(text of the quote)
Aeloriasha was a Sith female who formerly was a Jedi.
(note:I will come back and edit this article all the way.)
She was born in the end of 'After 'after the War On Terror' but then experienced all eras after it, including the Golden Age and Silver Age due to her lengthened genes. She was a practitioner of Sith Sorcery and Dark Arts Force. As a Courscanti female, she grew up around rich parents and was particularly spoiled as a kid. When she was an infant, she had a high midichlorian count, and when she went to schools, she was a fast learner.
Infant years:[]
When she was a baby, she hardly cried. Her parents thought there was something wrong with her, but she grew up into a good kid. In those years, she showed herself to be highly sensitive to the force and gifted. She could build (actual) towers with building blocks, or other blocks.
Kid years:[]
As a kid, she quite enjoyed school and had a love for learning though wasn't musically inclined or artistically such. She had made straight A's, and as said, was a fast learner. Everything didn't go so great as she was bullied for being a nerd. Then, her parents decided to make her a Jedi one day. Which, when 'Ael looks back on it, she thinks that was a very awful decision. As a kid, she hated being a Jedi and had obviously out-shown them though the Council didn't notice her abilities in the force. Her days as a Jedi flashed by in her point-of-view and later, she climbed the ranks, working very hard although she had hated every Jedi there from the Padawans to the Councilors. She became a Jedi Knight, as they had finally noticed her skills though it was too late because when she turned Ten, she betrayed the Order.
Teenage years:[]
She had went back into secular things, having a distaste for anything Force-related until age Sixteen. She had joined the Sith when she wandered around and an Old man took her and brought her to a Sith Academy. He told her everything about the Sith. She decided to become a member of the sect and had told her parents who didn't care if she was Jedi or Sith and still loved her very much. Her Overseer liked her as a Sith Hopeful and she had became a Sith Acolyte in a few months. She had to do many Sith tests, and overtime, found a master who favored her. Her female master had wanted her to kill her old Overseer, which she didn't want to do as she liked him and the two had gotten along. She regretfully killed him, which started her hatred for her master. Her master knew she hated her, so she gave Aeloriasha lots of presents to try to win her back which succeeded and she had forgotten about her Overseer.
Juggling Sith and Secular things:[]
This was very hard for her, as she really cared about her education though was very curious about the Order. She had to control her curiosity until she wasn't in school any more, and had graduated. She strictly stayed away from the Sith, and had tried to inform her master of this, who understood and said "Knowledge is Power, good luck apprentice."
In her spare time, she visited museums and learned more about the culture and history, or also checking up on her parents.