Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Aik Morn was a Gran Senator who became leader of the Rim Party in the immediate aftermath of the Mezzilenic War.


Morn was a vocal opponent of the tyrannical rule of Supreme Chancellor Signet Mezzileen and when Mezzileen was overthrown, Morn found himself at the head of the Rim Party which had been fragmented after years of Core Party domination. With the radicals drawn to Arf Fey'lya's Democratic Republican Party and the moderates siding with Merix Valorum's Alliance Party against Fey'lya, the party suffered heavy losses in the elections to the Senate and the Chancery. While Morn allied with Valorum and the Alliance Party to ensure he was on the ruling side of the Senate, this further fragmented the Rim Party and Morn was thrown out and replaced by the Toydarian Botto. Following this he went to join the ruling Alliance Party and became a loyal follower of Valorum's reforms.
