Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Agji Futo ready to fight

Adji Futo was the mother of Jedi Master and Queen of Ryloth Auroria Tofé, and the wife of Sith Lord Count Long Fe.


Early life[]

Agji Futo was born to the King and Queen of Ryloth. She was the eldest child of the King and Queen and was next in line for the throne. Given the best of everything Agji Futo quickly became spoiled but when her mother announced she was going to be engaged at 5 years old to a high ranking boy from another clan to stop civil war she revolted and soon got her hard-headed nature. Her parents realized that she wouldn't change her mind and so called off the engagement. When a Jedi came to Ryloth seeking help, Agji was 10 years old. He noticed her and when he was talking to her parents she kept releasing a Force-Pulse tord him. It was with this that he knew that she was a Force-Sensitive. He tried talking to her parents but her Force-Pulse was distracting him. Just then assassin jumped in the window and lunged at her parents. In a split second Agji raised her hands and held him a Force grip. Her parents, the community and the Jedi Master were astonished. Later that night the Jedi talked to her parents and they came up with a decision. Agji would go tot he Jedi Temple and train to be a Jedi.

At first Agji didn't want to go because of her heir duties. But her parents promised her that if she didn't like being a Jedi she can come back and be a Princess of not Queen. This wouldn't happen however.

Becoming a Jedi[]

When Agji arrived at the temple she was immanently introduced to Master Yoda. Yoda looked at her and sensed she had a great potential. So instead of putting her in the beginners classes, he ordered her to be in the intermediate/advanced classes. This proved a great challenge for her since she had just started out. but she enjoyed challenges and learned faster then normal younglings.


Agji as a youngling

Agji was a loner she didn't like being around other kids. It wasn't until she met a youngling named Koda Mliki that she started to open up a little. Koda had a crush on Agji since she got there. Wither it was form her Twi'lek beauty or her personalty he never told anyone. Agji, however didn't like it. Since her parents tried to engage her to a boy she didn't know she resented all forms of Love and Marriage. (Later she changed her mind.)


Koda offering Agji a cookie

Early Jedi life[]


Agji as a teenager

Agji became a Jedi Padawan at a very early age, around 12–13 years old. Her master was the same Jedi that saw her for the first time many years ago. Her early life was hard. Koda Mliki had become a Padawan too and made several moves toward her. She tried to ignore him but her feelings said other wise. Being very close to the Jedi rules she reused to allow Koda to be anything other than a friend. But he wanted be more. Once when she was 17 years old and on a mission someone snuck into her tent. Koda Mliki fell to his knees and confessed his love for her. He offered her freedom and a new life. Agji asked what did he mean. He told her that he had been seeing a 'special person' a man in a dark cloak in the middle of the night on their missions. The man offered him freedom of Jedi rules and a chance to be a person he loves; her. When Agji heard this was amazed.

But when he described the man Agji knew a dark secret, the man was a Sith. She told Koda but Koda refused to listen. He grabbed her shoulders and told her that he is offering a new life. He let got and took a box out of his cloak. Inside was a ring and he proposed to her. Seeing the ring and what he was offering Agji was tempted to accept. but then she saw Koda's yellow eyes and knew that he had been temped by the Dark Side was not the Koda she knew. So she refused and ordered him out of er tent. He left but not before leaving the Ring with her, saying that if she ever needed his help to just call.

Shaken she went and told her master everything. He listened and praised her for resisting the Dark side. They trained for many years and when she was 20 years old she was knighted and became a Jedi Knight. Her first assessment as a Knight was to hunt down the Sith Lord Long Fe.

Meeting Long Fe[]

Agji started her search for Long Fe on his home Planet Anzat. She tried his family, where he used to live and other such avenues, but came up with nothing. This was at the start of the Clone War and so she had clone troops with her. After around two years, she decided to give up and go back to the temple to get another assessment. Her troops packed up but just as she was leaving she saw movement in the bushes. Sensing something she told the troops to go and to send her Star fighter back. They followed her orders and she took off into the woods. Long Fe was in the woods and had been watching her for some time. They engaged in a 'game' of Force 'side and seek' using the Force to fight one either. Then, after two hours, Long Fe used the Force to snatch away her lightsaber and then attacked her. She used her knowledge of jungles to her advantage and kept her face hidden. But then Long Fe sliced away a tree and grabbed her by her lekku. He got ready yo run her threw but stopped. For some reason he stopped and just stared into her eyes. It was a moment of 'love at first sight' for Long Fe. For Agji it was a different story. She used the Force to pull away and grab her lightsabers.

