Ahsoka Tano was the Togruta Padawan of Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. She took part in many different missions and was captured several times. She was addicted to HoloFace, especially FarmPlanet.
Ashoka Tano was discovered by Plo Koon when she was one year old and was taken to the Jedi Temple for training. As her clan grew older, she fell behind and was sometimes picked on by Amin Ziadlu. She reached the age of 13 without finding a master and was sent into the AgriCorps.
Battle of Cathar[]
Ahsoka, surrender. We cannot land the ship, nor can we utilize air strikes against the droids. We will come and rescue you, I promise.
—Anakin before leaving Ahsoka for the Separatists
Ahsoka was one of the Jedi called out to participate in the Battle of Cathar. Whilst the other Jedi were easily overrun, the droids she was fighting were told to go easy on her as part of a trap. When the call went out for a retreat, she refused, claiming they were winning. The droids began to surround her and she was captured. She was taken to an abandoned warehouse on Mirial, where after a long and blind mission, she was rescued.
Bastila's tomb[]
Her next mission was to defend a very important stone which contained the spirit of a super tarentatek bred to destroy the Jedi nearly 4,000 years before. They went into the tomb of Jedi Grand Master Bastila Shan where after a quick insurrection and the knocking-out of both Kit Fisto and Luminara Unduli, bounty hunter Cad Bane made away with the stone. After various duels around the maze, Cad escaped the tomb with the stone, only to be ambushed by the rest of the strike team. Cad surrendered the stone and in probably the most kamikaze capturing ever, he, in around two seconds, pulled out a stun rifle, shot Ahsoka, grabbed her and activated his rocket boots, sending him flying into the sky with Ahsoka. After another daring mission, Ahsoka was rescued again. After this, she took a brief sabbatical from the order and became a duelist, winning 85,000 credits in her first duel, as she was up against various professionals. She bought a YT-1300 with the credits.
She, along with her master and Aayla Secura, was sent to Ryloth to investigate rumors that Yandle the Hutt was smuggling an illegal substance. After the entrance was noticed by a Gammorean, the intruder alarm went off and the three were captured and Ahsoka was drugged with glitteryll, which gave her amnesia. Aayla was about to be drugged with glitteryll too, but her knowledge of Force lightning distracted the guards, allowing both her and Anakin to escape. Ahsoka was rescued the next day and was taken back to the Jedi Temple, where she had frequent flashbacks and she thought that she was there. After a while, she let out a scream and began to pant. She began to have spasms and then her heart rate began to fall, but rose again when it nearly reached zero.