Star Wars Fanon

Ahsoka Tano was a Female Togruta Jedi Master during the Galactic Civil War


After the Clone Wars, when Order 66 was activated, Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano was sitting in the middle of a glade on the planet Yanibar, looking at a holo of strategies. Commander Rex (Recently promoted from Captain) received Order 66, but refused to enact it. He warned Ahsoka that her life was in danger. She took out her lightsaber, and Rex his twin pistols as they were surrounded by clones. They opened fire, and Rex paid for not listening to orders with his life. Ahsoka managed to escape using Force Cloak, and eventually made contact with the Zeison Sha. She was challenged to a duel by their leader, and if she won or tied, she could join them in their fight against the Empire. The leader opened by throwing his discblades at Ahsoka. She used her lightsaber to block, but, being made of cortosis, the discblades deactivated her lightsaber. Only through quick thinking did she use the force to reguide them when they were inches from her face. She reignited her lightsaber and charged, striking down their leader with one non-lethal blow. She was then accepted into the ranks of the Sha.

Reunion with her Master[]

—Ahsoka Tano to Darth Vader

One day, Darth Vader and Galen Marek landed on Yanibar with 5,000 troops. Ahsoka and the Zeison Sha were prepared. Over 700 discblades lanced out and killed the troops in a matter of minutes. Marek and Vader barely managed to escape. Ahsoka and three Zeison Sha warriors and two initiates headed them off. Marek and Vader dispatched one warrior and both initiates, but the other warriors killed Marek before being decapitated by Vader. Ahsoka and Vader dueled for a time, before Ahsoka recognized the fighting style. Bewildered, she called him master, and Vader's heart melted into a puddle. He disengaged his lightsaber, and the two talked. Finally, they offered each other something: Vader offered Tano a place as an Emperor's Hand, and Tano offered Vader a place among the Sha. Both declined, Tano out of morality, Vader out of fear of his master. However, Tano persuaded him to kill Palpatine when he had the chance. That promise later saved Luke Skywalker's life when Vader sacrificed himself to save Luke and kill the Emperor.

Later life[]

Tano joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic after that encounter, and eventually became a Jedi Master. She was captured and tortured by the Yuuzhan Vong, but she survived, and was later elected to the Senate. She was captured and tortured to death by Darth Caedus.
