built for the snowtrooper garrison.

Polar Base

Polar Base, the Imperial headquarters.

The Rebel Alliance later did try to liberate the planet. However, the the government thought they were trying to invade like the others, and helped the Stormtrooper Corps garrison with driving them off. The War Sled was used as a mobile base by both Akurian and Imperial troops. The Imperials were forced to use less sophisticated equipment that was rare in the Imperial Armed Forces, but they succeeded in driving the Rebel Army off. Luke Skywalker came close to death during the operation.

In 4 ABY, following the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader over Endor, the Imperial garrison remained loyal to Sate Pestage, and as did Akuria II. However, the Fleet Admiral who commanded the Oplovis Sector Fleet went rogue, and thus Akuria was part of his small enclave.

Postwar Chaos[]

The Fleet Admiral ended up joining the confederation of Grand Admiral Thrawn, and become a member as well as provided the admiral with bodyguards from the Akurian army. They were normally assigned to other officers of his fleet, as Thrawn preferred Noghri. However, it proved to be fatal when one betrayed him and killed the Grand Admiral. Following that, the planet again became part of the Oplovis Imperial faction. When the Emperor returned in a clone body, the Fleet Admiral pledged allegiance to his new Dark Empire.

After his final death, Akuria II became part of the Imperial Remnant. Though it was an Imperial world, the garrison left and retreated into the core of remaining Imperial Space. Fafnir began a major overhaul of the army, to make sure his people could could protect themselves now that their security was gone.

Repelling an Invasion[]

Take no prisoners, comrades!
—An Akurian warrior

In 25 ABY, a species from another galaxy known as the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. They rushed through the Outer Rim, conquering many worlds. Akuria was left alone until 26 ABY, when the Vong learned of what the planet held. The commander assigned to invade Akuria underestimated the natives, and requested a minor task force. Their arrival in the system was noticed by a passing freighter, who informed the government of what was coming. Fafnir immediately mobilized the army.

As the Vong landing barges were descending, artillery cannons of the army blasted some of them apart. After they landed, the dazed warriors were attacked by Akurian soldiers covered by human snipers. The raid was successful, nearly half of their force was dead by the end of it. As the remainder charged at the capitol city, three TIE/ln fighters and numerous strato fighters strafed them, killing many. A brawl took place outside of the outskirts, with the final Vong survivors killed. Fafnir himself executed the commander.

The victory of the Battle of Akuria II was propagandized by the New Republic, who suffered many defeats up to that point. News of the victory raised the morale of many troops across the galaxy, who realized that the Vong could be defeated.

Temporary Peace[]

Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, the planet went through several changes. Akurians started leaving their homeworld more often, being seen on Coruscant and other planets. Akuria saw the rise of the Galactic Alliance and the Corellian Confederation, though remained neutral as part of the Empire. In 46 ABY, Fafnir was replaced by another chieftain upon stepping down from the position of high chief. Leia Organa Solo visited Akuria at some point, to negotiate trade deals. A bit later, a new Imperial garrison was stationed on Akuria II.

True Colors[]

By 130 ABY, the new high chief was Hethrir, the grandson of Fafnir. When the Second Imperial Civil War broke out, the garrison sided with Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. However, the tribal council recognized the Fel Empire as the legitimate government and did not recognize Darth Krayt. So, the Akurian army destroyed their base, and took no prisoners in their raid.

Akurians were seen fighting as stormtroopers against Sith forces for Galactic Emperor Roan Fel. By the time of the Sith defeat, Hethrir travelled to Coruscant and was present at the official announcement of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, which Akuria II joined.



An Akurian.

The planet was populated by both native Akurians, wampa-like creatures with blue hair and tan skin, as well as human exiles from different planets. Other species were also present in Ithaqua, normally spacers passing through. Several Talz from the ice planet Alzoc III made their home on Akuria II as well, and encouraged cooperation between the similar Talz and Akurians. The total population was said to be under 2 million.

Behind the scenes[]

The author decided to create the article after stumbling upon the canon one on Wookieepedia. He thought it was an interesting planet, but it did have very much back ground information, so he decided to expand on it on this wiki.

See also[]

Akuria II on Wookieepedia