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Agji's husband

He was bout to talk to her when her troops came back and he ran off. When asked about the Count she lied and said that she lost him. Back at the Jedi Temple she was given another assignment and left. Little did she know that Long Fe was following her. Two years passed and they were hard. Long Fe visited her several times in secret and she rejected him everything. However she starts to fell an attraction tord him, stronger then what it was with Koda. He left her several gifts threw out the years. Soon she got tired and so so she desired to take a break and goes to her home planet. It was here that she made a powerful and dangerous decision. Long Fe came to her one night and proposed to her. Agji now understood why he didn't kill her many years ago. He loved her. At first she was curios to see if Long Fe was trying to tempt her to the Dark Side but unlike Koda, he wasn't. Agji accepted and six months later, they were secretly married.


Agji's wedding ring

The news[]

Four months after the wedding Agji noticed something was wrong with her body. She was eating more and eating things she normally hated, such as Munch-fungus bread, Factryn meat pie, and the like. Then the news came. When she was in a Jedi meeting she felt something move inside her. Windu asked was she paying attention and she replied she was. Windu said good because she had just been made a Jedi Master. Overjoyed she bowed to them and then left the room as fast as she could. She went to a doctor and he told her the news; she was pregnant. Worried and overjoyed at the same time Agji burst into tears. She went home and sent a message to Long Fee immanently.

Auroria Tofé[]

Never be a Jedi"
Why momma?"
That life isn't for you."
But why? I like Jedi."
You will always be temped with the Dark side. You can not be a Jedi and then turn Sith."
Yes momma.

—Agji talking to her daughter after a assassin attack.

Long Fe came as fast as he could and the royal doctor said that it was true, Agji was pregnant. At first they didn't know what to do. Agji's uncle, the present King of Ryloth suggested to keep it a secret until the birth, then find an adoptive family. Agji and Long Fe agreed and Agji tried to keep it a secret. Tat wasn't had to do, however. Yoda, Obi-wan and Windu noticed something was different about Agji when she got back from Ryloth. She had stopped wearing her normal clothing and took to wearing looser more 'traditional' Jedi clothing. She also ate more the normal. She didn't want to fight on dangerous missions, be exampled by the Jedi Temple Doctor, got more moody and so forth. When she was full term, Agji excused herself from the Temple and rushed home.

Her water broke almost the second she stepped onto Ryloth soil. It was as if the baby had waited until it was home to be born. After a hard delivery she gave birth to a baby girl, a Lethan Twi'lek girl that has Rutian bands on her lekku. Agji fell in love with her daughter the moment she saw her. Agji named her daughter Auroria,(Ah-War-REE-UH). there was a pun in her name, A -Warriora. She was called this because when she came out she fought the doctor who held her. When Auroria is a year old there is a huge celebration. Her parents rejoice but there is also a sadness. They have to return to their 'jobs' and since they've been join for a year they are greatly missed. So they have to leave but they are worried. Who will watch Auroria while they are gone. Agji's uncle steps forward and says that he'll raise her. He and his wife have fallen in love with Auroria and since they don't have any children of their own they would love to raise her. Agji and Long Fe agree and leave Auroria in their care. The years roll by and Auroria is now 5 years old. Her birth is kept a secret and she is only known as the King and Queen's adopted daughter. When Agji returns from a mission on Kiffu and brought her daughter a blue stone called Heart of Fire. It's a treasure that Auroria will keep for a long time. But dark time began to follow. An assassin was always targeting Auroria where ever she sent, on diplomatic missions, play dates with her friends etc. Agji got very worried for her daughter. So she decided to test the assassin and see how far it would go. So she brought Auroria to the Jedi temple, under the prefix of that she was her niece and in danger for some unknown reason.

When Auroria stepped foot into the temple she started sending out Force-Pulse like her mother had when she was her age. Windu and Yoda questioned Agji and then Auroria herself about her origins. But it was Auroria's red skin that kept them from connecting her to her mother. Because other than her skin, she looked just like her mother, (well really her red skin and green eyes). For the first two nights nothing happened. But on the 3rd night a person snuck into Auroria's room. She raised a blaster but Agji arrived the room as the last second and reflected it with her lightsaber.

Secura and Sing

Agji fighting Sing for her daughter's life

A fierce battle took place but Agji won and Sing ran off promising revenge. Agji grabbed Auroria and gave her a deep hug. She took Auroria home imminently and told her to never to be a Jedi. Auroria asked why, Agji told her that she has two powerful Force-powers in her. Light a Dark, they will forever be in turmoil inside her. Auroria listened. Long Fe came and spent the day with his daughter He was overjoyed in the light he saw in her. Saying she looked just like her mother. But in all this Light, Darkness soon came. Agji brought Auroria with her on her vacation, claiming that her 'parents' the King and Queen of Ryloth wanted a break. They went to a Beach Planet where they met Long Fe and they were free to be a family. One night everyone was sleeping and Auroria's lekku twitched. She woke up, rubbed her eyes and looked around. She senses something was wrong. She went to her parent's bed and woke her mother.She told Agji that she sensed something, something was wrong. Long Fe woke up and told Auroria to calm down and to get some water. Auroria obeyed her parents and then got back in her crib.

But once again something woke her and this time she saw a dark shape in the room. She blinked and it was gone. She woke her parents again and told them but they dismisses it as nothing and told her to back to sleep. She obeyed abut then the dark shape reveled itself; Koda was back. Agji stood up and demanded to know why he was here. Koda said that he has been training and am now an all powerful Sith Lord. Long Fe ordered him out of their room and Koda just sneered. He commented Agji on her choice of a husband and asked did the Jedi know. Her silence told him that they didn't. He noticed a crib next to the bed and laughed, saying that Agji must have a child and used a Force to Raise the Crib but Auroria was not in it. Auroria peaked out from behind the bed post and watched them talk. Koda demanded to know why Agji chose Long Fe.

He himself was a much better choice. Agji said that she didn't love him, he was forcing her to love him while Long Fe and she had love at first sight. Meanwhile Auroria snuck away and went to where her father kept his light saber. She ignited it by accident and Koda turned and saw Auroria. He smiled and commended Agji for having a beautiful child, but then got angry and he yelled at her how much he wanted Auroria to be his child. Long Fe heard enough and Force-Pulled his light saber away and fought Koda. Agji rushed to Auroria's side and held her close. But then Koda pulled a trick on Long Fe and threw him against a wall. Koda sneered and started walking tord Auroria to kill her. But Auroria raised her hands and force pushed him against he wall. He got angry and ran at her. In fight she mad ea fist and caught him in a Force Choke. Agji and Long Fe watched in amazement as Auroria held him. She then let go and pulled his Lightsaber away. Agji ran to her and held her close. But Koda had one more trick, he raised a blaster but Long Fe ran at him, deflected the blasts, cut the blasted in half and ran him threw. Auroria never seeing death before was shocked. She then started to cry. Long Fe and Agji hugged her as she cred her heart out. IT was soon time for bed and Agji told her to go to bed. Auroria wouldn't move and so Agji invited her into their bed. Auroria jumped in and soon fell asleep immediately.

Agji admired her child and knew that she was very powerful. It was soon time however for the time for them to return to their 'jobs'. They returned Auroria to her uncle and then left. They visited her a lot and gave her many gifts. She is mentioned a lot in her daughter's diary. The Diary of Auroria; Princess of Light and Dark

Later in life[]

After her daughter became the Queen of Ryolth Futo kept with her Jedi duties. When order 66 came she survived only by the sudden arrival of her husband. He took her to his palace where she went under the disguised as one of his many servants. But she had higher power then the other servants because she was married to him. Futo died at a grand old age of 100 years old and was able to see her many grandchildren by her daughter.

Personality and traits[]

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Agji Futo.

Agji is a Rutian Twi'lek. Rutian referred to one of the many skin tones of the Twi'lek species. Generally denoting a color somewhere between dark blue and aquamarine, of which other variations included teal and turquoise, this was among the rarest skin hues among Twi'leks, second only to the red-skinned Lethans. She has very gray eyes and she uses them to her advantage in battle. Agji is a very caring person and is known around the galaxy as "Athena." Athena is the Greek Goddess of war and wisdom. Agji has great wisdom and is often compared to Yoda as a master. Wen angered she is a horrible sight and is very deadly. Agji taught her daughter to not use her feelings in combat. She's also the one that gave Auroria her light saber once she was done training.

Agji is one of the few Jedi to break the Jedi law of marrying.

Powers and abilities[]

Agji is very strong in the Force and has been known to fight several minutes without tiring. As a young child she was raised as a Princess and taught to be regal at all time. Once she got to the Temple Agji was trained as a Jedi Guardian, leading her to focus more on her combat skills, becoming an impressively skilled fighter. She mastered the fourth form of lightsaber combat, Ataru, and had some skill in Form V, as well as being a practitioner of Jar'Kai. Agji's lightsaber skills allowed her to survive the battle of Geonosis, hold her own against General Grievous (albeit with help from several other Jedi) and overpower the skilled bounty hunter Aurra Sing in a duel.

In addition to her combat skills, Futo was very skilled in stealth and infiltration which she learned from Quinlan Vos and Tholme. Agji also has masted the famous Force cloak, which was a hard to learn ability that some masters couldn't complete. She was also known to use her beauty and Force powers to seduce people into giving information. She also used force push and force pull to great effect. Agji was also a skilled pilot. Agji's eyes have the ability to see in the dark.
